Earthquake in NY (Page 1/2)
TheDigitalAlchemist APR 05, 10:40 AM
Didn't feel it.

cvxjet APR 05, 12:34 PM
Neither did I...But I am a bit far away!

Between 2005 and 2014 I taught a simplistic earthquake safety course at the SFO CG air station where I worked. After a few times I had noticed a large number of guys basically ignoring me- talking with others or playing with cell-phone....I asked one of them about this and he stated "I am transferring out of CA so won't have to ever worry about earthquakes"

So the next time I taught the course I led off with "We all know about the "Big one", the 1906 SF quake....But before 1906, what was referred to as the "Big one"...? Answer, the 1886 Charleston S. Carolina! Then I would ask, "In the continental US, where was the three biggest earthquakes?" Answer, New Madrid, Missouri....In 1811-12 they had over 400 earthquakes, with at least three around 8.

After I had stated this they would all sit up and listen- two later came to me and stated "I had no idea....Looked it up- that is can have an earthquake anywhere!"

Lesson; Everyone should do some simple prepping for disasters....anyone can have an earthquake, a tornado, a flood, etc.
maryjane APR 05, 01:34 PM
When I was young and in my natural prime, ...........I caused the Earth to shake several times/week all across Texas, Okla, La, Miss, Tn, and up to North Carolina...
Patrick APR 05, 04:49 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

When I was young and in my natural prime, ...........I caused the Earth to shake several times/week all across Texas, Okla, La, Miss, Tn, and up to North Carolina...

Yep, those compactors can really shake the ground. Definitely a young man's job to use one!

Valkrie9 APR 07, 08:11 AM

Bedminster N.J., Princess Leia arrives to give hope to the embattled Republican Constitutionals, resisting the false empire of the molester Biden_Joe, the sick Sith creeper.
' With the dozen phasor pistols I have brought you, you can defeat all armies on Earth, that, and the two light sabers ! '
May the force be with you !

Patrick APR 07, 04:47 PM

Valkrie, your delusional political rants belong in P&R.
Valkrie9 APR 07, 10:36 PM

Han Solo had crash-landed his 1942 vintage Ryan PT-22 monoplane onto a golf course, a brilliant artist had then made a comedic artwork of the Millennium Falcon crashed, I posted it on an Earthquake thread, a plausible cause of the 4.8 tremor.
How did you extrapolate delusional politics from the funny picture ?
Where were you in the summer of '77 ?
Were you triggered by the political implications of the story, the movie ?
Who were the Rebels, and what were they fighting for ?
Downtown Edmonton, Alberta, the weekend of the opening, as we exited the theater, we learned that a storm had moved through the city as we watched Star Wars, hail the size of grapefruits, big mush coated hail, thumped every car, leaving huge dents, massive damage across the city, literally dumptruck amounts of hail on the ground.
What do you suppose happened to Princess Leia while she was interrogated, the camera cutting away from the cell's door as the audience were left with their own imaginations, the fate of the Princess in the cruel grip of the Galactic Empire, Darth Vader and the torture drone.

It's pathetic, sad really, how some are so driven to whine, the micro aggression triggering their bawling bone, still intact from their early childhood, immature into adulthood.
You should so, like, attempt to grow up, or get a fresh diaper.

maryjane APR 07, 11:01 PM

Originally posted by Valkrie9:

Han Solo had crash-landed his 1942 vintage Ryan PT-22 monoplane onto a golf course, a brilliant artist had then made a comedic artwork of the Millennium Falcon crashed, I posted it on an Earthquake thread, a plausible cause of the 4.8 tremor.
How did you extrapolate delusional politics from the funny picture ?
Where were you in the summer of '77 ?
Were you triggered by the political implications of the story, the movie ?
Who were the Rebels, and what were they fighting for ?
Downtown Edmonton, Alberta, the weekend of the opening, as we exited the theater, we learned that a storm had moved through the city as we watched Star Wars, hail the size of grapefruits, big mush coated hail, thumped every car, leaving huge dents, massive damage across the city, literally dumptruck amounts of hail on the ground.
What do you suppose happened to Princess Leia while she was interrogated, the camera cutting away from the cell's door as the audience were left with their own imaginations, the fate of the Princess in the cruel grip of the Galactic Empire, Darth Vader and the torture drone.

It's pathetic, sad really, how some are so driven to whine, the micro aggression triggering their bawling bone, still intact from their early childhood, immature into adulthood.
You should so, like, attempt to grow up, or get a fresh diaper.


[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 04-07-2024).]

Patrick APR 07, 11:04 PM

Originally posted by Valkrie9:

How did you extrapolate delusional politics from the funny picture ?

I didn't. Are you off your meds... or maybe you doubled your intake?

Originally posted by Valkrie9:

Bedminster N.J., Princess Leia arrives to give hope to the embattled Republican Constitutionals, resisting the false empire of the molester Biden_Joe, the sick Sith creeper.

Valkrie9 APR 08, 10:22 AM

Apparently, you suffer from symptoms of add, or dyslexia, or both, always snipping what people say into bite sized tidbits that trigger you in a micro aggressive way, tweaking your sensibilities, and your Victorian pearls, causing you to recline on the diva, palpitating for breath, the back of your hand to your forehead.

' Bedminster N.J., Princess Leia arrives to give hope to the embattled Republican Constitutionals, resisting the false empire of the molester Biden_Joe, the sick Sith creeper.
' With the dozen phasor pistols I have brought you, you can defeat all armies on Earth, that, and the two light sabers ! '
May the force be with you ! '
The Millennium Falcon thumping New Jersey, an earthquake like crash into the Bedminster's soft fairway.
The locals freaking out, ' I swear, it was a Sasquatch that climbed out, started repairing, welding on the ufo ! '

Always getting it wrong, misquoting selectively, a trick of omission, truncating the statements, to unclude relevant information, like a fraud insurance statement, a scam.
Do you brake check drivers too ?
Have you stepped out into traffic to scam drivers ?
It's a pattern of behavior that signals a fraudulent lifestyle, likely growing from petty theft, shoplifting, purse-snatching, pick-pocketing, light fingers.
' I didn't do nothing ! '

Mammatus above Edmonton, Alberta, May 29 '77
Black Friday in Alberta

[This message has been edited by Valkrie9 (edited 04-08-2024).]