What is your favorite (Original) Twilight Zone episode? (Page 1/2)
cvxjet JUL 03, 05:10 PM
This is about the original series which ran from 1959 to 1964. There are 156 episodes. I like a number of them; "To Serve Man" is one of the best, along with "Time enough at last", "The Invaders", "It's a Good Life", and "Eye of the Beholder".

But my favorite episode doesn't usually make it onto "Best Twilight Zone episodes" lists; "Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up"...What I really like about this episode is that you think you have the "Serling twist" at the end and then it gets you a second time.

I bet there were a number of people watching this episode that turned it off early "I know the ending" or even "I could see that ending coming- big deal" and missed the real ending.

By the way, for those who don't know, when the original "Planet of the Apes" movie was being scripted, they ran into a problem with the ending- the book had Taylor flying back to EARTH and then discovering that the same thing had happened on Earth...this would have required a lot of time, so they brought in Rod Serling and he came up with the "Statue of Liberty" ending.

State your favorite episode and why....
ls3mach JUL 03, 05:12 PM
The book one probably. This is significantly before my time. I'm sure I've seen them all through the years, but that one sticks out.
Sage JUL 03, 06:44 PM
I like all the episodes you listed with "To Serve Man" probably being at number one among that list....but another that's always been a favorite of mine is "The Hunt". Epic IMHO.
williegoat JUL 03, 07:11 PM
"To Serve Man" is probably my favorite, but I will never forget "The After Hours". I was five years old when it first aired and it literally gave me nightmares. I was afraid of department store mannequins for a long time.

cvxjet JUL 03, 09:23 PM
Willie...two things; A) That is a good episode and the main star (Anne Francis) was in one of the best SciFi movies ever (Forbidden Planet)

B) The Scaring me at a young age thing; I watched a movie (X the Unknown) that scared me badly- from ages 6 to 12 I had to close the closet doors and PILE stuff against them to sleep- after 12 I did not have to do this...But when I was 29 (1989) we had the Loma Prieta earthquake- that night I was trying to get to sleep- I looked over and noticed the closet doors were open...after some tossing and turning I finally got up and closed them (I did not pile stuff in front of them) Luckily, after a couple of days this subsided.

The other affect that movie had on me (But I did not realize it until maybe 2010 when I could watch a DVD of it)- is that I have NEVER liked deciduous forests. In the movie a couple of kids are out at night, one the cool "Bully" kid and one wanting to "Be cool"....He has to do a "Dare"...the bully-kid asks him "Are you scared?" "No!"...so he goes to do the dare (Thru a deciduous forest)- suddenly he hears and sees something- and becomes scared- running back the way he came. The bully kid, "Wille- what's wrong? Willie-Willie?.....WAIT for me, Willie!!!" and runs after Willie.

The movie is pretty good- but that one scene should be in every film school- perfect example of human nature- and those two kids should have got awards for how well they did the scene.

[This message has been edited by cvxjet (edited 07-03-2022).]

fierofool JUL 03, 10:40 PM
One episode I will always remember is the one you list as "Eye Of The Beholder". I think that's the title of it.

Anyway, it's about a woman who had undergone the final (nothing else could be done, or it was all that was allowed) of multiple operations to correct her facial deformities. When the bandages had been removed all the doctors in the room expressed sadness and grief that the operations were a failure. Then the scene moved to the woman and she was beautiful by today's standards. Back to the doctors and nurses as they removed their masks, and they were what we would consider having serious facial deformities.
Notorio JUL 04, 12:19 AM
I was going to say 'The Man Who Was Never Born' but it turns out that was an Outer Limits episode, and I have always confused the two series.

But this reminded me of my favorite Manhattan Transfer song ...

Patrick JUL 04, 04:13 AM

Originally posted by Notorio:

But this reminded me of my favorite Manhattan Transfer song...

I couldn't tell ya off the top of my head what my favorite Twilight Zone episode is, but I can say that Golden Earring kicks the ass of Manhattan Transfer.

Wichita JUL 04, 10:14 AM
The OG Twilight Zone was great. But one episode I found disturbing was, 'Nick of Time' with William Shatner.
maryjane JUL 04, 10:48 AM

Another, from the same era but was The Outer Limits, was Cry of Silence/ When tumbleweeds attack.

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 07-04-2022).]