Big Bang Arm Wrestling (with Aliens) (Page 1/1)
TheDigitalAlchemist FEB 06, 12:33 AM
Scene: The living room of Sheldon and Leonard's apartment. The cast of "The Big Bang Theory" is gathered around the coffee table, while the Terminator, the Alien from "Aliens", and the Predator look on from the couch.

Sheldon: (excitedly) Gentlemen, I propose a challenge. We shall arm-wrestle each of these formidable opponents to determine the ultimate champion of strength.

Leonard: (skeptically) Sheldon, I don't think that's a good idea. These guys are from different worlds and have different levels of strength.

Sheldon: Nonsense! The rules of arm-wrestling know no boundaries. (He approaches the Terminator) I will take on the first challenger.

The Terminator rises from the couch, looking emotionless as ever. Sheldon takes his place at the coffee table, grasping the edge tightly.

Raj: (whispering to Howard) I don't think Sheldon knows what he's gotten himself into.

Howard: (whispering back) Yeah, the Terminator is a killing machine.

The ref counts down, "Three, two, one, go!"

The two engage in a fierce arm-wrestling match, with Sheldon putting up a decent fight. However, it's no match for the Terminator, who easily pins Sheldon's arm to the table.

Sheldon: (disappointed) I stand corrected. The Terminator is indeed the strongest of them all.

Penny: (excitedly) I want to take on the Alien!

The Alien from "Aliens" rises from the couch, looking menacing as ever. Penny takes her place at the coffee table, determined to win.

Raj: (whispering to Howard) Penny's got this, she's tough.

Howard: (whispering back) Yeah, but the Alien is a killing machine.

The ref counts down, "Three, two, one, go!"

The two engage in a fierce arm-wrestling match, with Penny putting up a decent fight. However, it's no match for the Alien, who easily pins Penny's arm to the table.

Penny: (disappointed) Okay, that was intense.

Finally, the Predator rises from the couch, looking confident as ever. Howard takes his place at the coffee table, ready to face his final opponent.

Raj: (whispering to Sheldon) Howard's got this, he's tough.

Sheldon: (whispering back) Yeah, but the Predator is a killing machine.

The ref counts down, "Three, two, one, go!"

The two engage in a fierce arm-wrestling match, with Howard putting up a decent fight. However, it's no match for the Predator, who easily pins Howard's arm to the table.

Raj: (disappointed) Well, I guess we're not the strongest ones in the room.

The cast of "The Big Bang Theory" looks dejected, but they all rise from the coffee table and shake hands with their opponents. Despite the loss, they all agree that it was a fun and memorable experience.

Sheldon: (smiling) Gentlemen, I must admit, it was an honor to arm-wrestle with such legendary champions of strength.

The Terminator, Alien, and Predator nod in agreement, and the scene ends with everyone enjoying a good laugh together.

(another AI gem.)

maryjane FEB 06, 09:06 AM

Scene: The living room of Sheldon and Leonard's apartment. The cast of "The Big Bang Theory" is gathered around the coffee table, while the Terminator, the Alien from "Aliens", and the Predator look on from the couch.

We know this is BS because the first thing that would happen is Sheldon would make one of them move from 'his spot' on the couch.........