"The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" (Page 1/2)
cliffw MAY 02, 08:19 AM
Gordon Lightfoot went to the music studio in the sky. He considered "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" his greatest work.

The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald
Patrick MAY 02, 02:17 PM
Cliff, thanks for starting this thread.

Singer/songwriter Gordon Lightfoot, a Canadian music icon, died yesterday at age 84.

Living in Canada, and being 17 years younger than Lightfoot, I've been immersed in his music basically all my life. I wouldn't call myself exactly a Lightfoot "fan", but as someone who's always had the radio on in the background (including as a kid in my parent's home), I couldn't help but be exposed to his music... and learn to love so many of his songs.

I went onto YouTube today, to scroll through his songs, and OMG, what a huge volume of work! It was impossible to settle on one favorite, but I eventually picked the following. It captures very well the melancholy sound of Gordon Lightfoot's voice... and the lyrics, as usual for Lightfoot's songs, are touching and meaningful. Rest in Peace, kind sir. Thank-you for the musical memories.

[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 05-02-2023).]

tbone42 MAY 02, 04:07 PM
I love playing this song for Terry, he's a guy I live with that is disabled and we are slowly losing him. He's in a lot of pain but lives to hear me play this one. Great song, sorry to see GL go.
Patrick MAY 02, 05:54 PM
cvxjet MAY 02, 08:11 PM
He was a great song writer- and unique style of singing...

"The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" really gets me....I read about the shipwreck...I wish I could give all the crew one more day to share with their loved ones.
cliffw MAY 03, 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:
Cliff, thanks for starting this thread.

My pleasure. Often we see mention of someone famous dying. I usually roll my eyes but, I have mentioned some notable to me.

I always thought Queen was good, but it took the death of Freddy Mercury to realize they are GREAT. Due to the movie Bohemian Rhapsody. I did not know they split up, and only got back together to do Live Aid.

I remember hearing the Jackson Five as a kid. It wasn't my style of music but they were ok. I never followed Michael Jackson though how can one not ever hear some of his songs. It took his death for me to realize he was was GREAT.

There are others.

I was watching Forrest Gump (again) last night, and before his Mother died, he asked her why she was dying. She said "it's my turn".

This morning my Wife wanted me to watch "Concert In Central Park" with her. It stars Simon and Garfunkel. They had split up but only got back together to save Central Park. New York was going to close it and sell it, as it would be worth more as real estate.

TheDigitalAlchemist MAY 03, 04:59 PM

Originally posted by cliffw:

New York was going to close it and sell it

...wow didn't know that!
cliffw MAY 03, 10:43 PM

Originally posted by TheDigitalAlchemist:
...wow didn't know that!

Double fact check me. I don't want to repeat falsehoods.
TheDigitalAlchemist MAY 05, 06:51 PM
The other day, they rang the bell 30 times.
css9450 MAY 08, 04:35 PM

Originally posted by cliffw:

Due to the movie Bohemian Rhapsody. I did not know they split up, and only got back together to do Live Aid.

Wow, that's weird, considering the "Works" album had came out just a year earlier. But I have to admit I didn't see the movie.