My rant for the day, April 3 2024 (Page 1/2)
maryjane APR 03, 09:04 AM
My rant for the day, April 3 2024 (actually, it began yesterday, which was a Tuesday) Actually Monday evening, when a promised thunderstorm failed to drop more than just a sprinkling of rain here.
I live in a subdivision. An old country boy moved to town, still not found 'my place or way' and completely ignorant of the ways of city people, who live in their cookie cutter homes, on their cookie cutter streets, and for the most part stay in their cookie cutter back yards behind 6' tall wooden privacy fences and try not to speak with anyone for fear they might be zombies or "Gasp!" old Marines in a subdivision and town chock-a-block full of former US Army people .

Formerly, I lived as most of you know, out in the wilds, where I could do pretty much as I pleased..burned my garbage at will, used all MY well water I wanted to or needed under rule of capture, drove my truck as I wanted to, massacred beaver and coyotes, killed trees with a passion usually reserved for people in air planes spraying agent orange, and shot up the world with any of a1/2 dozen long guns and my .45 revolver any time of day or night and sometimes twice on Sunday..

No more. I'm in subdivision land, on a 1/4 mile street with 12 houses on it and probably not much more than 24 people on it where The Big Event is watching the garbage trucks with their Giant Claws come on Wednesday (which by the way.. is today. Whoop dee Do, halloo halluu.. The weekly ritual of hearing everyone roll their big green or blue cookie cutter plastique wheeled garbage cans down the cookie cutter driveways and out to the curb from at least a block away in an almost religious like one person solemn procession is a Tuesday evening phenom which I find disheartening at best, like the playing of taps on one more week gone by, in life where there aren't likely all that many more weeks ahead on this mortal coil..

But, I suppose, it's the life I chose... to maintain peace and harmony in the family, wife and I.. and I should get on with this..

We are in drought here in Coryell county Texas ..still and have been for right at 2 uninterrupted years (we moved here May 2022)
On city water that comes from a lake 40 miles East of here, evidently named after a house that was permanent and immovable, with the water's taste and smell almost daily alternating somewhere between chlorine and dead fish. I try not to breathe thru my nose while drinking anything with ice from my ice maker..something about freezing the stuff does things to the 2 part molecular structure and releases, well, I don't know what it is, but not pleasant to this peasant.
Accordingly, we are in water restriction, decreed by those who must be obeyed at the City Utility Administration. You can use all the household water you can afford, as long as it's inside your abode. (water is NOT cheap here) My water bill for February is $162. The water you use in your cookie cutter home is relatively cheap per 1000 gallons, but they also charge you for getting rid of the water that goes down the kitchen and shower drains and that which carries away your feces and urine, which gets turned back into water that makes it's way back to the lake named after a house that is immovable and eventually brought back to your cookiecutter home with it's icemaker to once again assault you nasal passages.

But, outside watering.... Under water restrictions Stage 2, which means we can use all the household water we can afford (and I can a afford a lot) we cannot use any outside water at all except on a specified day of the week (Tuesday for me) and then limited only to 2 hours in the morning or two hours in the late evening, and no washing vehicles, washing down sidewalks or cookie cutter driveways or washing out gutters etc etc etc. Now, I can water all I want all day on Tuesday IF I do it with a garden hose held in my hand. but I have an in-ground sprinkler system.

Now let me state something unequivocally. Even tho I do make at least a minimal effort to fit in here in subdivision land, I really don't give one flyin fornication about impressing my neighbors or the passerbys in their little golf carts on their way to the golf course down the street with a nice green cookie cutter lawn as unlike some in this world, I don't have the narcist gene and don't go on and on about my life in "Hey everyone-Look at what I did!" fashion. But, I do live on a hill, and as all you country folks know, a hill slopes in more than one direction. Mine slopes precipitously toward my neighbor to the East and only slightly less so toward the street, and we do get occasional very heavy rains so I have to have 'something' out there to prevent erosion, otherwise my house, that unlike the one the lake is named after, would slide down the hill and out into the street or gawd forbid, into my neighbor's back yard and disrupt whatever it is he does within the sanctum of his little sphere behind his 6' wooden fence. (Well, It's actually my fence, tho I didn't put it up). (Now somehow, in a quirk of scientifically shrouded geological mystery or a phase shift in gravity, those torrential rains never make their way to the lake that is named after the house that can't be moved by heaven or earth. But I digress, again.

Sunday, after looking at the weather forecast and seeing thunderstorms a very good likelihood for Monday afternoon and into the evening , I put out 10-20-10 fertilize in the front yard-this area is low on phosphorous. I also for the first time this year, set up my sprinkler system to run, but only in the front yard where I fertilized, but hoped for the rain so I wouldn't have to run the sprinkler system.
Since this was the first time I planned on using the sprinklers, I looked Monday morning at the city website to make sure nothing had changed and it showed we were still under Stage 2 so I was good to go for Tuesday if need be. We got only a little sprinkle Monday night that contained a good bit of dirt and dust which covered my white truck which of course I can't wash.

Tuesday morning, I hit the button in the little control box in the garage and the sprinkler system came on as programmed for the front yard, 2 stations to run 20 minutes each.

About 30 minutes later, my doorbell rings and there before me stood 2 men in Copperas Cove Water District uniforms with their nice CLEAN white City of Copperas Cove truck sitting out at the curb. I was informed that "Someone called and reported you were using your sprinkler system!".
(the sprinklers are still running right behind him)
Me: "Well yeah, it's Tuesday, that's MY day."

They hand me 3 sheets of official looking papers and explains that the city went to Stage 4 emergency water restriction Monday, which means only drinking water and hygiene related water can be used.

Me: "I looked at the website yesterday morning and it didn't state that."

He: "Well that's the thing, in the morning we were good but late yesterday morning we had a 24 inch main rupture and finally got it fixed but another burst yesterday around noon and we went into stage 4 immediately"

Me: "Well ok, I better shut that off. Thanks for coming by and telling me"

I shut it off and they left. Doesn't bother me. Doing their job, and they were polite and nice about it.

My Rant:

BUT!! Since almost no one travels my street other than people that live here, it means we have a Water Nazi here on Blue Bird Trail that decided to report me instead of coming to my door and telling me. I know it isn't Col Chuck across the street because he called to tell me he and his wife was leaving for a couple of days Sunday for East Texas to visit his two kids that are in college. So who the heck is it??????
Exactly what kind of butthole calls and reports a neighbor for using water? Degenerate!
No Water For You!

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 04-03-2024).]

cliffw APR 03, 10:30 AM
Nice post.

Humorous while alarming at the same time.

I face the same aggravation (but I have three different colored trash cans).

Search engine "rain capture water systems". One will need a storage containment system. Old whiskey barrels will work. One will need a pump system to transfer the water, or even feed your sprinkler system. Imagine the irritation the your water nazi will feel.

You mentioned you live at a lower point of a hill. I used to, at the end of it. A lot of water would pass my house after a rain. I found out you can not capture that water. It is city property.

My Dad gave up watering here in Texas. If I recall, his bill was in the $300.00 range. He moved to Florida where he never has to water the grass to have green grass.
maryjane APR 03, 10:50 AM
In summer of 2022, I used 30,000+ gallons of water........ Most of it went onto the yard or swimming pool (it had a leak) and the city charged me for getting rid of all that water, even tho 75% of it never entered their waste water lines. Fraudulent theft of services in my opinion but the city won't allow a separate meter for non-household usage.

I looked in detail at the city's long term water goals. They're shooting for max of 60 gals/day per resident by 2029. Not gonnna happen IMO.
There are a LOT of swimming pools and sprinkler systems in this town.

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 04-03-2024).]

css9450 APR 03, 01:54 PM
Would you have to water the grass in a normal, non-drought year?
cvxjet APR 03, 01:59 PM
Here in CA we used to have a drought one year every decade- recently, we have had two decades with 4-5 years of drought- most of the trees are dying....

I try to save water, using the laundry rinse water to flush the toilet, or to water my small backyard lawn....My lake (Trinity) that I have been going to all of my life is empty half the time now- partially because of drought, and partially because the Central Valley farmers state "All that water belongs to us- We were here first!"....yes, well, interestingly, they had to build a tunnel to re-route water from the Trinity river to the Sacramento river so that it could go to the farmers (and all the CV farms are giant corp' farms owned by investment firms outside of CA- well, ok- some are owned by Foreign investment corp's) I believe the water should be free for family-owned farms, a charge for Corp' farms, and during drought years NO WATER for foreign-owned farms....but I am an A-hole)

Also- every time the garbage truck comes by (Today-Tuesday) I ask the guy "Which barrel does my mother-in-law go in?" (Usually gets a laugh)

Here is Trinity, full (2011) and empty (2008-9, 2013-16, 2020-24)

82-T/A [At Work] APR 03, 03:14 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:
My Rant:

BUT!! Since almost no one travels my street other than people that live here, it means we have a Water Nazi here on Blue Bird Trail that decided to report me instead of coming to my door and telling me. I know it isn't Col Chuck across the street because he called to tell me he and his wife was leaving for a couple of days Sunday for East Texas to visit his two kids that are in college. So who the heck is it??????
Exactly what kind of butthole calls and reports a neighbor for using water? Degenerate!
No Water For You!

That sucks MJ... sorry to hear that. Reporting you, rather than talking to you in person, is the easy way out... it means no confrontation. I've been there before where there's something I really need to discuss but know it's going to be contentious, but I always reach out to the people it affects first. Of course, this lets them know you're on their radar. I honestly can't even think of a situation, because I always have the live and let live perspective. If someone's doing something, and it's not affecting me directly, then I don't care... not my property. But people don't like conflict (at least most sane people do not), and people seem to have less emphasis on being personable since everyone does everything online now.

... is it possible the truck was driving by and saw it? It wouldn't seem unheard of that they used that as an excuse and it was a little "white lie."

I had a similar situation at my house in Fort Lauderdale. I was young... I dunno... 24? I had a lot of cars at my house. They all ran, they were all insured. But someone really, really did not like that I had so many cars. I mean, to be fair, I DID have a lot of cars. But I think it included like... my grandfather's Crown Victoria (which was a nice car), my Fiero, a TransAm (which was in the garage), the VW Bus (also in the garage), I dunno... my wife's Jetta (at the time), my Grand Am... and I think one other car, which I cannot remember. Anyway, they all fit in my driveway, in the garage, and on the side of my house (behind my fence).

For a couple of months, I would routinely get letters placed on my car. They would tell me stuff like... call me "Sanford & Sons" (hahah), or they would tell me that I'm only allowed to have a certain number of cars (all of which is totally untrue). To be fair, my neighbor directly in front of me, both of them were police officers, and they had two unmarked Crown Victorias that they parked on the swale. I THINK... maybe, they thought those cars were also mine. I don't know. But they would sign the letters like... "Signed, Mr. X." or on one of them, they started writing a phone number... with it fading off in the last few digits. Like... it was obvious they didn't want to actually talk to me.

But I was doing nothing wrong, and I kept the house really nice.

... and for clarification, the home I bought was the arm-pit house of the entire neighborhood. I bought at the lowest point. The home sat unlived in for 3 years, and the family used it as a vacation home when their mom died. But when I moved in, I started maintaining the yard, taking care of everything... I worked hard to keep it nice.

I still wish I knew who was leaving the notes... because I know every one of my neighbors on the cul-de-sac. And I say that because I essentially became the neighborhood handyman. Everyone on that cul-de-sac (total of 9 houses, which includes mine), any time they needed something I was there. Screwed up your computer? I'll help you reload Windows. Need to install that tacky Ford F-150 billet grill? I'll do it for you. Need help rebuilding your carburetor for your generator? No problem. I'm here. Every weekend, I spent probably a few hours doing something for a neighbor... and this went on the entire time I lived there. So I wonder if it was any of those neighbors, but I tend to doubt it. I half-think it was some nosy person on the HOA that would come around. Eventually though... I got rid of most of my cars, and then had two in the garage, and two in the driveway as I got older.
maryjane APR 03, 03:35 PM
They definitely told me someone called in and reported my water use. And it absolutely had to be someone very local because it hadn't been running long. 2 watering zones, 20 min each and was still watering on zone 2 when they came to the door. My road is short, between two pretty even length subdivision access roads. People don't come down this road unless they live here or are visiting someone here.
82-T/A [At Work] APR 03, 05:27 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

They definitely told me someone called in and reported my water use. And it absolutely had to be someone very local because it hadn't been running long. 2 watering zones, 20 min each and was still watering on zone 2 when they came to the door. My road is short, between two pretty even length subdivision access roads. People don't come down this road unless they live here or are visiting someone here.

I guess what I would be curious about is... "why?" What specifically was the reason why this individual called you in? Was it because they were concerned about the water use (this is unlikely), or was it for some other reason... a sense of control in a life they perhaps have no control over?

I'm not a psychologist, but I play one on Pennock's... and the reason people do things, is not always the most obvious. It's like when my daughter encounters someone at school who's particularly mean to one of her friends, or to her, or something like that. The very first thing I ask is... "Do you know why this person acts the way they do?" And I try to get her to think about the reason... is it something her (or her friend) is doing to encourage the negative behavior, or is the negative behavior some form of "lashing out?" In literally every case so far... the child who's mean to her or her friends, either has recently divorced parents, has trouble at home (abuse), or has some other home-life issue going on.

So then I would ask... think about your neighbors... which neighbors do you think seem like the kind of person who's either "very opinionated" but shy, or someone who always has a lot to say about something, but has never accomplished anything in life... and you probably have your caller. Either way, it likely has nothing to do with your water usage, but everything to do with someone who's trying to exert control in a life where they feel like they have none.

[This message has been edited by 82-T/A [At Work] (edited 04-03-2024).]

williegoat APR 03, 05:46 PM
Patrick APR 03, 07:50 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

Tuesday morning, I hit the button in the little control box in the garage and the sprinkler system came on as programmed for the front yard, 2 stations to run 20 minutes each.

About 30 minutes later, my doorbell rings and there before me stood 2 men in Copperas Cove Water District uniforms with their nice CLEAN white City of Copperas Cove truck sitting out at the curb. I was informed that "Someone called and reported you were using your sprinkler system!".

Now that's an efficient civic work force! Damn, anywhere else and it would take weeks or months for any action!