East Palestine toxic fallout (Page 1/1)
MidEngineManiac FEB 15, 10:21 PM
looks like Toronto-east are screwed.

https://twitter.com/Falconr...uctions.com%2Fforum1 %2Fmessage5361647%2Fpg1
Notorio FEB 21, 07:51 PM
Here is a link to NOAA's website explaining the Hysplit modeling method: Click Here

Not sure what to make of not finding anything about the East Palestine event model shown in the image or the deleted content/locked threads on Reddit, etc.
Valkrie9 FEB 22, 09:15 AM

The Mississauga Train Derailment '79.
The anhydrous chlorine tanker explosion would have created a phosgene gas cloud, like those used in WW1 trenches.
So, like, it happened before.
This is where the train caught fire.
The photo above shows the tracks curving to the right, away from the telephoto camera, more than a mile east of the propane tanks on fire.
On the right, you can see the water being pumped onto the chlorine tanker from the north, the prevailing winds to the south east.

The Lac-Mégantic, Quebec Derailment
The other foul up, a snafu from Hades.
Bottom of the grade, on the shore, by the beach.
Get used to the idea of sabotage of North American infrastructure, by military infiltrators.
A system crash, just in time for a world war.
Biden_Joe, the pretendadent, an imbecile, will deny any responsibility.

Railcar wheel changeout Now, that's insane, right ?

[This message has been edited by Valkrie9 (edited 02-23-2023).]

Valkrie9 FEB 23, 01:18 PM

So, they stopped the train before the train left the tracks. Sounds like Buttiegig is attempting to cover his own butt.
A lateral toss of responsibility, ' Here, catch ! Hot potato ! '
williegoat FEB 23, 09:10 PM

Originally posted by Valkrie9:

So, they stopped the train before the train left the tracks. Sounds like Buttiegig is attempting to cover his own butt.
A lateral toss of responsibility, ' Here, catch ! Hot potato ! '

From the article:

Train 32N passed three HBD systems on its trip before the derailment. At MP 79.9, the suspect bearing from the 23rd car had a recorded temperature of 38°F above ambient temperature. When train 32N passed the next HBD, at MP 69.01, the bearing’s recorded temperature was 103°F above ambient. The third HBD, at MP 49.81, recorded the suspect bearing’s temperature at 253°F above ambient. NS has established the following HBD alarm thresholds (above ambient temperature) and criteria for bearings:

• Between 170°F and 200°F, warm bearing (non-critical); stop and inspect
• A difference between bearings on the same axle greater than or equal to 115°F (non-critical); stop and inspect
• Greater than 200°F (critical); set out railcar

Mile post 49 is just outside East Palestine. Video shows the car on fire 20 miles earlier, but the Hotbox detector showed the bearing at 103°F above ambient. We can reasonably assume that the ambient temps in Ohio in February are well below 90°F, so the detector reported a bearing that was clearly engulfed in flames as below 200°F.

Either the detectors are unreliable, which seems odd because the detectors before and after mp69 show a consistent rise, or the alarm thresholds are set much too high. A third possibility is that we are not being told the whole story. But that would never happen, right?

It seems that someone was much too happy to destroy the evidence conduct a "controlled" burn. (That was NOT a controlled burn.)
Valkrie9 FEB 23, 10:37 PM

See, the wheel bearing had been heating up for many miles before this security camera caught it going by, 19 miles before the derail.
Happens all the time, for more than a century, wheel bearings have failed. That is why they are designed the way they are.
The worst that could happen, is as above in Lac-Mégantic, QC.
' A train with no brakes rolls downhill, derails, catches fire, burns people. '
In war,
you can expect sabotage to increase, you know, you know, Russian collusion, sympathizers, commies, domestic terrorists.
Hard to defend infrastructure when the nation is saturated with enemy combatants in disguise, difficult to prevent.
When a bridge across the Mississippi falls down, a highway overpass collapses, a dam bursts, you will know the battle is on.

That pathetic twerp, with the splurt of chowder on his lapel, is useless, so then, must be disposed of, demoted to lavatory attendant.

Valkrie9 FEB 23, 11:23 PM

A specimen of a saboteur, needing a ten year stretch, getting his tighty whitey reamed.
When he gets out at age 24, he'll re-offend, just to be with the boys he loves.
Darwin Award: ' If you mess with the tracks, we keel you, how about that ? '
' Ummm... '
See, it is only necessary to destroy the first dozen or so.. the word will get out.
We are not far removed from total war, coming soon to your neighborhood.

You will find this stain on camera at the Dollar General and the Jesse James Mini Mart.
Seems perfectly logical that a fine example could be made of this twit.
' Did you hear ? Sebastian got caught ! '
' Yeah, but ten years ? '
' Don't mess with the railways. '
The State Prison is only 15 miles south west, his mom could visit every month.

' Why did I mess with the rails ? '
Exciting Train Action !
This is like the train that melted an axle, then fell off.

' The Railroad Tie Spiker
2 days ago
Well since this is 32N and the train that derailed in East Palestine was 33N it was just a different month and a different consist. '

Train wheels ?
Sure, I know about train wheels.
Not Cylindrical !
The transport secretary visits the train wheel forge with his purse puppy and husband in tow.
Automated wheel forge.


' Eff around and find out. '
Bee Bee Headline News at 11 !
A teen was struck fatally yesterday evening in the small town of Garretson outside Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Remarkable in that he had been posting videos on social media video-graphing his previous tampering with railroad equipment.
Material evidence collected at the scene suggests he had been attempting to derail a train crossing the Split Rock Creek bridge.
The coroner states the boy was dragged for several miles beneath the train from the bridge site, then was crushed.
' Not much left whole. We'll walk the tracks back to the bridge, and bag anything. Uh.. yeah, it's a mess. '
The town's deputy sheriff spoke of the tragedy, ' Yeah, I had words with him previously about the danger.
The child had a history of mental disability, so sad he couldn't get help to stay alive. '

[This message has been edited by Valkrie9 (edited 02-25-2023).]

IMSA GT MAR 05, 10:50 AM
Now a dam used to contain the original toxic mess has broken and the toxic material is in the water supply and streams.

And in other news, another derailment in Ohio. Norfolk Southern is really going to take a beating after this one.

[This message has been edited by IMSA GT (edited 03-05-2023).]

cvxjet MAR 05, 05:20 PM
A town in Missouri ceased to exist because a local who was spraying oil on the dirt roads unknowingly mixed in oil containing (Among other things) Dioxin.

During training for Haz Mat for the Navy and later the Coast Guard, I read about this case.

Here is the Wiki article on Times Beach, Missouri: https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...imes_Beach,_Missouri
Valkrie9 MAR 05, 10:44 PM

San Bernardino Train Derailment and Gas Pipeline Explosion.
This one happened a decade after the Mississauga Propane Train, far larger in scale.
The Peter Principle.
Like this foul-up.
Gimli Glider.