I don't miss this one bit!!! (Page 1/1)
maryjane JAN 25, 01:53 PM
Wet ground back at my old place....

I don't miss this one dang bit!!

I was THERE in the flood of record.

332 AM CST Thu Jan 25 2024


* WHAT...Major flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast.
This approaches the flood of record.

* WHERE...East Fork San Jacinto at Cleveland.

* WHEN...From early this morning to late Sunday morning.

* IMPACTS...At 19.0 feet, Minor flood stage begins as water begins
flooding Wells Avenue.
At 19.5 feet, East Fork RV Resort begins to take on water.

- At 3:20 AM CST Thursday the stage was 125.2 feet.
- Bankfull stage is 13.0 feet.
- Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours
ending at 3:20 AM CST Thursday was 125.2 feet.
- Forecast...The river will fall below flood stage early this
morning to 18.2 feet this morning. It will then rise above
flood stage late this morning to 20.2 feet tomorrow morning.
It will fall below flood stage again late Saturday evening.
- Flood stage is 19.0 feet.
- Flood History...No available flood history.
- http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood


Fld Observed Forecasts (3 am CST)
Location Stg Stg Day/Time Fri Sat Sun

East Fork San Jacinto
Cleveland 19.0 125.2 Thu 3 am CST 20.2 19.6 18.6


LAT...LON 3056 9514 3033 9505 3024 9504 3024 9515
3033 9516 3056 9525



Flood Warning
National Weather Service Houston/Galveston TX
520 AM CST Thu Jan 25 2024

...The National Weather Service in Houston/Galveston TX has issued a
Flood Warning for the following rivers in Texas...

East Fork San Jacinto near New Caney affecting Montgomery,
Liberty and Harris Counties.
For the East Fork San Jacinto River...including New Caney...Moderate
flooding is forecast.


Turn around, don`t drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood
deaths occur in vehicles.

Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive
cars through flooded areas.

Please report observed flooding to local emergency services or law
enforcement and request they pass this information to the National
Weather Service when you can do so safely.

Additional information is available at www.weather.gov.

The next statement will be issued this evening at 1130 PM CST.


520 AM CST Thu Jan 25 2024


* WHAT...Moderate flooding is forecast.

* WHERE...East Fork San Jacinto near New Caney.

* WHEN...From early this morning until further notice.

* IMPACTS...At 68.5 feet, Moderate lowland flooding continues with
water over the lowest slab elevations of buildings on the
downstream side near the gauge, as well as several hunting camps
along the left bank approximately 2 miles downstream of the gauge
begin to take on water. Widespread flooding continues in the
vicinity of the gauge and in the right floodplain with many roads
including FM 1485 inundated and closed.

- At 5:00 AM CST Thursday the stage was 55.8 feet.
- Bankfull stage is 54.5 feet.
- Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage
early this morning and continue rising to a crest of 68.2
feet Saturday afternoon.
- Flood stage is 58.0 feet.
- Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of
67.7 feet on 05/19/1989.
- http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood
williegoat JAN 26, 04:04 PM

maryjane JAN 26, 06:19 PM
. I remember that....too.
82-T/A [At Work] JAN 26, 08:19 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

. I remember that....too.

Do you keep in touch with the new owner?
maryjane JAN 29, 12:51 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
Do you keep in touch with the new owner?

Yes. I visited him a few minutes Thanksgiving 2022 and went by there Christmas week 2023 and one of my other neighbors keeps me informed of his 'activities'..

He has done a lot of building, expanded my little 16x16 shop to 16x30 built one of those 1/2round fabric buildings, probably 40'l x 32 wide, a big chicken coop (in a low lying area) a green house where my garden was (again in a low area) and hauled a huge amount of equipment thru the yard into the pasture behind the house which has, even before the big rain, turned the whole yard into a muddy awful mess. He attempted to buy or lease a strip of land along one side of the guy immediately to the North to build another road into his property, which I advised that landowner against because it would involve building up a strip which would impede water drainage off his place and he agreed it was a bad idea. Not to mention new guy would be bringing heavy truck loads across the pond dam, which is a BIG no no.
He had already brought so many heavy loads down the power line road, that he has broken down the hard pan and made it a terrible mess as of late 2022 and had to have a lot of crushed limestone hauled in to 1/2 ass repair that, but also brought in trememdous amount of sand to try to buld up the yard, which is a terrible way to do it, as wet sand just turns to nastiness in heavy rains and driving back and forth over it.

This, is his first experience with high water. I don't think it got into my old shop, but surely got into some of his other outbuildings, but he was aptly warned, as I explained to him and showed him how high the water would get in just a normal annual high river event, as well as showing him the high water marks from Hurricane harvey. Water is now back down to normal levels according to NWS.gov advanced hydrograph. .

I don't think the water got as high as was projected, but it most certainly came across the pasture from the pond at least 1/2 way to my old shop.