Hey, whatever happened to that prototype thing I printed for ''that guy''? (Page 1/1)
TheDigitalAlchemist NOV 28, 01:38 AM
The thing that involved beer and snow and some 3d printing and the "prototype stuff". Did that ever go anywhere? It was a neat idea. I forget who I printed that thing for...
ps- ever see that bicycle seat that split towards the rear that helps prevent Incontinence(veins aren't being compressed? I made that thing back in the 90's (or earlier?). TOTALLY botched the patenting. 15 grand to secure the full patent(art, legal fees, etc.). I didn/t have that kind of cash as a teenager...*shrugs*

Also made a protective, illuminated case for the early Blackberry models (the keys and screen didn't light up back then) . Met with some investors who offered 50k + other stuff (for some other things I was working on) It was about a week before 9/11. It all fell apart, and I never really went into that stuff after that.

but I wonder about the beer thing I printed out for "that guy."

(apologies for not remembering the name, my memory is decently faulty.)
maryjane NOV 28, 12:23 PM
Dunno about any of that, but I still have a little skull and a couple of other objets d'art you and your son did for me.
TheDigitalAlchemist NOV 28, 01:23 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

Dunno about any of that, but I still have a little skull and a couple of other objets d'art you and your son did for me.

Awww man... that seriously warmed my heart so much. Honestly forgot about that. But I remember it now. The fact that YOU remembered. That's really swell.
He just took his first 'parking lot test drive' in his Fiero yesterday, and that was a GOOD day.
The thing we printed for the guy "creatively kept beer cold".