Can a camera drone keep up with an F1 race car? (Page 1/1)
Patrick APR 25, 11:19 PM

Can a camera drone keep up with an F1 race car? You'll have to watch to find out!

olejoedad APR 26, 06:11 AM
That is an amazing video!
Thanks for posting that.
maryjane APR 26, 08:45 AM
Interesting but why pick a day that has a wet track?
Patrick APR 27, 12:38 AM

Originally posted by olejoedad:

That is an amazing video!

Years ago, when drones first started to become popular, I thought it would be so cool to have a camera drone follow our cars around the track at autocross. I never got beyond the stage of just "thinking" about it though, as local autocross events at that time were being held on a large asphalt pad immediately adjacent to a local municipal airport. I knew that drones wouldn't be allowed to fly anywhere near that airspace. Would've been great to have seen that type of footage of our cars!
Patrick APR 27, 12:45 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:

Interesting but why pick a day that has a wet track?

When all sorts of people need to be coordinated to put something like this together, I suspect there aren't any second opportunities. Pick a date and hope for the best. From comments made during the video, yes, they were hoping for a dry day. But...

I think the rooster tails created by water being thrown up by the tires looks fabulous on camera!

maryjane APR 27, 10:19 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:

Years ago, when drones first started to become popular, I thought it would be so cool to have a camera drone follow our cars around the track at autocross. I never got beyond the stage of just "thinking" about it though, as local autocross events at that time were being held on a large asphalt pad immediately adjacent to a local municipal airport. I knew that drones wouldn't be allowed to fly anywhere near that airspace. Would've been great to have seen that type of footage of our cars!

Not sure but I think here in USA, there is a 'do not exceed' speed for all except law enforcement (and of course, military) drones.
Somewhere around 100mph air speed I believe.
Patrick APR 28, 03:55 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:

...'do not exceed' speed... Somewhere around 100mph air speed I believe.

Which shouldn't usually be an issue at autocross. There are normally too many twists and turns to build up much speed. I've only ever gotten into 3rd gear at one autocross course*, and that was on a layout with an unusually long straight stretch just before the stop-box. I might've hit 70 MPH before needing to stand on the brakes.

* In this onboard video, you can hear me shift into 3rd at the 1:05 mark.

True, a modern car with a more powerful engine could probably attain faster speeds on an autocross course than does an '88 Formula with basically a stock 2.8... but still, I doubt that 100 MPH gets topped very often, if ever.