Are we currently exisitng in a 'minor' timeline? (Page 1/2)
TheDigitalAlchemist NOV 25, 03:24 AM
Wonder if there's a way to snap us back to a 'better

Maybe try this (all two of you) - Try to notice when it's 6 o'clock tomorrow. Set an alarm on your iPhone, even. 6 pm.

Don't need to do ANYTHING else. just notice when the clock approaches 6 pm in your respective timezone.

Raydar NOV 25, 05:56 AM
Set for 6 PM today. Sup wif dat?
MidEngineManiac NOV 25, 06:01 AM
Set mine too. 5:59.

Izzat when Nibaru becomes visible and we can finally get this apocalypse show going ? I been waiting 20 years since Art Bell talked about it !!!!
maryjane NOV 25, 07:27 AM
I set my wind up alarm for 6pm yesterday. Today, I'll have to go back and see if it rings off tomorrow.
Zeb NOV 25, 01:03 PM
I dunno, TDA. My personal timeline has been, considering the current state of the world, pretty good this last year. You're telling me it can get better?

Okay, you're the alchemist. 6 PM, November 25th, 2022.
williegoat NOV 25, 01:13 PM
I will listen to Django at 6pm and see if we can cause a Minor Swing!
What if we end up in 1937?

[This message has been edited by williegoat (edited 11-25-2022).]

Valkrie9 NOV 25, 02:34 PM

Emmett Brown, experimenting in 2022.

' Keep your eye on the clocks. '

Valkrie9 NOV 25, 04:43 PM

'65 Lady In The Bottle
'64 Brass Bottle
Time travel.
Oops !
Sent you to Persia, 550 BCE.
There you will happily toil your life fetching water from the Euphrates River.
MidEngineManiac NOV 25, 06:00 PM

It's 6.

Now what ?

(apart from another spam e-mail precisely at 6:00)

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 11-25-2022).]

Raydar NOV 25, 06:00 PM
Okay... It's 6 PM.