I Am Not Good Enough For My Wife (Page 1/1)
cliffw NOV 20, 12:49 PM
She asked me to help her clean the house. She is good enough for me to help, besides it helps me too.

She wanted me to vacuum. I know what a vacuum looks likes. So, I thought I was vacuuming. It wasn't good enough, for her.

I didn't vacuum behind a door which has no foot travel. I got scolded. I told her no dirt gets there. She told me 'dust' does. !

So, being as puzzy whipped as I am, I did it. Evidently, not good enough. She says I vacuum with a bad attitude.

Now, I am not allowed to use the vacuum. Added to the other women stuff.

Now, I can not use the vacuum, the stove, the dishwasher, the washer, the dryer.

What am I doing wrong ? Don't answer that. What am I doing right, ?

She has never failed to bring home cooked meals to my chin.
steve308 NOV 20, 09:10 PM
You are doing everything correctly.
Zeb NOV 22, 09:54 AM
It's called "Weaponized Incompetence", Cliff. I'm "So Bad" at some tasks that I'm never allowed to touch them ever again. Sorry, babe, you're just so much better than I am at them.

And you've mastered doing it in Stealth Mode! The look of disappointment and shame on your face when she dresses you down and shoos you out of the laundry room or kitchen took decades to perfect. I tip my hat to the Master.
MidEngineManiac NOV 22, 01:19 PM
So THATS what I've been doing wrong...

I can tell ya 1st-hand saying "If you dont like the way I am doing it, do it your effin self" does NOT lead to a nice hot dinner served with a smile....
Notorio NOV 23, 08:24 PM
There was an Everybody Loves Raymond episode in which R. employed this strategic incompetence to get waved off of all future bed-making chores (until Debra figured out what was really going on.) I think in the same episode Robert followed his example for making wedding invitations. The whole adventure was pretty hilarious
TheDigitalAlchemist NOV 24, 12:41 AM

Originally posted by Notorio:

There was an Everybody Loves Raymond episode in which R. employed this strategic incompetence to get waved off of all future bed-making chores (until Debra figured out what was really going on.) I think in the same episode Robert followed his example for making wedding invitations. The whole adventure was pretty hilarious

I kinda figured that was the inspiration for this post...

That show was so good.


Notorio NOV 24, 03:42 PM

Originally posted by TheDigitalAlchemist:

I kinda figured that was the inspiration for this post...

That show was so good.


For those of you who haven't seen that ...