Its starting to shape up (Page 1/1)
MidEngineManiac JUL 20, 12:21 PM
Almost 7 feet long. Next step is a compression brace between the rear seat-post and the front frame. It'll go across the old side-pull brake mounts then back to the post.
16" back wheel and 26 front.

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 07-20-2022).]

TheDigitalAlchemist JUL 20, 12:40 PM

What will it look like when its done?

(is it a certain style/does it have a name?)
MidEngineManiac JUL 20, 01:00 PM
Motorcycle would be called a chopper. Electric ? Meh, they are too new, its still a free-for-all style wise.

Something along the lines of this, but lots longer and lower.

Still gotta do the final design touches and print the parts, but peddle will both be 45-degree down and forward. Spring back to the frame and a folding lock so they work on a spring-return pump-action, but in reality I dont peddle. They are footrests and retain the peddle-function just to keep the cops off my azz.

Controller box is printed just needs assembly and sanding. Standard motorcycle-style tank with a screaming skull in the front.

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 07-20-2022).]

MidEngineManiac JUL 22, 12:33 PM
Some guys on my bike groups have been bugging for details, so I started the blog in a diary format. (yes, it's Amazon links too. Gotta make a few bucks somehow. Buy something !!!! ).

If anybody here wants to follow along here it is.
ls3mach JUL 22, 01:21 PM
What in the actual backyard hell are you assembling? 7'?
MidEngineManiac JUL 22, 01:39 PM
Something that doesn't exist in the world (yet).

Think "West Coast Choppers" crashed into "Trek Bikes", had unlawful carnal knowledge and produced a ......something.

For the long-term trick (gonna take a LOT of searching to find the right parts)....

This will be powered by a 36V 450W mid-drive to the rear wheel. Now what happens if i swap out the front wheel for a 3 or 5,000 watt hub motor, BUT run that as a generator instead ? Feeding the batteries

About as close to unlimited range as you are gonna find on an EV right now.

Not neck-snapping fast at first but that'll come.

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 07-22-2022).]

Valkrie9 AUG 16, 08:04 AM

Where it would lead is the future, 500K sold around the world, timed perfectly.
The probability of a breakthrough in battery capacity is quite high, motor innovations too.
Consider the ramifications of a magnitude lighter energy source, the power to weight ratio more advantageous than the ICE.
Changing the world.

MidEngineManiac AUG 16, 09:37 AM
Loads of really nice electric motorcycles out there, but they still need licence and insurance (good luck on finding that last one). And they are still heavy (200+ pounds). Most of the ones you see on the road from ebike dealers are built on ICE motorcycle frames, then peddles are slapped on and the controller power-restricted to keep it legal.

Range is still the main problem. Only way around that is more batteries which is more weight which in turn cuts down the range. Regen braking helps extend it, some guys use solar chargers (not much good for range but does free ya from the grid) or a second motor run as a generator which gets expensive and complicated.

Problem I see a lot on the forums with the home-built conversions is a lot of bicycle frames aren't built to handle the speeds and torque involved in a conversion and they dont last long before breaking without some beefing up. Cruisers or older steel-frame MTB's seem to do OK, it's the newer aluminum-lightweight ones giving problems.

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 08-16-2022).]