eBay thoughts... on a product received broken? (Page 1/2)
82-T/A [At Work] MAY 09, 02:59 PM
I never really have problems with stuff shipped... of the 100+ things I've ordered (or sent) over the last year or so... everything's been pretty decent.

Recently, I purchased a used Cello, a fairly nice one... made in Romania, better than my daughter's Chinese-made one. I bought it as a back-up for her. It needed some work, likely a new bridge and strings... all of which I was going to do. But the cello itself was solid.

I get it today... packed horribly... and the neck is broken clean off the case, just snapped. I'm really bummed, to be honest... because it was a very nice cello. I only paid $500 with shipping. I know that if I return it, the lady who sold it to me will probably throw it away. This makes me sad because it's a very nice cello, and I know it can be fixed. If it was a John Juzek or something a bit nicer, I'd be legitimately pissed, but I don't mind so much having it fixed and seeing that hairline repair.

I told the lady that it arrived broken, and she told me to call USPS and request a refund. I politely told her it's not my problem, and she should resolve it. She doesn't seem to think so. She said she doesn't accept returns (which is not what I want to do anyway), so I told her that I can have a luthier repair the cello for about $250-300. I asked her to reimburse me for half... which comes out to about $250, and I'd just deal with the fact that a broken cello arrived at my door. She's losing her mind, and says absolutely no refund, it's my problem and I need to call USPS. I think she doesn't really understand how this works... I've sold lots of things on eBay, and... well, you ship something and it's broken... it becomes your problem as a seller.

I submitted a return request, and told her that if she lets it get to the 15th, eBay will probably require her to refund everything, and I'll have to send it back. Am I nuts, or is she just oblivious?

Hank is Here MAY 09, 03:33 PM
Did she select the shipper/shipping method and did she pay the shipper? If yes the it is her problem to resolve. If you did not pay the carrier directly for the shipment then I am not aware that you have standing to make a claim on the parcel. In reality ebay dispute resolution should resolve.....it may be best to "unwind" the purchase and keep your eyes open for another one, which you might be able to pick up locally.
Patrick MAY 09, 03:43 PM

Stand your ground. If she packed the cello improperly for shipping purposes, it's not USPS's problem that it arrived broken.

Some people simply have no common sense when it comes to packaging an item for shipment. I recently received a 6TB external hard drive (eBay purchase) where the seller just put the external hard drive in a plain cardboard box with absolutely no packing material at all to absorb impact. This hard drive had to travel clear across the continent packaged in this manner. Miraculously, the hard drive appears to have survived the journey!
IMSA GT MAY 09, 04:33 PM
If you paid with Paypal, you'll get your money back. If you paid with credit card, you'll have to work out the details with your bank.
82-T/A [At Work] MAY 10, 08:38 PM
Yeah, the lady is being crazy. It's clear she's very upset with the way things turned out, and clearly I understand that... but ignoring me isn't going to make it go away. I've been super polite, very calm, etc... but I'm guessing she's probably hurting financially, and that's why these items are all up for sale in the first place. I've been there. But screwing people is now how you resolve these challenges... that much I know for sure.

eBay says they'll step in on the 15th, but I'm considering just asking my credit card company to reimburse me entirely, and then ship her back this broken mess in a smaller box (since it's not that long anymore.

And Patrick... to your point, she didn't even write "fragile on it. Literally just threw some bubble wrap in there (loose) along with a cello that wasn't even in the cell bag either. I mean, just totally crazy.
Patrick MAY 10, 10:08 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

...I'm considering just asking my credit card company to reimburse me entirely, and then ship her back this broken mess in a smaller box (since it's not that long anymore.

I suppose some credit card companies are more forthcoming than others. I forget the finer details (as it was years ago), but I only ever asked my credit card company for a refund once when I received an eBay purchase that was damaged. They told me that as long as I had received the item, there was nothing they could/would do for me.

I use a different bank/credit card now.
cvxjet MAY 11, 11:56 AM
Back in 2014 I was working at US Coast Guard station SFO, taking care of Hazmat and Parts......The Maintenance Officer demanded that I order the hydraulic lines for the tail-rotor (H-65) for delivery on Monday...This was late on Friday so I was dealing with the Duty PO....I warned the MO that we never did this and it probably wouldn't work well...

Monday, the Fedex guy drove up, came in the side door and asked me to come out and look at the package he was delivering....The Hydraulic lines (X3) were thin and SIX feet long....the Duty PO had packed them in a 3x3x3 box- cutting a hole in the corner so the pipes STUCK OUT!

Of course, the two correct pipes had been bent during transit- but the third pipe was the wrong pipe- it was a 1" diameter fuel line for a C-130....we snapped pictures of it- and I would show those to anyone that doubted my (15-year) expertise when I stated how to order or ship parts.


Two days ago I (personally) ordered a Flare nut Crowsfoot off of >>>EBAY<<<......So yesterday morning I got an email stating it had shipped....Later, I came home to find it delivered...In an AMAZON box via Amazon delivery! I could not figure this out....But when I looked up the tool on Amazon, I found it available for $4- half the price I paid (Background- everywhere I searched, I found the 14 MM crowsfoot only available in a "Kit" with several others at $50-70....Somehow I missed Amazon (Arrrgggg!)

And, of course, the one I received was 10 mm- not the 14 mm I wanted....so now I have to contact the seller and try to straighten this out...
Patrick MAY 11, 04:20 PM

Originally posted by cvxjet:

Two days ago I (personally) ordered a Flare nut Crowsfoot off of >>>EBAY<<< ...when I looked up the tool on Amazon, I found it available for $4- half the price I paid (Background- everywhere I searched, I found the 14 MM crowsfoot only available in a "Kit" with several others at $50-70

You mean like this one Here at eBay? $5.99, which includes shipping.

cvxjet MAY 11, 04:43 PM
No- that is a regular crows-foot....I need a Flare Nut Crows-foot, specifically for the flex-line fitting that attaches to the Clutch slave cylinder...It is (basically SIX-sided)

Patrick MAY 11, 05:44 PM

Originally posted by cvxjet:

No- that is a regular crows-foot....I need a Flare Nut Crows-foot...

Ah, okay. Don't beat yourself up too much for missing that Amazon one though, as it's out of stock anyway.