Prusa 3D printed VR headsets (Page 1/1)
MidEngineManiac SEP 20, 12:02 PM
Open source. Coming in 2023.
TheDigitalAlchemist SEP 20, 01:27 PM
Neat! Hope the lenses won’t cost too much.
jmbishop SEP 20, 03:54 PM
If they are anything like what's pictured in the link, probably not expensive at all. But I'm sure there will be many different versions/improvements that use different lenses.

The hardware is what I'd be more concerned about as far as price goes, it seems most vr headsets with big budgets struggle with suitable screens/resolution.
Jake_Dragon SEP 20, 08:51 PM
All they need to do is sell a kit to repurpose the old Oculus Rift head sets everyone is going to stop using now that FaceBook took them over.
I have one sitting in the box that I will probably throw away one day unless someone finally gets the open source to work.