Beautiful versus ugly, narrative versus silence - Kevin Cameron (Page 1/1)
williegoat AUG 17, 12:13 PM
Kevin Cameron is by far my favorite technical writer. I have been reading his articles for over forty years. Occasionally I will post one here when I think it might have a more general interest.

Shapes on Motorcycle Engines Used To Tell a Story

Fifty years ago, a motorcycle engine’s appearance told a story and excited our curiosity, just as did the steam railroad locomotives of my boyhood. We could see functional cooling fins, carburetors, and purposefully angled cam-boxes on bike engines, just as I could see the locomotive’s giant steam cylinders and the whirling and back-and-forthing motions of its long driving rods. Chuck Berry described Johnny B. Goode “strummin’ with the rhythm that the drivers made.”

"Ain't no rest for the whiskers."

maryjane AUG 17, 02:12 PM
Did someone mention rods?

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 08-17-2023).]

williegoat AUG 17, 02:48 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

Did someone mention rods?


Many years ago, approaching Durango, down from Montrose on US 550 on my motorcycle, I passed up the train, got far enough ahead to give me time to pull over and set up my Pentax ME Super. Everyone on the train waved.

fredtoast AUG 17, 05:05 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

Did someone mention rods?

Did someone say "the back-and-forth motion of long driving rods".

[Edited by Cliff Pennock: Removed link to adult site. Please be aware that such links will cause PFF to be penalized by Google causing drops in the search results and discontinuing of ad service]
williegoat AUG 17, 05:17 PM


[This message has been edited by williegoat (edited 08-17-2023).]

Zeb AUG 18, 04:55 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

Did someone mention rods?

That's some big pieces of cast iron slinging around there!