[This message has been edited by TheDigitalAlchemist (edited 03-29-2024).]
MAR 29, 11:37 AM
I don't remember it, it wasn't my time or style, but it is an interesting song and video.
(hint: drop everything from the ampersand on to the end) http ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvdLovAaYzM&pp=ygUUdG95IHNvbGRpZXJzIG1hcnRpa2E%3D
[This message has been edited by williegoat (edited 03-29-2024).]
MAR 30, 02:59 PM
I saw the title and hoped it was about Martika's song. One of my favorites although I like most of the late '70s/'80s/early '90s music (except hip-hop, (c)rap and opera). Not only does she have a fantastic voice but she's very good looking.