People are sick (Page 1/1)
Cliff Pennock SEP 17, 07:24 AM
Disturbing footage shows teen driver deliberately hit and kill retired police chief riding a bike

I've seen the video (Dutch media sites show the uncensored video - beware: graphic video). I hope these quys will never see daylight again.
cliffw SEP 17, 11:42 AM

Originally posted by Cliff Pennock:
I hope these quys will never see daylight again.

As do I.

Being a teen, they most likely will, .
IMSA GT SEP 17, 04:44 PM
This is why here in California, I carry wherever I go and will use it in an instant against today's pathetic youth. Shoot first, ask questions later. If you want to mess with an adult, that means you're READY to be an adult and suffer the consequences of your actions.
rinselberg SEP 18, 02:00 AM
The perpetrator, age 17, has been charged with murder.

Police are still trying to find the person who was in the passenger seat, and who was complicit in the crime.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 09-18-2023).]

Patrick SEP 18, 02:58 AM

Originally posted by Cliff Pennock:

Disturbing footage shows teen driver deliberately hit and kill retired police chief riding a bike

One forum member will be saluting the teen driver.

Originally posted two days ago:

Cops are good for only one thing. The pictures of dead ones are great for wiping your ass after a Taco Bell squirts run.

MarkS SEP 18, 07:39 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:

One forum member will be saluting the teen driver.

[QUOTE]Originally posted two days ago:

Cops are good for only one thing. The pictures of dead ones are great for wiping your ass after a Taco Bell squirts run.

One can imagine who ever posted that (couldn't find it) might someday be looking down the barrel of a 9mm crying for his mommy (or a cop). Probably not as people like that always seem to sidestep situations like this.

[This message has been edited by MarkS (edited 09-18-2023).]

82-T/A [At Work] SEP 18, 08:24 PM

Originally posted by Cliff Pennock:

Disturbing footage shows teen driver deliberately hit and kill retired police chief riding a bike

I've seen the video (Dutch media sites show the uncensored video - beware: graphic video). I hope these quys will never see daylight again.

My dad used to get that newspaper all the time when I was a kid, "De Telegraaf." My grandfather bought it for him so that he'd feel connected to the Netherlands after he left, and wouldn't forget where he came from.

As for the police chief, yeah... that's kind of California for you. A lot of kids today do not live in the same "reality" that the rest of us live in. I'm sure if those kids thought for a second that they'd be in jail for the rest of their lives, they probably wouldn't have done it. But they just imagined that they'd be able to get off from whatever charges were made against them, if at all ... being entitled. Of course, none of it speaks to the fact that they don't even view others as individuals... they just view everything from the perspective of how it affects them directly in life. There's no sense of humanity. Even when they consider right and wrong, it's more about how others view THEM on their decisions, rather... not from any true sense of moral perspective.
Valkrie9 SEP 18, 09:26 PM
Toronto Van Mass Murderer

Valkrie9 SEP 18, 09:28 PM
What Separates Me From Psychos

It hurts.
82-T/A [At Work] SEP 19, 08:06 AM

Originally posted by Valkrie9:

Toronto Van Mass Murderer

That is a wild analysis. It's sad, honestly. I know a LOT of people with Asperger's / ASD, and unfortunately... with knowledgeable parents, you can overcome most of the personal challenges that many kids with Asperger's face. Unfortunately, people who don't realize they have it, often tend to also develop narcissism simply from an inability to infer emotion. So much of our psyche is "learned," just as this kid joining the incel group and going down that path of destruction. Groups like that are pity-parties for people with like-issues, and it only grows and festers their hate / malignant ambitions.

I'm not a psychologist, but I am a direct descendant of a famous philosopher, so we'll go with that, haha. I think ASD / Asperger's syndrome is more prevalent today, not simply because of something in the food supply, but I think also as a result of environmental factors. As with anything in life, if you practice something, you'll invariably get better at it. Before the days of social media and the internet, people were more or less forced to interact more ... and these social skills were more forcibly learned. Many individuals with ASD would never have even been diagnosed as they largely adapted to most of these issues through normal interaction. There's a correlation between intelligence and Asperger's, but really... those who are intelligent with Asperger's are more likely to exhibit behaviors due to the fact that their interests (computers, etc.) will often preclude them from social interaction, leading to less adaption to social behavior.

I think the media often portrays people with Asperger's syndrome as dangerous, and that's unfortunate. It's not the case, though people with ASD do have a predisposition for ending up in bad situations. But like with anything... introspection is critically important. If you can identify your issues, you can resolve them. I don't have Asperger's or ASD, but I do have ADHD, like my dad, my grandfather, and everyone in the family. But it was identified early on, so once I recognized it, I learned to adapt.

I don't know if the kid above (in CA) had Asperger's... but he's definitely a sociopath at a minimum. Anyone who could so easily just hit a man on a bike with their car as the moment strikes them, shows a disconnect. The article mentions the guy being the former police chief, but I don't suppose that has actually anything to do with the story? I assume the kids just saw a man on a bike, and decided they would hit him... or did they know who he was?