Get a Dash Cam! (Page 1/2)
theogre FEB 23, 01:57 PM
"They say" Problems come in Threes...

I'm the third "wreck" this quarter if not this month here...

Yes Some edited pictures will come later. I Won't UL video to YT or anywhere else. Don't ask.

Happened a few days ago but keep mouth shut unlike others that may cause problems showing too much or say wrong thing after a wreck. (Recent "wrecks" posted here doesn't have this problem but others run to FB YT etc often making legal problems...)

In Very Short:
SUV cut me off and even after trying to get away still hit me last weekend. SUV basically tried running over the Fiero. Good that did minor damage.
Called other person Car Insurance today...
Seem other person claim typical "rear end hit" and try blamed me...
Agent helped me to send a clip of Dash Cam Video and viewed it during the call.
Now they will pay Me for damage done. They even called my CI to tell them their paying me. And my CI called me to tell me before the other call ended.

Paid < $150 for the D-Cam itself + Lens Polarizer/Guard + real Samsung Pro 256GB SDcard. (Replaced one cost ~ $70 w/ dead battery last Prime Days) Is now payed for have this and all DC I used. Because "Default Mode" by cops, Insurance and more is to blame the rear car for any "rear end" wreck.
Now the Video shows I did not hit anyone etc that can save my Insurance Bill Big Time.

Only Clip the Video. No Editing otherwise. Why?
● Many Dash Cams Default to 3 minute Rolling Video Files. Recent Model are Hi Resolution too. Mean Too Much Time and Huge file size. You Often Only need maybe 20 seconds showing just before and after a wreck.
● If you edited the video more for any reason, If lawyers etc involved later then your editing can bite you in bad ways.
● Dash Cam can use different Formats. Mine outputs as MP4 but some models use mov and other formats. Don't recode to other format for same reason unless are told by C-insurance. Recoding can take a lot of time and worse can mess with video quantity, resolution and more and make hard to see details etc.

Example: My camera "Raw" output is 3440 x 1440px, 3:00 minute, 670MB, MP4 (Why it needs 256mb card... Smaller cards rollover fast.) and Trim Down to < 20sec still is 70MB.
Even that is too big or "wrong" format to UL to some Insurance Web Sites or Email to just about anyone and have to get UL by an Agent and even they may have problems. has several splitters/joiner tools w/o other editing available. I use free "MP4Tools / MP4Joiner / MP4Splitter" to clip out the section of the 3 minutes. Is listed in Software downloads > Video Editors (Basic) and very small program.

Most Dash Cams have Batteries to keep the clock running. Problem is Any Batteries hate Heat from Sunlight when Parked and only last Months. Many don't have GPS to set time either. (Isn't just use for Location.) Get one w/ "Super Capacitor" to take heat better so don't have to pull camera off the mount.

Don't spend a lot to get best camera. Beside heat can kill them... can die of other problems or simply break and you don't need the best camera. Even the cheapest ones I had would work in above example.
I have 2 different "cheap" GPS units mainly to stop messing w/ them to check/set the clocks time stamping the videos. At worse, GPS time doesn't DST for summer but simply tell viewer, if they notice, the time is GPS time.

With many newer/better DC models needing Big Fast SDcards... make sure you get Readers that actually uses USB 3 or better. W/o this forget watched videos on the card and just coping to PC etc can take a Long Time on Reader only use USB2.

Dr. Ian Malcolm: Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.
(Jurassic Park)

The Ogre's Fiero Cave

Patrick FEB 23, 08:05 PM

Originally posted by theogre:

I Won't UL video to YT or anywhere else. Don't ask.

Aw, you're no fun!

Originally posted by theogre: has several splitters/joiner tools w/o other editing available. I use free "MP4Tools / MP4Joiner / MP4Splitter" to clip out the section of the 3 minutes. Is listed in Software downloads > Video Editors (Basic) and very small program.

I like using Avidemux to do cuts-only editing with no re-compression necessary.
theogre FEB 23, 09:43 PM
With this camera and polarizer, you can see a lot of details that can't see on many others including tags.
I would have to edit out many things besides blocking tag number and not wasting my time to fool w/ video.

Polarizer helps blocking reflections etc looking thru the windshield. Can help w/ other reflective things like tags. Any that uses SLR and other cameras take Polarizer and other filters on lenses know what/how they work.

Clip Tool I used just splits w/o recode too. Yes, Several others can do same job.
Patrick FEB 23, 09:56 PM

Originally posted by theogre:

Polarizer helps blocking reflections etc looking thru the windshield. Can help w/ other reflective things like tags. Any that uses SLR and other cameras take Polarizer and other filters on lenses know what/how they work.

Many years ago when I was into 35mm film photography, I always used a Polarizing Filter to cut down on reflections and richen the color. The only drawback was that it would cost a couple of f-stops, which could be an issue when hand-holding the camera in less than bright conditions.

I like my relatively cheap and old dash cam, but as with most of them, there's no easy way to attach a polarizer.
theogre FEB 23, 11:15 PM
Wasn't prime day but another discount for holidays...

VIOFO CPL Circular Polarizing Lens Filter
Note: Generic or other slow cards will cause problems with many newer hi res video cams not just above like many older cards people often have. You don't have to buy VIOFO cards but a fast U3 V30 SDcards from a known brand.

Filter isn't darkish like many normal photo Polarizers.
Filter may fit other brands w/ same camera body.

It replaces AUKEY Dash Cam w/ similar case.
Had digging in order history... that lasted 3+ years until battery died from heat.
Other very cheap units had same problem and faster or sucker mount failed.

E2A--> In another car is AKASO V1 Car Recorder, 1296P FHD, GPS, etc but out of stock
Is ok. Don't have a Polarizers. Was a Prime Day item.
This has GPS but data is "hidden" in the video on the card and need software to view the data. Not like above that just Stamps the location...

[This message has been edited by theogre (edited 02-23-2023).]

A_Lonely_Potato MAR 06, 12:12 PM

Originally posted by theogre:

...My camera "Raw" output is 3440 x 1440px...

really?? ive never seen a mainstream camera with a 21:9 sensor
theogre JUL 28, 11:04 PM
⚠️ Note/Warning:
Many newer/better Cameras can stamp the Video w/ GPS data including Speed.

Big Problem is almost anything w/ GPS can report Speed but GPS "chips" calc Speed locally and most chips lag actual speed and some lag a lot. So only works well on roads that allow you to drive @ X speed for many minutes.

Why/How this is a problem?
When when you change speed or stop fast, the Chip data stamp can lag a lot saying you're still moving @ whatever speed.
When you then send to cops, I-companies, etc like I did above or cops seize a dash cam after a crash/crime or lawyers/courts demand your video, most see the speed number and don't care about how accurate. You don't need that issue dealing w/ I-co or in Court.

So I keep Speed stamping Off on all dash cams I have because of that and forgot to mention it above.

Dash Cams are Two Edge Swords still... If you're doing something wrong can bite you very hard.
Related Example: If someone wants speed data can simply watch or slow down and count frames etc for speed if you saying one thing and video show way different so turning Off this function won't help driving 50 in reduce speed zone and related issues. Off Topic but I counted video frames to say Gen2 HL motors open < 1 sec in another thread.

GPS Time does not have DST. Many GPS "Clients" don't auto DST either. When True, Only way to adjust Time Zone or turn On/Off DST buried in the setup menu 2x per year.
TheDigitalAlchemist JUL 29, 07:56 AM
So sorry you were involved in the accident. Wish they made a camera system that that has 'subtle' front and rear cameras then thin wires leading to the center console, and that's where the brains and battery live. (powered/charged by the cig lighter in there.) wife was recently hit from behind while stopped in traffic. Highway patrol told them to leave because the cops 'would take hours to arrive', and it was a 'cut and dry case'. Other guytold his insurance company that SHE hit him. He's a REAL piece of work.
TheDigitalAlchemist JUL 29, 08:08 AM
How does this one sound?
Jake_Dragon JUL 29, 10:05 AM
I got this one

Pretty sure I got it right after you started this thread.