Banned Fiero Members... just O/T and Politics? (Page 1/2)
82-T/A [At Work] FEB 22, 08:27 AM
So, I've been spending some time lately in the Technical forums... for a nice change since I'll be bringing my Fiero out of storage, which is a nice change. But I've noticed looking at a lot of the old threads, there are at least a dozen old contributors who have been banned. It occurred to me... all of these guys were banned (at least it appears this way) because of opinions / disagreements that got out of hand in the O/T (and of course what would become the Politics section).

Is there a thought on ONLY banning people from the O/T and Politics section? Seems a shame to lose that "support" to the Fiero community, just because they get ornery.

Thoughts, comments?

I seem to recall there was some Archie vs Steve or whatever the guy's name was... that was probably a technical argument that resulted in banning, haha... but all the others (Tony, Sourmash, etc.) all seemed to be from going crazy in the O/T.
Hank is Here FEB 22, 09:48 AM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

since I'll be bringing my Fiero out of storage, which is a nice change.

ARGH! Totally unrelated I may have to use you as a bad influence and bring my Fiero out of storage also. I think it has been sitting in a storage garage for the past ~8 years.
82-T/A [At Work] FEB 22, 10:58 AM

Originally posted by Hank is Here:

ARGH! Totally unrelated I may have to use you as a bad influence and bring my Fiero out of storage also. I think it has been sitting in a storage garage for the past ~8 years.

DUDE! Let's do it!!!

Like two out of shape people encouraging each other to work out!

I put my Fiero in storage back in June of 2011. As of right now, it's STILL in storage (hoping to get it out in March).

Right now, I pay $155.14 a month for storage fees. When I first put it in there, storage fees were about $100, and it's gradually grown to $155 over the past almost 12 years. If I do my math liberally (say $125 per month), I come to about $18,000 that I've spent just keeping my Fiero in storage for those 12 years. I'm so smart... obviously.

EDIT: This was my Fiero a few days before I put it into storage...

Unfortunately, I used the car as my daily driver from 1996 (high school) until 2001 (when the engine blew). I used it hard... and I lived in an apartment so it sat outside every day in the hot South Florida sun for many years. Paint is kind of faded... though original. It's in really good shape though. Absolutely no rust, anywhere.

I also have a 1973 VW Bus that's been in storage the next building over, and I pay $189 per month for that one because the garage is bigger... sigh. What can I say.

So yes, I'm encouraged to get that Fiero out as soon and as quickly possible... I really want to get it back on the road.

[This message has been edited by 82-T/A [At Work] (edited 02-22-2023).]

MidEngineManiac FEB 22, 12:46 PM
You do realize once let loose in the wild they breed like rabbits and the young ones follow you home, right ?
82-T/A [At Work] FEB 22, 01:05 PM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:

You do realize once let loose in the wild they breed like rabbits and the young ones follow you home, right ?

Haha... MEM, at one point, I had 5 Fieros. If I can recall, I had the one in the picture (my 87).

I then also had a 1984 2m4 SE that I'd bought from my neighbor, a 1985 Fiero GT that I bought from Darrel Morse from Ohio with help from David Radebaugh, and then a 1986 Fiero SE / V6 that I bought from eBay, and then a 1985 Fiero 2m4 that I bought at auction.

It was crazy. The 86 I sold almost immediately, the 85 2m4 I sold to someone who turned it into a kit car, the 1984 I drove around for a few years, and eventually traded for a bottle of Gin, the 87 I still have, and then I sold the 1985 Fiero GT back to someone in Ohio.
cvxjet FEB 22, 03:19 PM
82' (And all you others) If you own more than one- keep them separated...Otherwise you will have more...Sadly, I have never figured out how to tell which are males and which are...."Fee" males......
Hank is Here FEB 22, 03:46 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

DUDE! Let's do it!!!

Like two out of shape people encouraging each other to work out!

I put my Fiero in storage back in June of 2011. As of right now, it's STILL in storage (hoping to get it out in March).

Right now, I pay $155.14 a month for storage fees. When I first put it in there, storage fees were about $100, and it's gradually grown to $155 over the past almost 12 years. If I do my math liberally (say $125 per month), I come to about $18,000 that I've spent just keeping my Fiero in storage for those 12 years. I'm so smart... obviously.

I have feeling we are very similar people! I hope to get me Fiero up and running late summer. Right now I need to complete my budget rust-o-ration on my M38A1 military jeep I bought in 1996 ( when I was a junior in high school) and haven't done anything since then. As of now I have it running, new axle seals, new brake system. floors made out of an old tin roof and metal shelves from the 1950's next to tackle is the cooling system, exhaust system, and a little electrical.

After than project I need to build a retaining ~400 sqft retaining wall. I am procrastinating beacuse it requires ~35,000lbs of placing wall blocks, moving 16 cu yards of stone, and ~20 cu yards of fill; but it is better than the 35k quote.

The last project will be gett the Fiero going. If it makes you feel any better I have 30k tied up in storing my Fiero...kinda. Back in 2011 when the housing market was in the dumps I purchased a semi-detached house with a 3000sqft detached garage. Rented the house which covers the mortgage and I have the use the garage at no monthly cost. Todd, I too once owned 5 Fiero's at once. 2 87 GT's one, 88 GT, 1 88 coupe, and a 88 Formula. Even now I own 5 jeeps, 3 M38A1's, CJ5, and a CJ6. As well as a Suzuki motorcycle and a Ural sidecar rig.

Patrick FEB 22, 05:39 PM

And back to the original topic...

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

Is there a thought on ONLY banning people from the O/T and Politics section? Seems a shame to lose that "support" to the Fiero community, just because they get ornery.

Most (not all) banned members were total pricks who offered no "support" whatsoever to any area of PFF. With only two or three exemptions, I was delighted to see them removed from the forum. It's a little frustrating to see some of them return under a different alias, but...
IMSA GT FEB 22, 09:52 PM
There were certain members who asked Cliff to ban them. They also pushed a LOT of buttons to get thrown out.
TheDigitalAlchemist FEB 23, 08:18 AM
I sometimes wonder if the Politics/Religion section existed back then, would they have been banned?

I miss the world ten years ago. Job was 'better', life was a LOT less complicated. Had two Fieros. No Pandemic, or all this WWIII BS. was 50 lbs lighter.*

Sure, there was plenty of bickering goin' on, but I'd rather have than then what we have now. I miss the "characters" , but not the stress they caused Cliff.

*40 lbs now, I've been seeing a nutritionist, and they have helped a BUNCH.