Super Bowl Comercials (Page 1/2)
cliffw FEB 10, 02:46 PM
Even a cave man can do it.
OldsFiero FEB 10, 02:54 PM
My favorite from the past
maryjane FEB 11, 10:10 AM
I'm not going to go look for it, but I still like the cat herding SB commercial.
cliffw FEB 11, 11:53 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:

I'm not going to go look for it, but I still like the cat herding SB commercial.

Even a cave man can do it.

maryjane FEB 11, 12:55 PM
Didn't say or imply I couldn't. Said I wouldn't.

(That company sold out/went out of business under that name not long after that ad played. It was originally formed in the early 60s by H. Ross Perot in Plano. It's a multi national company now called HP Enterprise Services with huge long term contracts world wide, not the least of which is a network for USN and USMC that links 400,000 consoles on land/air and sea to each other. At one time, they were owned by General Motors and in one of the worst business decisions in their history, spun them off in '96. )

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 02-11-2024).]

cliffw FEB 12, 09:43 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:
Didn't say or imply I couldn't. Said I wouldn't.

I / we know Don. I was jesting you.

It turns out a cave man couldn't do it. I thought the old slogan would be picked up.

I did like the Volkswagon commercial. The old volkswagons, oval rear window. Split window. old style bumpers.

Not many memorable commercials (to me) this year. I guess they targeted a younger generation.
maryjane FEB 12, 10:37 AM
And too busy trying not to offend anyone........
TheDigitalAlchemist FEB 12, 01:16 PM
*climbs up out of a random ditch, opens his eyes* For about 8 years, I was able to watch them awhile ahead of time - I would receive the commercials, copy them to a drive, then play them on a large screen for reporters (so they could write their reviews.) I just had to keep my big fat mouth shut. Those were fun times... *closes his eyes, loses his grip and slides back down into the ditch*

maryjane FEB 13, 11:57 AM
There's an alley in Acuna
Right next to a night club
That's never been paved
And is hip deep in chugholes

It sort of trails into
What once was a river
But now is a ditch
That smells just like sewage

And there in the alley
We're drinking Vampiras
And smoking Delicados
With Jaime and Umberto

At three in the morning
They order more nachos
Another round of Vampiras
'Cause they own the night club

As well as the alley
And all of a sudden
We could not stop laughing
And the laughter bounced off of

The old precinct station
And roared down the street
Infecting the students
Who were all still on spring break

But now were all laughing
Except for the one
With the beautiful girlfriend
Who looked like the virgin of Ciudad Acuna

Who munched on a nacho
And watched as her boyfriend
Knelt down by Umberto
And could not stop vomiting
williegoat FEB 13, 12:52 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

There's an alley in Acuna
Right next to a night club
That's never been paved
And is hip deep in chugholes...

I've never heard the song (had to look it up), but the story sounds familiar.