Moon landing crash? (Page 1/2)
steve308 APR 25, 02:44 PM
It being reported that the Japanese lunar landing module went silent after it's attemted landing. It appears to have crashed...or did it?
MidEngineManiac APR 25, 03:12 PM
Crashed ?

Nope. Aliens shot it down.
82-T/A [At Work] APR 26, 12:47 PM

Originally posted by steve308:

It being reported that the Japanese lunar landing module went silent after it's attemted landing. It appears to have crashed...or did it?

My guess is it largely has to do with what "failure" means in Japanese culture. Showing the craft crash to them, would be like the worst thing in the world you could possibly do... because failure is very personal. But yeah, sounds like its descent wasn't controlled enough and crashed.
cvxjet APR 26, 02:20 PM
I haven't been following this much....

Veering off the subject somewhat, one of my favorite old movies is "First men IN the moon"...Based on an H.G. Wells story....a (Somewhat nutty) professor comes up with a coating that BLOCKS gravity, then builds a globe coated with the substance, and with shutters over the windows to control gravity-assisted "Flight"...He (And two others) go to the moon and meet up with some aliens. Ray Harryhausen did some great effects.

The interesting thing is that Jules Verne made fun of Wells basic concept, pointing to his own story of a giant gun shooting men to the moon as more accurate and realistic. Recently, some scientists have theorized that it may be possible to create a barrier to gravity...meaning that Wells was (Basically) right while Verne was wrong- especially considering that, though you can send objects into space via catapults, there is no way a human could survive the G-forces needed to achieve orbit.

[This message has been edited by cvxjet (edited 04-26-2023).]

TheDigitalAlchemist APR 27, 09:56 PM

Originally posted by cvxjet:
...there is no way a human could survive the G-forces needed to achieve orbit.

Oh YEAH???

[This message has been edited by TheDigitalAlchemist (edited 04-27-2023).]

82-T/A [At Work] APR 28, 09:25 AM
You guys would not believe how many people today now think the moon landing was faked. It's totally unbelievable to me... very frustrating.
maryjane APR 28, 09:57 AM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

You guys would not believe how many people today now think the moon landing was faked. It's totally unbelievable to me... very frustrating.

Both my grandmother and my mother went to the grave thinking it was fake. That same grandmother expressed great fear about "That damn sputnik thing's up there doing no telling what to all of us!!"

82-T/A [At Work] APR 28, 11:04 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:

Both my grandmother and my mother went to the grave thinking it was fake. That same grandmother expressed great fear about "That damn sputnik thing's up there doing no telling what to all of us!!"

If I'm not mistaken, can we not focus a telescope on the moon and literally see (to this day), many of the things we left behind on the surface? I'd think that would easily dispel any Russian propaganda... whether it was from the 50s, or the 2000s... haha...
ray b APR 28, 11:17 AM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
If I'm not mistaken, can we not focus a telescope on the moon and literally see (to this day), many of the things we left behind on the surface? I'd think that would easily dispel any Russian propaganda... whether it was from the 50s, or the 2000s... haha...

no not on earth

there is a mirror used to bounce lazer beams off AT THE LANDING SITE
that is was used to get good distances measures
but that had both the sending beam and reflection only seen from space [orbit]
as the atmosphere gets in the way by scattering the beam

maybe hubble or webb could see ''something''
but moon is tooo bright in reflected sun light and webb does not use normal light
or a CIA SAT COULD BE USED in the right place
[btw hubble was a mod to the early CIA sats ] set to look down not up
shemdogg APR 28, 11:22 AM
I heard the flag is still there, but its faded from the suns rays. Some cheapo they got offa ebay. Should still cast a shadow though. Didnt they leave the lunar range rover too?
