The Earth evidently moved in SW Texas & was felt in South & West Central Texas today. (Page 1/1)
maryjane NOV 16, 10:12 PM
Nothing major.
5.4 with some aftershocks. Supposedly could be felt here, San Antonio and SW of Ft Worth. I was driving most of the afternoon so felt nothing.
I've felt them in Japan, S Korea and Cuba so it's really not something I feel I missed.
blackrams NOV 17, 06:27 AM
First I've heard (or read) of this.

Now I know where's things are shaken and baken.
Or, would that only be applicable in the summer?


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 11-17-2022).]

cliffw NOV 17, 07:37 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:
5.4 with some aftershocks. Supposedly could be felt here, San Antonio and SW of Ft Worth.

That was my wife, having an orgasm, .

[This message has been edited by cliffw (edited 11-17-2022).]

cvxjet NOV 17, 01:20 PM
Cliff- Warn us next time!

Back in '89 we had the Loma Prieta EQ; I had taken a shower and was toweling off watching the TV (About the Shuttle launch, just before the WS game)...Towel going back-&-forth, and then the whole dang building was going back-&-forth! Behind me was a closet with bi-fold doors, and up on the upper shelf was a stack of 30 paperbacks- they started falling, opening the doors, then started hitting me one-by-one on the back of the head.

My neighbor was yelling at me to come out and stand in the doorway- but I tweren't wearing anything- finally wrapped the towel around my waist and opened the door- and the shaking stopped; Immediately Sarah yelled "lets go downstairs and outside!" and took off- I decided to take a minute to put some clothes on.

What was really interesting was; When I was 6-7 I watched a movie- "X the Unknown", about radioactive living mud melting people (It actually is well done) and it scared the crap out of me- from then up until I was 12, I had to close the closet and pile stuff in front of the closet door before trying to sleep!

After the 89 quake, I was laying there trying to get to sleep, and realized the closet was open, after rolling around a bit, I finally got up and closed it- this situation only lasted approx' 3-4 days before I got over it. Talked to a friend (Psych major) and told her my theory; We have highs and lows on our "Fear graph", and when something traumatic hits us, it lowers our tolerance level so those fears can re-affect us....She thought that was a very good analogy...
Raydar NOV 18, 02:36 PM
Had a 2.3, in the early morning hours. Just west of Macon (middle GA.)
Nothing like a 5.4, but still...

[This message has been edited by Raydar (edited 11-18-2022).]

cvxjet NOV 18, 03:33 PM
I think I may have posted this before; When I worked at the Coast Guard air station, I would do a little presentation on EQ safety....But I noticed that quite a few Coasties were ignoring me...I talked to one of them a few days later- "I'm transferring away from CA so I don't have to worry about earthquakes anymore"

So the next time I did the presentation, I led off with "Does anyone know what the "Big One" was before the 1906 SF earthquake?" They were all looking puzzled...the answer; Charlotte, South Carolina! It was very similar to the 1906 SF quake- mid 7 magnitude that did a lot of damage, and then a big fire that (Basically) burned the city to the ground.

Next, I would ask "Where were the three biggest earthquakes in the continental United States located?" The answer; New Madrid Missouri...They had HUNDREDS of EQs (One of the biggest swarms ever) and had 3 major ones (7.9-8.1)

All of the Coasties would sit up and pay attention after that. A couple of them later came in AMO for parts and stated to me "I looked it up and you are right- I didn't know that the rest of the US could have earthquakes- especially big ones!"

Everybody should be prepared for earthquakes- and fires and really bad weather. My EQ safety tips were mainly, "Where do you spend the most time in your home?" The answer is in your BED- you run all over the house depending on the day, but every night you spend (approx') 8 hrs in bed>>>>Barefoot...So have some footwear close by and try to eliminate glass and other breakables so you do not have to walk on broken glass getting clear of your house. Also, I keep an emergency flashlight under the bed.
blackrams NOV 19, 08:05 AM

Originally posted by cvxjet:

Everybody should be prepared for earthquakes- and fires and really bad weather. My EQ safety tips were mainly, "Where do you spend the most time in your home?" The answer is in your BED- you run all over the house depending on the day, but every night you spend (approx') 8 hrs in bed>>>>Barefoot...So have some footwear close by and try to eliminate glass and other breakables so you do not have to walk on broken glass getting clear of your house. Also, I keep an emergency flashlight under the bed.

Not to suggest anything you've stated is incorrect but, you leave out something very important. Frequency of the occurrence. Correct me if I'm wrong but, certain parts of the US and world are much more prone to the earth shifting beneath them.

If I'm going to keep anything near my bed, that flashlight is a good idea, it'll be right next to my S&W 9mm. Shoes, maybe during cooler temps but, that's due to the greater potential risks in my area. If, I lived in SF, I've have more than a hammer by my bed.

maryjane NOV 19, 08:28 AM
One word.


blackrams NOV 19, 08:35 AM
Graboids? Been too long since I've seen one. I hear they are very tasty fried.


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 11-19-2022).]

cvxjet NOV 19, 01:08 PM
Really enjoy the first four movies- and the TV series, which was an extension of the third movie. Don't waste your time with Tremors 5-7. If you haven't seen it, the fourth movie takes place in the old west when the town was called "Rejection" and Michael Gross plays Burt Gummer's great-grandfather; He is from the east and has NEVER touched a gun...Later, he adapts and brings a wagonload of guns to help eliminate the graboids- Including a PUNT gun! Probably the best of the sequels.

Back in 2013 I had shown my GF Tremors 1-3...We were boat camping and there was something that was burrowing under the ground in our campground- we joked about "Graboids"....She went up to the restroom- while she was occupied, I flipped my chair, created a mound and placed my hat on the mound (Tremors 1- Old Fred scene) and when she came out she saw it and told my dog, "Oh no! Eric must have been eaten...well, I guess the boat is mine now!"

[This message has been edited by cvxjet (edited 11-19-2022).]