The 'End' may already be coming our way. So says a guy I've seen on TV. (Page 1/1)
rinselberg DEC 17, 03:05 PM
The guy is Paul M. Sutter. I didn't recognize his name, but when I looked it up, I already knew the face. He garnered a PhD in Physics (2011) from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, certainly no mean feat.

In this fairly short essay in Astronomy, Dr Sutter says that our universe is kind of hanging on a knife's edge between persisting indefinitely (in human terms), or coming apart at the seams. The disintegration may already have started in some far away part of the universe, in which case there's a bubble of "bad" that's expanding at the speed of light. We wouldn't know about it before the boundary of this ever-expanding bubble reaches us, and when it does reach us, we would likely all disintegrate instantaneously (for all practical purposes) and so no one would even have time to register it as their last conscious thought.

According to Sutter's description, it all hangs on four factors: the mass of the Higgs boson, the mass of the Top Quark, the Electromagnetic Force and the Weak Nuclear Force.

I've seen this described before. The Great Unravelling.

"The universe may be more unstable than you think"

The cosmos is considered metastable, which means there is a chance it could fall apart—or it already has.

Paul M. Sutter for Astronomy; December 16, 2022.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 12-18-2022).]

williegoat DEC 17, 04:11 PM
Great! Now Greta's got something new to worry about.

olejoedad DEC 17, 06:24 PM
I will think the Progressive Left in American politics poses a more immediate threat.
cliffw DEC 17, 09:22 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:
The 'End' may already be coming our way. So says a guy I've seen on TV.

Oh, that guy, .

He has been seen on many street corners since and before TV. I know that guy. He carries a sign that says "The End Is Near" .
cvxjet DEC 17, 09:52 PM
No-no-NO! Cliff...It is properly written as "The End is Nigh"........."Sigh....."
maryjane DEC 17, 10:32 PM