What jobs will be left? (Page 1/2)
TheDigitalAlchemist AUG 12, 09:09 AM

How are people in the near future gonna make ends meet?

And what skills will they learn in college?

What jobs are "safe"?

Medical field - doctors, nurses, specialists


Truck drivers are 'safe' for now...
Tech and AIare replacing human workers like crazy.

Not that those jobs were "awesome", but they were jobs.

Toolbooth folks gone
fast food drivethrough folks will be replaced with AI soon.
Most stores have 1-2 folks watching the self-checkout. (9-10 registers are now 1)
1-2 to replace stock (or the companies go and stock the shelves for their products

NEWS CORP: A.I. MAY SAVE NEWS! (but what about the workers?)


News Corporation profits plunge 75% - but media giant hails 'opportunity' of AI

Journalism Majors?

And a lot of folks don't seem to want to work. even temp jobs.

They closed the local pools because they can't get enough lifeguards.

Most departments in companies can be replaced by 1 person and " x as a Service" HR, Accounting, Tech, Legal, most depts can have 1-2 people (if even that many) and then a company provides "all the stuff" (services).

Is the future just going to "suck hard" for most? Seems like it will be very difficult for folks to buy a home.

Sorry, been looking at Colleges for a friend's kid, and its just kinda gross. $50,000-100,000(or a lot more) for four years of ?????

PhatMax AUG 12, 09:24 AM
I’d think most service oriented jobs would be in need of people….repairing cars, washer, dryers, anything in the construction remodeling field. I work for our local,school dist in maintenance….three of us for 5 buildings…4 of them over 75 years old. We are kept so busy it’s ridiculous.
There are not any kids coming up to working age that want to get remotely dirty or learn the skills needed.

Here’s a good one. Elementary school just hired a new 1st grade teacher , she asked one of the custodians if she could measure a shelf. Custodian asked her her if she had a ruler….she didn’t, so one was found. The custodian told her it was 36”…….teacher actually asked how many feet that was….. we’re doomed.
fredtoast AUG 12, 11:21 AM
Truck drivers are in serious danger, and that is a good high-paying job. There are already driverless trucks on the highways of The United Sates, and one self-driving truck does not replace one driver. It can run almost 24 hours a day so each one will replace THREE drivers.
MidEngineManiac AUG 12, 11:22 AM
I agree with most of that, except for people not "wanting" to work.

They want to work (a lot of them) and need the money, but are completely unwilling to put up with the "social" BS that comes along with it these days. They aren't willing to work for free either (dunno about there but here the model of "volunteer until you are hired" has become pretty prevalent). It ain't your uncles workplace anymore.

The other thing is, when A.I. replaces 75% or better of the workforce, who is left to BUY all the crap that A.I. is making ? 25% or less ? They can only consume so much. Not enough to keep things going. The whole thing is called a "death spiral" and companies go thru it every day.

It was a very-very poorly thought out plan. To quote Jurrasic park, They spent so much time thinking if they could, they never stopped to think if they should.

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 08-12-2023).]

IMSA GT AUG 12, 11:35 AM

Originally posted by fredtoast:

Truck drivers are in serious danger, and that is a good high-paying job. There are already driverless trucks on the highways of The United Sates, and one self-driving truck does not replace one driver. It can run almost 24 hours a day so each one will replace THREE drivers.

This is actually an awesome thing for us here in California who live along the Hwy5 or Hwy99 corridor. The more of these inconsiderate ******* truckers off the road, the better. Having a driverless truck may mean that the vehicle may actually do the speed limit instead of these dipshit truckers who do 45 on a 70 zone causing bottlenecks and traffic.

[This message has been edited by IMSA GT (edited 08-12-2023).]

IMSA GT AUG 12, 11:37 AM
I'll explain what a college degree does at least in the Silicon Valley of California. It gets you a high paying job for about 2-3 years. Then the company folds or sells. You get another job, folds or sells. Executives are always losing their jobs and hopping from company to company.
rinselberg AUG 12, 12:32 PM
Maybe the world is moving, one small step at a time, towards "Fully Automated Luxury Communism."

If the widespread incorporation of Artificial Intelligence algorithms into every manufacturing, construction or service kind of process would eventually boost productivity per worker by an order of magnitude or more...

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 08-12-2023).]

maryjane AUG 13, 12:55 PM

Truck drivers are 'safe' for now...

You do know, that Yellow Freight just shut down a few days ago and laid off 30,000 workers?

That's about 15% of the US small load trucking...GONE!

Tyson just shut down 4 big poultry processing plants in Arkansas and W. Va, stating that they were in-efficient and production would be moving to newer more automated plants elsewhere. In other words, it was taking too many humans to do the job in those plants.. Smithfield is doing the same with a couple of their hog butcherin plants, and for the same reason, tho they claim part of it is because of lessened demand for chicken and pork, which is jusy a smoke screen that hangs heavy with the odor of bull feces. .
I find it perplexing, that many of the people now concerned, were just a few years ago, touting how really great computers and automation was gonna be.

We get what we deserve i guess, but be careful what ya wish for...

Guess who is to blame.
A mirror usually comes in handy for such questions.

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 08-13-2023).]

Hank is Here AUG 14, 12:34 PM
The safe jobs will be the folks who install or fix stuff. Think plumber, electrician, HVAC tech, mechanic (auto, truck, equipment, excavator/earth mover, siding/window installer), electrical lineman, tree removal contractors, etc.

Will these jobs all be the same as they are today, no! Are these jobs the same as they were 30 years ago, no! I think Mike Rowe with his pushing for the trades is ahead of the curve.

cvxjet AUG 14, 03:06 PM
There are a lot of miserable jobs that AI (And robots/automation) could do...But I think most biz-owners want to eliminate all of those "Dang humans!" and go with the robots and such....Although that may lead to a problem with selling your product if all the humans are....Out of work.....

Maybe, in the (Near) future, robots/AI will take us humans for walks.....

One robot to another; "Yeah, they can be kind of cute sometimes...But all the cleaning up after....and mine BIT me once! I think we'll just have to eliminate them- the Earth will be a better place...."

[This message has been edited by cvxjet (edited 08-14-2023).]