our new dog for a day and the cat that nearly died... (Page 1/2)
maryjane JAN 08, 02:39 AM
If I told this already, please excuse..

cats..We have one, and a dog.They've been together since both were young and get along great. The dog is a bit lonely tho, having to stay confined in the backyard here in subdivision world , so wife started looking for another dog for ours to have a companion. Someone she met had one to give away and wife thought it would work out even tho her friend told her "he likes to kill chickens and chase cats" but told wife she could "bring him back if he doesn't work out". Here he is. Full grown 1/2 pitbull/1/2 blue heeler'. Nice friendly dog to us people, and our dog got along with him well the afternoon she brought him home. Trouble was brewing tho..

I told wife the dog probably would not get along with the cat, since he was full grown. Told her 'maybe if he was a puppy and raised with the cat but it's hard to break a pit or heeler from their cat hatred, and sure not a full grown cross of the 2 breeds. Her:
"Oh it will be fine. I'll just hold the cat and introduce her to him and he'll know the cat is off limits".

Me, sitting on a bench on the back porch:
"Sure, if you say so babe:...
She let the dog off it's leash, (her 1st mistake) then went to the corner of the yard where the cat was hiding, picked her up and brought it up on the back porch and kinda held the cat out a bit and started to say something to the new dog when all hell broke loose. The dog's ears went forward, all in the blink of an eye, let out 2-3 barks/growls,nand in one leap, jumped up on my wife as the cat started squalling, clambered up wife's chest, face and head, snarling and screaming with the dog trying basically to murder the cat while it was perched up on wife's head, hissing and scratching, claws embedded in wife's face and scalp.
Almost knocked wife down and finally the poor cat jumped from wife's head up on to the pergola we have back there, and from there, on up to the roof of the house where it sat, hissing and obviously mad that wife had offered it up as a morsel to a dangerous breed of dog. .Astonished & bleeding wife looked at me still sitting on the bench and all I did was shrug and say was "Toldja".

Wife finally said, after wiping the blood off her face, arm and head "I guess I better take him back.."
Me:"Ya think?"
She gave me dirty look (don't laff, ya'll have all seen that look once or twice too) and went in to change clothes and took the killer dog back to raise hell and rampage thru someone else's cats and poultry.

Kitty finally came down from the roof later that night and came cuddling up in my lap but it took several weeks before it would trust and go near my wife again. Can't blame it.

We're still looking for a companion that gets along with both of our only current 2 heads of livestock.

blackrams JAN 08, 04:40 AM
I'd offer Bowser up but, I'm afraid you'd have to take the cat also and my wife wouldn't be happy about the cat leaving.

Actually, I wouldn't send Bowser down the road but, there are days, I'm tempted.

176 lbs of BFF. That would be whoever fed him last.

Patrick JAN 08, 04:55 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:

Me, sitting on a bench on the back porch:

...and all I did was shrug and say was "Toldja".

Ya could've at least shot some video with your phone! lol
maryjane JAN 08, 07:19 AM
i use a 3 year old flip phone. takes grainy pics but no video
hammer JAN 08, 01:30 PM
Wow, your wife could my wife's twin....my wife likes to listen almost as well as yours when it comes to pets...
MidEngineManiac JAN 08, 03:35 PM
Sounds like here...

We started with one cat a year ago. Needed a mouser at the last place, so OK. ONE !! We already had dogs.

Within a few weeks it became "Sammy is lonely"....So enter Jinxie.

A while back Sammy got out, nothing unusual, but didnt come back for 2 weeks. A neighbor told Kim they had seen an all-black cat dead on the road.

Tears are flowing, and now it's "Jinxie will be lonely"


Enter Joey.

A week later, Sammy comes back. KNOCKED UP....HUH ? I thought you got her fixed when you went to your sisters for a week ?

So, now I got a Sammy, a Jinx, a Joey and 3 little 5-week-old fluff-balls learning to walk ALL trying to trip and kill me every time I try to walk down the hallway.

50 bucks says when it's adoption time, those 3 wont be finding new homes. I will if I try to argue about it.

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 01-08-2023).]

hammer JAN 08, 04:06 PM
Well at least I'm lucky there...My wife is allergic to cats and the dogs we have are actually pretty decent mousers!
Patrick JAN 08, 04:19 PM

Originally posted by hammer:

My wife is allergic to cats...

I've been highly allergic to cats ever since childhood. Couldn't enter a room where a cat had spent any time in without getting all wheezy and choked up. And then sometime in my early 60's, a miracle... my severe allergies to cats completely disappeared. I now own a cat. [EDIT] A cat now owns me.

[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 01-08-2023).]

blackrams JAN 08, 08:59 PM
Was reared on a farm/ranch, always had cats out at the barn or around the shop. The trick is to feed them just enough that they hang around. A hungry cat is a true predator for mice, rats, moles and several other edible species.

maryjane JAN 09, 09:37 AM

Originally posted by blackrams:

Was reared on a farm/ranch, always had cats out at the barn or around the shop. The trick is to feed them just enough that they hang around. A hungry cat is a true predator for mice, rats, moles and several other edible species.


Not always true.
It's engrained in their dna, "with the blood of a million savage years on" * their claws. My cat has a bulk feeder that always has hi $$ food in it and gets fish tasting treats every day, but she spends every night hunting the neighborhood and at least once a week, brings a dead mouse, bird, baby squirrel, or lizard to the back door for us.

* extra points if you know where that line came from and even more points if you heard it when originally appeared..