Canada, do us a favor and keep your pigs at home. (Page 1/5)
blackrams NOV 23, 01:30 PM
Is America ready for 'Super Pigs'? Wild Canadian swine threaten to invade the US


A difficult to eradicate population of wild hogs are roaming Canada and officials worry they'll soon spill over to the United States. This population of "super pig" often consists of crossbreeds that combine the survival skills of wild Eurasian boar with the size and high fertility of domestic swine, according to the Associated Press.

Minnesota, North Dakota and Montana are already taking measures to prevent an invasion of the "super pig."

These wild pigs are spreading out of control in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, posing a new threat to native species.

Feral swine: America's got a $2.5 billion wild hog problem. These states see the worst of it.

Wild hogs are one of the most invasive animals

Since their introduction to the U.S. in the 1500's, the feral swine population expanded across more than three quarters of the country. According to the Department of Agriculture, their population has grown to more than 9 million.

The wild animal has expanded westward and northward, with states like California, Hawaii, and Michigan reporting a fairly large feral hog populations.

Ryan Brook, a professor at the University of Saskatchewan and one of Canada’s leading authorities on the problem, told the Associated Press that feral swine are, “the most invasive animal on the planet” and “an ecological train wreck.”

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, feral hogs cause approximately $2.5 billion in agricultural damages each year.

'Super pigs' are difficult to eradicate

The wild pigs are smart and adaptable, making them very good at surviving brutal winters in Canada. Officials say they will eat anything, including wildlife and crops for survival. They spread diseases to hog farms like African swine fever. They tear up land easily and they reproduce quickly.

Brook told the Associated Press that even when 65% or more of a wild pig population is killed every year, the population will still increase. The success rate for hunters is only about 2% to 3%.

“The only path forward is you have to be really aggressive and you have to use all the tools in the toolbox." said Brook.

Managing the feral hog problem

In some states, total elimination of feral hogs is the end goal for conservationists.

The Missouri Feral Hog Elimination Partnership killed 9,857 feral hogs in 2021, bringing the total number of hogs killed since 2016 to more than 54,000.

Public hunting is one of the most popular mitigation tactics of wild hogs and has become a common recreational activity. But hogs often relocate in response to pressures of hunting. Fencing and trapping can be more effective in mitigating wild hog populations, but require more upkeep and investment, according to Captain Experiences.

Which states are most impacted by wild hogs?

Florida, Georgia and Texas have the most feral hog reports in the U.S, according to data from the University of Georgia Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health.

In 2023 alone, Texas had 2,425 feral hog spotting's, followed by 1,377 in Georgia.

Invasive species and climate change: A perfect match? These animals thrive amid global warming.

I've seen a few vehicles that ran over large hogs, the damage is considerable. Know of one Biker that hit a wild boar, that wasn't pretty.
So please Canada, we've already got enough problems on our southern border, don't send your problems south.

Learning most of life's lessons the hard way. .
You are only young once but, you can be immature indefinitely.

ray b NOV 23, 02:40 PM
they taste good

we have lots of wildhogs

just shoot them here no season or permits
free food
cvxjet NOV 23, 02:56 PM
There is a very obvious solution; Open season on them- we are here and messing with the natural order- so we also need to take care of these problems that we created. Out west we have a lot of deer (In some places a LOT!!! of deer) We need to open the season more and allow more hunting- although we need to make sure the hunters have good eyesight.....

rinselberg NOV 23, 04:27 PM

Invasive species and climate change: A perfect match? These animals thrive amid global warming.

Keep those oil and gas wells going full tilt! Carbon, carbon, carbon. "Screw" EVs. Oink Oink!

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 11-23-2023).]

cliffw NOV 24, 09:56 AM

Invasive species and climate change: A perfect match? These animals thrive amid global warming.

Originally posted by rinselberg:
Keep those oil and gas wells going full tilt! Carbon, carbon, carbon. "Screw" EVs. Oink Oink!

Global Warning and climate change is a farce. They will thrive anyway.
Raydar NOV 24, 01:08 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

Keep those oil and gas wells going full tilt! Carbon, carbon, carbon. "Screw" EVs. Oink Oink!

maryjane NOV 24, 05:10 PM
Hunting/shooting/trapping feral hogs won't get rid of them. AT BEST, it will only slightly decrease the rate at which new piglets are born, compared to the attrition rate of older breeding females. A young feral sow, at age 6 months can conceive and 120 days later gives birth (happens1-2 times per year), each brood containing 3-8 piglets. Each female in that brood will/may be ready for breeding 6 months later.

Texas has been fighting them for decades and now has somewhere between 2.5 to 3 million feral hogs. We are currently exterminating about 30% of the population thru aggressive hunting and trapping. We would have to increase that extermination rate to 75%/ year just to maintain a stable status quo of 2.5-3 million feral hogs.

Can it be done? Maybe, but it would require a huge change in Texas' hunting and licensing laws, making it possible for hunters from all 50 states to hunt here for free, and even that, it is way more than iffy and a big change in using the meat would have to come about. There are known disease issues, plus the smell and taste of feral hog meat is a big turn-off for most pork consumers. Extremely lean, and that means mostly fat free. Fat is what gives all meat it's good flavor. Feral hog meat has nearly 5X LESS fat than domestic raised pork, and 2X less than the leanest beef.

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 11-24-2023).]

cliffw NOV 26, 11:31 AM

Originally posted by rinselberg:
Invasive species and climate change: A perfect match? These animals thrive amid global warming.

Originally posted by rinselberg:
Keep those oil and gas wells going full tilt! Carbon, carbon, carbon. "Screw" EVs. Oink Oink!

rinselberg, we know you are reaching desperately seeking anything which will affirm your beliefs. Anything which validate Global Warming. Invasive species and climate change is not your vanguard (causing laughter because of absurdity; provoking or deserving derision; ridiculous; laughable).

Originally posted by rinselberg:
Evolution does not require that humans create a radically warmer climate for the planet—that's ridiculous.

I never said that. It is not required that humans create a cooler one either.

Originally posted by rinselberg:
Human societies have evolved in ways that are bringing about a radically warmer climate.

So says rinselberg. Radically ? One degree in 100 years ?

Originally posted by rinselberg:
Human societies have the potential to evolve even further, by finding ways to satisfy human needs and desires without bringing about a radically warmer climate.

That is an interesting thought. How much will that cost ? How much have we already spent. You don't know, do you ?

rinselberg does not know.

rinselberg, if Global Warming is such a dire predicament, why is the US Govt not paying us to solve the issue ? The US Govt pays for countries across the world to "support" Global Warming mitigation. With my money ! Those countries are laughing all the way to the bank.

Let's say we go carbon neutral by 2050. How will it affect the balance of CO2 levels ? The United States only puts 15% of today's CO2 in the atmosphere.

What is the cost / benefit analysis ?

Originally posted by rinselberg:
What cliffw seems to be saying is that the pursuit of Climate Mitigation, by reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, is somehow "wrong" or "illogical," because it would offend the ghost of Charles Darwin. The ghost of Charles Darwin wants us to evolve by adapting ourselves to higher sea levels and all the other aspects of a radically warmer climate, and the ghost of Charles Darwin is offended by the idea that we would look for alternatives, via the pursuit of Climate Mitigation.

That seems to be what cliffw is saying with his phrase "trying to stop evolution." (I don't know what else to make of it.)

Again, cost benefit analysis ?
rinselberg NOV 26, 06:26 PM

Originally posted by cliffw:
rinselberg, if Global Warming is such a dire predicament, why is the US Govt not paying us to solve the issue ? The US Govt pays for countries across the world to "support" Global Warming mitigation. With my money ! Those countries are laughing all the way to the bank.

The Inflation Reduction Act has been described as the largest ever appropriation of federal monies for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation.

I can't break it down into its separable parts, just off the top of my head, but that kind of information is available online for climate policy wonks like cliffw to review.

The average daily high in Phoenix over the 31 days of July was 114.7 degrees, making July 2023 the city's hottest month on record and surpassing the old record, set in August of 2020, by a staggering 4 degrees Fahrenheit.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 11-26-2023).]

williegoat NOV 26, 06:49 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

The Inflation Reduction Act has been described as the largest ever appropriation of federal monies for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation.

I can't break it down into its separable parts, just off the top of my head, but that kind of information is available online for climate policy wonks like cliffw to review.

The average daily high in Phoenix over the 31 days of July was 114.7 degrees, making July 2023 the city's hottest month on record and surpassing the old record, set in August of 2020, by a staggering 4 degrees Fahrenheit.

That's a lie! Those clouds are just to discourage the "average" people from moving here.

All that sunny weather and we don't have to step over human waste when we go downtown. What more could a man ask for?

We haven't even entertained any Communist dictators lately.*

* Well, I guess that's not entirely true. Biden was here a couple of months ago.

[This message has been edited by williegoat (edited 11-26-2023).]