I try not to complain much in life but there comes a time when.. (Page 1/2)
maryjane MAR 20, 05:54 AM
Nothing of importance happened here today except I was able to lower the spare tire down on my F150 with a home made tool. Actually just a 36" piece of 1/2" thinwall square tubing. Truck came without a jack package which I don't mind terribly as I always throw away the oem jack and use a hydraulic jack and breaker bar and a good 6pt socket for a lug wrench but I do need some way to lower that spare down from under the truck. Not sure if 1/2" is the correct ID for that since most stuff now is metric but there isn't a lot of difference between 1/2" and 13mm.
I can see the square thingie way up thru there that the tire letter down thing is supposed to engage but I have no idea what it's actual size is.
I really need to find someone that has the right tool so I can get a good measurement.

oh, I also vacumed the swimming pool (lots of drowned pill bugs)and pulled a big trash bag of grass burr plants. Waited too late to spray and now they already have green burs on them. If I spray now, the plant will die but the burs (seed) will dry up and fall off and make more plants. It's what I get for being lazy. Worst part was I bought the herbicide that I know works on them but never even opened it.


7 or 8 days ago, (last week's Monday to be exact and at 6pm) marked the first Monday in 2024 that Ray our ice cream man came by. A n early season test run to see which neighborhoods would be productive for him I think. My neighbors across the street came out and stood in my driveway as he approached the music playing loudly. I joined them but Ray didn't have his credit card reader working so I didn't get to get any frozen wonderfuls. It was pretty warm then but a cold front came in over the weekend and tho I stood out there on the curb yesterday, at the appointed time, several $ bills, clutched in my hand like a schoolboy, greenbacks/cash on the barrelhead, US currency backed by the full weight and fealty of this debtor nation) in anticipation of a couple of ice cream delights... he didn't show up ....
Me and Ray gonna have to have a talk...

I have to put up with lot of feces living here but tardiness and breach of understood contract ain't among them..
pokeyfiero MAR 20, 05:06 PM
Little Bit ches complain.

Men make their disappointment known.
82-T/A [At Work] MAR 20, 05:16 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:


7 or 8 days ago, (last week's Monday to be exact and at 6pm) marked the first Monday in 2024 that Ray our ice cream man came by. A n early season test run to see which neighborhoods would be productive for him I think. My neighbors across the street came out and stood in my driveway as he approached the music playing loudly. I joined them but Ray didn't have his credit card reader working so I didn't get to get any frozen wonderfuls. It was pretty warm then but a cold front came in over the weekend and tho I stood out there on the curb yesterday, at the appointed time, several $ bills, clutched in my hand like a schoolboy, greenbacks/cash on the barrelhead, US currency backed by the full weight and fealty of this debtor nation) in anticipation of a couple of ice cream delights... he didn't show up ....
Me and Ray gonna have to have a talk...

I have to put up with lot of feces living here but tardiness and breach of understood contract ain't among them..

See, this pisses me off too. We have an ice cream man also... but they haul ass through the neighborhood. My daughter and I (during the summer), made it a point of racing downstairs as fast as we could... like, no matter what we were doing, we would haul ass outside... and sure enough, he's already down the block. I would buy ice cream every single damned time, if he would just slow down. My house literally faces the park, why does he race past the park? It's like he doesn't actually WANT to sell ice cream.
williegoat MAR 20, 05:28 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

We have an ice cream man also... but they haul ass through the neighborhood.

Probably running over cats.
pokeyfiero MAR 20, 05:34 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
See, this pisses me off too.
We have an ice cream man also... but they haul ass through the neighborhood. My daughter and I (during the summer), made it a point of racing downstairs as fast as we could... like, no matter what we were doing, we would haul ass outside... and sure enough, he's already down the block. I would buy ice cream every single damned time, if he would just slow down. My house literally faces the park, why does he race past the park? It's like he doesn't actually WANT to sell ice cream.

Yeah... They move awful fast.
I have considered this before and concluded that they planned on doing a drive by. So as to alert and give time for children to greive their parents through extortive practices. Thier ransom being met, the cabal only need wait for icecream man's return around to a crowd of money laden children.

Not the case. I stood as the music wandered ever farther away until my little child heart died.

Patrick MAR 20, 05:52 PM
I swear, it's all I can do to prevent myself from throwing dead cats at the ice cream man as he cruises ever so s-l-o-w-l-y through my neighborhood.

Oh gawd... make it stop!

[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 03-20-2024).]

maryjane MAR 20, 11:48 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:

I swear, it's all I can do to prevent myself from throwing dead cats at the ice cream man as he cruises ever so s-l-o-w-l-y through my neighborhood.

Oh gawd... make it stop!

Ice cream hater...

maryjane MAR 20, 11:51 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
See, this pisses me off too. We have an ice cream man also... but they haul ass through the neighborhood. My daughter and I (during the summer), made it a point of racing downstairs as fast as we could... like, no matter what we were doing, we would haul ass outside... and sure enough, he's already down the block. I would buy ice cream every single damned time, if he would just slow down. My house literally faces the park, why does he race past the park? It's like he doesn't actually WANT to sell ice cream.

We each have a brick façade thing that our mailbox is enclosed in, with brick planter alongside it. I put a sign on my planter, that says The Ice Cream Man Will Stop Here!

It worked.

Patrick MAR 21, 01:54 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:

Ice cream hater...

LOL... On the contrary, I love ice cream! I just don't like weirdos who slowly cruise the neighborhood with loud distorted gawd-awful "music" blasting away.
BingB MAR 22, 07:40 AM