Baby Armadillo... should I do anything? (Page 1/6)
82-T/A [At Work] MAY 11, 10:35 AM
Got out of my car this morning after dropping my daughter off at school, and I see a tiny Armadillo chilling in the grass. He's not so tiny, but probably a teenager (not a newborn or anything).

The guy is just chilling there, so I leave him be.

I look out 1 and a half hours later, and he's still in the same spot. So I go down there and nudge him, and he totally moves... but has no interest in moving. I nudge him some more, and he kicks with his feet. I nudge him again, and he kicks with his feet even more... as if annoyed. So maybe he just doesn't want to be bothered... but I've never seen any animal sit in the same spot for an hour and a half other than like a trained dog or lazy cat.

I put out a little dish of water and left it for him, but I assume he'll have no interest in it.

Thoughts? He doesn't look injured... maybe he just wants to chill?
82-T/A [At Work] MAY 11, 10:36 AM
Ok, I just looked... he moved along (I don't see him now). I guess he was standing over an ant hole and eating everything that was coming out...
Patrick MAY 11, 12:06 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

So maybe he just doesn't want to be bothered... but I've never seen any animal sit in the same spot for an hour and a half other than like a trained dog or lazy cat.

cliffw MAY 11, 09:36 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
... I've never seen any animal sit in the same spot for an hour and a half other than like a trained dog or lazy cat.

Todd, you led us to believe you used to live in Texas. If so, I guess with eyes closed.

MidEngineManiac MAY 11, 09:53 PM
82-T/A [At Work] MAY 12, 10:25 AM
So, this is the little guy...

This was the picture from the first time I saw him.

Later in the day (after I said he was gone), I found him again about 4 feet away in a different spot ... doing the same thing. Basically, just chilling with his nose dug into the dirt. I put on some gloves (cause MJ got me scared I'm going to get leprosy, hahah), and I started to pet him. He just kind of chilled there, but every 5th time I pet him, he'd kick his hind legs, as if kind of annoyed. So.. figuring that he looked health, I left him, and then looked about 30 minutes later and he was gone.

I came back by the end of the day, and he was in a different spot. This time he was chilling on the mulch, with a new spot where he was doing diggers, but again... just chilling... like, not really moving, but just relaxing with his face buried into the dirt.

He's gone again this morning, so all I can figure is maybe he's totally ok. It's just not like any behavior I'd seen from other Armadillos in Texas. And Cliff, as much as I'd try to give alcohol to the baby Armadillos that lived in Texas, their mother was always standing watch over them, so I largely left them alone. But whenever I'd get near them for any reason (usually by accident), they'd haul ass. But this little guy was more like... I'm here, stop bothering me.

So I guess if this is normal, then I'm good... just wanted to make sure the guy wasn't hurt or anything.
Patrick MAY 12, 03:28 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

So, this is the little guy...


Now keep in mind my northern location... but if I was to see something like that in my lawn, I'd think it was an alien of some sort!

I'm glad to hear you treated it with kindness and respect. After all, it wasn't hurting anything. I'm very much an animal lover, but I don't feel much love for the squirrels here that seem fully intent on finding a home in my attic.

[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 05-12-2023).]

MidEngineManiac MAY 12, 04:15 PM
You will love those squirrels eventually !
Patrick MAY 12, 05:02 PM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:

You will love those squirrels eventually !

I'd be satisfied with this... minus the tombstone.

[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 05-12-2023).]

82-T/A [At Work] MAY 12, 07:47 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:

Now keep in mind my northern location... but if I was to see something like that in my lawn, I'd think it was an alien of some sort!

I'm glad to hear you treated it with kindness and respect. After all, it wasn't hurting anything. I'm very much an animal lover, but I don't feel much love for the squirrels here that seem fully intent on finding a home in my attic.

Oh yeah, of course... I like these little guys, I just wanted to make sure he was OK.

We also have Gopher Turtles. I don't have any pictures handy, but they are enormous land turtles... not like Galapagos turtles, but they're still pretty big, like the size of basketballs. They're constantly running around in the open plain / field behind my house. There's some plants... "Gopher Apple" or whatever it's called, so I planted a couple of those back there, they love the fruit that comes off of it. I don't really get much else. There's a couple of peacocks in the neighborhood, but not like the one I had in South Florida.

We get lots of squirrels, but they have nests in the trees and don't really bother my house. I feed them nuts sometimes.

A couple of weeks ago, there were two enormous black snakes... like each one was more than 6 feet long. My daughter was totally unphased and said... "OOH! DANGER NOODLES!" and then took out her phone to get a video of it.

We do get these huge ass birds here in Florida though that look like they're prehistoric. I have a video of them somewhere making some crazy noises. They're pretty calm, just walk around, taking their sweet-ass time crossing the road, and then dig around for bugs. But they're kind of cool...

[This message has been edited by 82-T/A [At Work] (edited 05-12-2023).]