Ok, I'm officially SICK of this bullsheetrock (Page 1/1)
TheDigitalAlchemist OCT 26, 12:27 AM
In June, wife got hit while stopped in traffic on a highway.. Stupid dumbass claimed she backed into him. W.T. F. ?!?!?!?!?!

next two months were a PITA, eventually got a check that covered less than half the repair costs. a coworker recently got smashed from behind. damaged rear suspension. car was totalled. Got a check that is half of the value of his car. Now has to walk 2 miles home from work. Manager just got rear-ended two days ago and its a similar story.

Pattern is annoying in that - the cops are no longer making reports, stating damage and situation. Insurance covers enough to pay for a new pair of shoes and some duct tape.

Not gonna say that people didn't used to drive like poo, but man... the past two years... people are driving like POO!

and the "authorities" no longer want to come and do what they are supposed to do.

maryjane OCT 26, 01:35 AM
maybe, you should think about mooooving...
82-T/A [At Work] OCT 26, 07:09 AM

Originally posted by TheDigitalAlchemist:

In June, wife got hit while stopped in traffic on a highway.. Stupid dumbass claimed she backed into him. W.T. F. ?!?!?!?!?!

next two months were a PITA, eventually got a check that covered less than half the repair costs. a coworker recently got smashed from behind. damaged rear suspension. car was totalled. Got a check that is half of the value of his car. Now has to walk 2 miles home from work. Manager just got rear-ended two days ago and its a similar story.

Pattern is annoying in that - the cops are no longer making reports, stating damage and situation. Insurance covers enough to pay for a new pair of shoes and some duct tape.

Not gonna say that people didn't used to drive like poo, but man... the past two years... people are driving like POO!

and the "authorities" no longer want to come and do what they are supposed to do.


I kind of agree with MJ. In Florida, we're a "No Fault State" from back in the day when... well... when the same people who are running your state ran our state. They SHOULD be doing the same here as they do there... but even with the "No Fault" law... the police come out and issue citations for the people who caused the accident, and intentionally do so (along with a written report) for the insurance company. This has gotten better... and I've actually been rear-ended at least 3 times in Florida, and both times the insurance company is required to pay the full amount because the police issued a citation against the other driver.
olejoedad OCT 26, 09:11 AM
Why would he heck would anyone want to live in that area?

Move to the sticks and enjoy life!
TheDigitalAlchemist OCT 26, 11:21 AM

Originally posted by olejoedad:

Why would he heck would anyone want to live in that area?

Move to the sticks and enjoy life!

Sounds like a nice idea, but "The sticks" doesn't have a lot of the 'therapy' stuff we need.

jdv OCT 26, 03:42 PM
You might the "sticks" is a 'therapy' of its own. Moved to Ocala five years ago and it was so peaceful till it became one of the fastest growing cities in the US.
MarkS OCT 30, 09:54 AM

Originally posted by jdv:

You might the "sticks" is a 'therapy' of its own. Moved to Ocala five years ago and it was so peaceful till it became one of the fastest growing cities in the US.

When I moved out to Hunterdon County in western Jersey in 86, it was known as the "sticks" (or "the weeds") in other parts, not so much anymore cause once the secret of a nice location is out, it's out for good. I like the sticks myself.

Also, driving makes me nuts anymore. People seem to just do WTF they want to without fear of reprisal, been that way since Covid. As an "essential employee", driving around in 2020 was the wild west as no police officers were going to stop you for pretty much anything- running red lights? no problem etc. Even now post Covid, stop signs seem to be viewed more as merge signs. Back when I learned to drive in early 70's, stop meant stop, to the point where the lettering on your tires must be readable by a cop otherwise it was a rolling stop and worth a ticket.

[This message has been edited by MarkS (edited 10-30-2023).]

Patrick OCT 30, 11:53 AM

Originally posted by MarkS:

Back when I learned to drive in early 70's, stop meant stop, to the point where the lettering on your tires must be readable by a cop otherwise it was a rolling stop and worth a ticket.

I've noticed the same thing. I've been driving since 1971. People used to stop at stop signs. Now they race up to the stop sign, basically expecting to "merge" if doing a right hand turn. If I'm on the main drag, and they need to actually stop due to me driving by (with them now sticking out into the intersection), I get a dirty look as if I'm somehow to blame for slowing them down in their ultra-important, ultra-busy life.

And what's with this doing U-turns on side streets? It's only within the last few years that I've noticed this occurring on a regular basis. Since it's impossible to do an actual U-turn on a narrow side-street, it entails going back and forth and back and forth cross-wise on the street to end up being pointed the other direction. This of course means that any other traffic coming down that side-street is held up while this moron is taking up the entire street while doing this turn around. What's wrong with going around the block like people have been doing for the last hundred years? I suspect a large number of people doing this nonsense are perhaps immigrants from other countries where maybe there wasn't the ability to go around the block to turn around. No excuse though, they're here now. Adapt, follow our rules and regulations!

[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 10-30-2023).]