Media lies and the sheep who eat it up... (Page 1/4)
2.5 MAR 08, 09:51 PM
Years later, truths come out.
Purposely hidden footage, hidden evidence.
But who hears?
Who has the guts to say they were wrong?
Who learns from it?
rinselberg MAR 08, 10:18 PM
Tailor-made for "Politics & Religion"... here, in "Totally O/T", this has a Fish Out Of Water vibe that I think is going to make it a hard sell, with takers few and far between. I wouldn't "bite" even at under $1 per share. I'm surprised this IPO even made it out of the gate.

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[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 03-08-2023).]

jmbishop MAR 08, 10:54 PM
Look at that bar plunging into the red, you hate to see it.
Wichita MAR 08, 11:58 PM
rinselberg MAR 09, 12:08 AM
I'm hardly any kind of stickler for the rules, but just out of curiosity, why here, instead of "Politics & Religion"..?

That setup isn't 100 percent Political. It's 1000 percent Political.

Aside from all that, I always like to see people jump back in after I haven't seen them here in "ages".
cvxjet MAR 09, 12:52 AM
I will say this; Both sides (And all people- everywhere) need to be able to recognize when they have made mistakes- and then admit it.

This is called "negative feedback" and no system can run properly without it.

Neither side is practicing Negative Feedback....Everyone must march in lock-step....Sheer, complete, stu-pid-ity....
Patrick MAR 09, 01:04 AM

How 'bout them Yankees?

maryjane MAR 09, 07:21 AM
Before Mount Rushmore was carved, it's natural beauty was unpresidented.

Most just took it for granite
82-T/A [At Work] MAR 09, 07:49 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:

Before Mount Rushmore was carved, it's natural beauty was unpresidented.

Most just took it for granite

Hah, oh man...
rinselberg MAR 09, 08:37 AM
When does "2.5" unseal the envelope and reveal who are the "sheep"..?

Why do I have the feeling that "2.5" isn't among the names in the envelope?

"Have you seen this man?"

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 03-09-2023).]