DOE-funded project to improve efficiency solar panels by 'breaking' a law of physics. (Page 1/3)
rinselberg AUG 07, 11:41 AM
This is a fairly brief, news report-style report for the non-specialist audience.

"Better energy harvesting with the newly developed ‘law-breaking’ device"
Mohammad Qusir Rather (Dan Rather's younger brother?) for Charming Science; July 26, 2023.

YouTube's infinitely affable "Electric Viking" narrates an 8-minute video narrative about this research for the non-specialist audience.

This is the Abstract for the research report in the specialist's journal Nature Photonics:

Citation (for the research report; not a law enforcement citation for criminally violating Kirchoff's law.)
Shayegan, K.J., Biswas, S., Zhao, B. et al. Direct observation of the violation of Kirchhoff’s law of thermal radiation. Nat. Photon. (2023).

This is supplementary information about the research report in Nature Photonics. It has some visual data presentations. Apparently, they created a prototype "Kirchoff's law violating device" and compared their measurements to a computer simulation using the COMSOL Multiphysics Simulation Software package.

"Direct observation of the violation of Kirchhoff’s law of thermal radiation" (supplementary information)

COMSOL Multiphysics Simulation Software, online product brochure:

I'm just putting this up here for the novelty of posting something that's being described as "breaking" a law of physics that had been "upheld for more than 150 years", according to the news report-style report in Charming Science that I set out as my starting point when I posted this new forum topic.

Of course, there's a general interest on this forum about energy transition-related topics like EVs and solar energy.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 08-07-2023).]

Patrick AUG 07, 05:33 PM

It never occurred to me that Vikings might have an Aussie accent.
theogre AUG 07, 07:46 PM
YT and others have plenty of crap post that echo this and more.
A "real" University say X must be True means nothing but PR for a short term. Often a Very Short Term.
All "Ivy League Schools" and more pushes out a lot of Total Crap and if Publish "for Peer Review." many are force to retract them w/o bothering MSM or anyone else. Other "papers" simply fall thru holes as no-one bothers to review crap. Worse Other Crap Papers often cit old crap papers, surveys, "studies," etc. knowing they are a scam.

Far Worse, many DOE-funded projects are total crap too like all Solar Roads, paths, bike ways, etc. w/ US alone wasting Billions on anything "Green."

Dr. Ian Malcolm: Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.
(Jurassic Park)

The Ogre's Fiero Cave

rinselberg AUG 08, 09:21 AM

Inspired by photosynthesis in plants, scientists are designing materials and chemical processes that can convert sunlight into chemical energy using only components of air: water, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen. Directly producing liquid fuels from these abundant feedstocks would provide an efficient way to store and dispatch solar energy on a pathway to energy independence.

The Liquid Sunlight Alliance is developing the science principles by which durable[,] coupled microenvironments can be co-designed [?] to efficiently and selectively generate liquid fuels from sunlight, water, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen. . . . Founded in 2020, LiSA is one of two projects in the Fuels from Sunlight Energy Innovation Hub funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences.

This is some highfalutin language. I don't understand the distinction between "designed" and "co-designed" in this context. I think maybe "co-designed" is a way of emphasizing the idea of teamwork or collaboration. The old fashioned word "design" could be construed as a microaggression..? "Whatever."

LiSA (Liquid Sunlight Alliance)

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 08-08-2023).]

Hank is Here AUG 08, 10:29 AM
If ya can't dazzle em' with brillance; baffle em' with BS.

Originally posted by rinselberg:

This is some highfalutin language. I don't understand the distinction between "designed" and "co-designed" in this context. I think maybe "co-designed" is a way of emphasizing the idea of teamwork or collaboration. The old fashioned word "design" could be construed as a microaggression..? "Whatever."

LiSA (Liquid Sunlight Alliance)

fredtoast AUG 08, 03:10 PM

Originally posted by theogre:

YT and others have plenty of crap post that echo this and more.
A "real" University say X must be True means nothing but PR for a short term. Often a Very Short Term.
All "Ivy League Schools" and more pushes out a lot of Total Crap and if Publish "for Peer Review." many are force to retract them w/o bothering MSM or anyone else. Other "papers" simply fall thru holes as no-one bothers to review crap. Worse Other Crap Papers often cit old crap papers, surveys, "studies," etc. knowing they are a scam.

Far Worse, many DOE-funded projects are total crap too like all Solar Roads, paths, bike ways, etc. w/ US alone wasting Billions on anything "Green."

Sure there are problems with the peer review system, but what is a better alternative? Just look on the internet for something that supports what you want to believe? Very few of us have the equipment or knowledge to run these experiments ourselves.

BTW if investing in solar power is a "waste" the China is "wasting" thousands of times more money than we are.

[This message has been edited by fredtoast (edited 08-08-2023).]

theogre AUG 08, 10:07 PM

Originally posted by fredtoast:
Sure there are problems with the peer review system, but what is a better alternative? Just look on the internet for something that supports what you want to believe? Very few of us have the equipment or knowledge to run these experiments ourselves.

BTW if investing in solar power is a "waste" the China is "wasting" thousands of times more money than we are.

Solar Roads & related is a Scam that put solar panels in/as the pavement for roads, paths, etc. and DOE and other Do Not Care because they're "green." google the term and look at the BS Hype. All Failed to make power because many of same reasons: Dirt on them. Anything walking to drive over and smash them. parts break off and hurt people IOW Safety to HAZMAT problems when broken. and more. Worse, some of these are "Abandon" for years now because tearing out cost more tax money and create more problems. Often is "E-waste" & illegal to send to landfill or incinerate in many places.
But still others keep to scam alive ignoring the “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” with your Taxes.

Fusion Power is always a "few years" away. Cern et al whats another "atom smasher." Both cost Billions Per Year and nothing to show for that money.

Now that you might be on same page: "Peer review system" is a scam racking in Million$ just to Publish whatever pays them from the "right people" supports whatever including complete BS "papers." You might have a real thing to "save the world" but don't have huge money to pay their fees and no else to push it thru by "schools" etc. that you don't fit whatever agenda they have to be a PR shill.

Related: US Patents stopped pretending does anything but "Rubber Stamp" nearly all submissions since the Feds passed the "Patent Reform Act" years ago because USPTO gets all Patent fees. While "dead" now look up US5443036A (Google patent search) that should never get a Patent for many reasons... now all big players "patent" every kind of crap and pay USPTO Million$ per year just for Patents alone. Even if you have "Prior Art" and more showing X patent is BS... You now have to Pay 10's of Thousands of $ just to have USPTO even look at you proof. E2A If they look, that that does not mean auto void a crap one. Only means more USPTO fees and likely a long fight in US Courts.

[This message has been edited by theogre (edited 08-08-2023).]

theogre AUG 08, 10:47 PM

Originally posted by fredtoast:
BTW if investing in solar power is a "waste" the China is "wasting" thousands of times more money than we are.

The CCP has many ways to inflate any numbers you see. From numbers of EV "on the road" and thousands more and not only "green" stuff.

Worse, Because US and EU Greenies killed all "Rare earth" mining China and "3rd World" countries have all Lithium Cobalt and more that pollute far worse then any US mining and slave and child labor to dig it up. And many those countries are on China's Belt & Road...

[This message has been edited by theogre (edited 08-08-2023).]

rinselberg AUG 09, 02:33 PM
Well... Solar Roads reminds me of "Country Roads," but I'm not up for working on the parody song lyrics.

Solar Roads may well have been a loser. I'm not going to try to dispute that. But the DOE has many other kinds of green energy research and pilot or demonstration-type projects that are being worked with federal funding and various university-affiliated or private sector entities.

As far as Lithium and the other metals and materials that are required for Electric Vehicles, I recently posted some reports about how the U.S. and other West-aligned nations have ongoing private sector initiatives to break the Chinese and China-aligned dominance, with new ways to extract these materials from natural deposits in the U.S., Canada, Western Europe, South America and Australia (if memory serves me.)

I'm concerned that theogre may be throwing out the "green energy baby" with the bath water (so to speak.)

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 08-09-2023).]

theogre AUG 09, 09:27 PM
I don't "Hate" Solar or Wind power. Solar Panels (Direct Electric, Thermal systems, and others) are good on a roofs, in a field, etc. Not to make "Solar Roads."

"Greenies" and most others for "Fixing Climate Problems" doesn't care about "Save the World" but Control Everything and why their killing nearly all power generation but solar and wind.

But Sun don't Shine and Wind won't Blow for minutes to days you have huge problems and no "Battery" backup system, "_" because Including Pumped Hydro Generation and related, makes enough power to power Factories, Huge IT installs, and more for days, most won't generate for Hours. Worse you have to charge the "batteries" that "looses" power between source and battery as waste heat then have another set of loses from "battery" to the Grid again. So for every 100Whr to charge, you get far less for power whatever else. Pump Hydro have less loses then any LiIon and other batteries but can't use it in most places. (Pump Hydro use and makes 3 Phase AC directly so far less lose then charging/dumping batteries.)

EPA DOE and others have been way Left for Decades and almost nothing is going to stop them.
DOE gives your Taxes to almost anything w/ "Green" label. They knew Solar Roads and more are all scams and gave them money anyway.
GM et al does not want EV but EPA forces them to make via CAFE. UK and EU have does similar there. Before many now are trying to Ban ICE in all form by LEV and ULEV laws in cities. Then all makers has to Spin PR @ Very High RPM that they "love EV to save the world" hoping enough buy them so doesn't crash the companies.

But 1 of many problem is Now more people have seen Fremantle Highway cargo ship w/ ~ 500 EV Burning & start to relies is your near future if many EV are allowed to park in parking garages etc under or next to buildings... Another w/ EV burning is Felicity Ace February 2022 sunk, crew saved, and too far away for MSM coverage.
And before you say ICE car burn... Not the same way and they have many fires but these ships can control air into the cargo to snuff a fire fast. EV on Fire makes its own O2 to burn like a Gas Axe. Ever if a ICE vehicle started it, EV went "nuke" thru Thermal Runaway and destroyed 2 ships costing Billion$.
All Insurance Co's around the word also saw this too... Already started jacking cost for people owned an EV because even Minor Wrecks often = "Totaling" the vehicle.

[This message has been edited by theogre (edited 08-09-2023).]