Re: Gratitude (Page 1/1)
TheDigitalAlchemist NOV 09, 09:45 PM
Awhile ago, a guy invented 'something useful'. Patented it, and "sold it to industry".

Several companies manufactured various versions of it and are currently selling the 'useful somethings'.
(a "Powertool" which retails at 99 dollars.)

Guy donated 50 of them to a contest we had entered.

We received ours.

Came with a touching/encouraging note.

the note Included his [social media] account in it.

We DMed him and thanked him for the item. Elaborated a little on how we would use it in the spring.
A few months later. I pinged the guy, was curious if anyone else reached out to him regarding the item.


I had a feeling that would be the case...

I am posting this here because I believe this is seriously messed up, and I think MAYBE some of you can understand where I'm "coming from".

Something's seriously broken/worn down or something. The other 49 people probably aren't "unappreciative" of the item... but what the hell?!? Not ONE other person pinged him? These are adults.
Can't tell the guy "Thanks"? Even if they just shelved it, or aren't going to use it, you can't take three minutes and thank the guy?

It wasn't the size of a tootsie pop. It arrived in a large box. Is about the size of a chainsaw. Wasn't even the "goal" of the contest, it was just a nice, unexpected bonus.

I just don't 'get it'. or maybe I do "get it", I just don't WANT to 'get it'.

Humanity is frustrating to me sometimes. And that's mostly because I expect too much from it. I'm not coming at this like I'm above it, I'm not "superior to 'it'" I have tons of flaws. but come on...




I DO try to remind myself regularly that nothing really matters, and my brain keeps fighting the urge to beckon my pointer finger to navigate over to and mash on that "Buy it now" button on that new VR helmet with the "PermaDeath" feature....But people who get 'hard' watching birds with broken wings flopping around and snakes eating stuff are kinda twisted, IMO...

But yeah, Gratitude... I experience it at my job, but I feel bad when I see "good folks" NOT receive it...

This particular day was only 24 hours, but it SURE felt longer....

Time for bed.
Patrick NOV 09, 11:10 PM

Originally posted by TheDigitalAlchemist:

Can't tell the guy "Thanks"?

Unfortunately, I see this all the time... right here at PFF, in the tech areas. Somebody (usually new) will post about their particular Fiero issue, several helpful PFF members will take the time and effort to offer their educated opinion (sometimes at great length)... and then... nothing.

However, I think what bothers me even more than the people who simply disappear after asking a question, are the ones who return to ask question after question... without a single word of appreciation being mentioned. There was one guy in particular several years ago who had been doing this, time and time again. I finally called him out on it. I posted and listed links to all the threads he had started, and then had abandoned after being told what he needed to know. That sense of entitlement really pisses me off.