Rare Hambers is that a thing where you are? (Page 1/2)
Jake_Dragon JUL 19, 10:20 PM

Eating rare or undercooked hamburger can pose some health risks, primarily due to the potential presence of harmful bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella. These bacteria can be present on the surface of the meat and can cause foodborne illnesses if not properly killed during cooking.
Ground beef is particularly susceptible to bacterial contamination because during the grinding process, any bacteria on the surface of the meat can be distributed throughout the entire patty. Unlike a whole cut of meat, which may have bacteria primarily on its surface, ground meat exposes more surface area to the bacteria.

We went out today and stopped at a burger place.
Didn't notice till we had ate most of my burger that it was pink. My girlfriends on the other had was raw in the center.
I grew up on the North eastern coast, Ohio and I do not ever recall being served a rare hamburger. Florida is the same way, do not recall ever being served under cooked meat.
On the other side of the country I have had several places serve me under cooked meat.
Then look at me like I was speaking gibberish. I have also heard several places have reduced the heat on the cook surfaces to save energy.

I have been having health issues with my stomach and have an appointment, If I find out I have a bacterial infection and it could be due to raw meat I'm going to ****ing lose it.
TheDigitalAlchemist JUL 20, 12:18 AM
Usually, They will ask you how you want it. I like Medium Rare, red on the inside. Maybe some blood on the plate. slurp slurp slurp

Pink is also ok...but grey? Like they say - "If your burger is grey, throw it away!!!"
I hope things go well at your appointment.

I've never heard of "blue"... https://countryrecipebook.c...teak-doneness-chart/

[This message has been edited by TheDigitalAlchemist (edited 07-20-2023).]

cvxjet JUL 20, 02:07 AM
I used to like my steaks "medium-rare"...Then, while in Busan, Korea (Navy, USS Coral Sea, 1980) I ordered a steak...and when it arrived it was......still kickin' (Basically)

From then on I always ordered my steaks "Medium-well"....

On the West Coast (CA, OR, WA, NV) I have NEVER had a burger that was less than "Medium"....

[This message has been edited by cvxjet (edited 07-20-2023).]

Zeb JUL 20, 09:25 AM
I've never seen burgers, or any meat, served rare as default. I'd give the state or county health department a call to see if that's even legal.

All the meat packaging has instructions "cook to internal temp of 165 degrees" (maybe more). In order to prevent bacterial illnesses. I doubt that burger was 165 inside at any time.
Hank is Here JUL 20, 11:45 AM
I remember when I lived in Belgium the cafeteria had a snadwitch spread called "Américain" which was based on raw ground beef. I could never bring myself to try it. but I guess it is a thing to eat items contaiing raw ground beef in Belgium.
Cliff Pennock JUL 20, 12:31 PM

Originally posted by Hank is Here:

I remember when I lived in Belgium the cafeteria had a snadwitch spread called "Américain" which was based on raw ground beef. I could never bring myself to try it. but I guess it is a thing to eat items contaiing raw ground beef in Belgium.

I believe "Filet Americain" is Dutch and it's one of my favorite spreads. It's incredibly tasty. We eat it a lot in combination with a boiled egg... 🤤

williegoat JUL 20, 01:08 PM
I'm sure maryjane could give us the lowdown, but I would guess that if the beef is consumed shortly after it is ground, the health risks would be minimized.

I like everything rare, including burgers and I have survived nearly seven decades; but in all that time, even though I am inclined toward culinary adventure, I have never tried uncooked ground beef.

Now, I have to go read up on Filet Americain.

Jake_Dragon JUL 20, 01:30 PM
I just don't trust the people preparing my food. I worked for a health care organization for years and you hear things.
If you ever go into a restraint and see a nurse walk out without paying then you should try to keep up.

Meat is touched by so many people before it ends up on your plate. Do they handle it correctly, do they clean up after themselves. Have they been tested for Hepatitis?

There is a difference between rare and raw. Raw meat is not brought up to temperature and can cause all kind of health issues if not handled properly.
Don't even get me started on chicken.

[This message has been edited by Jake_Dragon (edited 07-20-2023).]

TheDigitalAlchemist JUL 20, 01:37 PM
Yep, lots of food is pretty gross, the human body does what it can to deal with the stuff you stuff into your maw... One thing I wonder about is whether folks who take pills to reduce their stomach acid are more likely to get something because they have less stomach acid...
williegoat JUL 20, 01:39 PM
I have eaten some very questionable things on the streets of Mexico, but for me, food is kind of like women, some have an irresistible allure. Honestly, so far food has been much safer.