Why did I want one ? (Page 1/1)
MidEngineManiac JUL 15, 09:02 PM
I dunno....but I guarantee I can screw in 380 different positions !!!


I really got to get a life. A simple offset driver would have done the job.

82-T/A [At Work] JUL 16, 11:00 AM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:

I dunno....but I guarantee I can screw in 380 different positions !!!


I really got to get a life. A simple offset driver would have done the job.

I got ya MEM... sometimes we just have to spend money to have fun. The most responsible thing is to save, and use the money towards things that enrich our lives... and not just "objects and stuff."

Last night, I was being retarded, and I bought a bunch of computer stuff that I really have no need for...

Like this, what the heck is this? How am I even supposed to use this thing. it says it runs CPM, awesome... I don't even own any CPM software anymore. I don't even know what I would do with it:

V20-mbc 8080 8088 full hardware version built and tested, runs cp/m-80 cp/m-86 | eBay

And then this... what the heck am I going to upgrade? Why do I need a 5Mhz NEC V20 upgrade chip? In what world is a 5Mhz chip an upgrade? I don't know why I bought this:

Vintage Exec-PC 'PC Speedup' V20 5 Mhz 8088 Upgrade Kit Unused | eBay

This one is cool though, it's a guy from MMC computers who designs and builds BRAND NEW 8088 motherboards and daughter-cards. He designed an 8088 backplane that makes use of an ATX form factor, and then the 8088 (NEC V20 also) sits on a half-height ISA board, along with a ram board that's also an ISA board:

8088 Motherboard, 8088-2 processor, 8 MHz, 640k RAM, PC XT compatible | eBay

It's a huge waste. All of that could have fed 6 kids in Africa for three months, or it could have gone towards a 529 College Education account, or I could have used it to pay down principle on a mortgage. But instead, I bought a bunch of crap.