Jury Duty (Page 1/5)
Jason88Notchie JUL 15, 09:17 AM
Ugg. Got a summons in the mail from Sherriff. Jury duty? I've been lucky all these years not to have to report. Seeing guys at work have to go and me lucking out for all these years I thought I was going to dodge the...ummm...too soon. Anyway. Sitting here now after just checking in. I really don't know what all to expect. Got a basic overview. I kinda hope I get on a jury right away I think. I really won't be able to handle sitting around for hours on end. My ADD won't allow it. Maybe I'll get something interesting. Or maybe they will dissmiss me cause I got a disabled girlfriend at home. Not going to push at that though. Her mom comes by and checks up on her. Not much different if I was at work.

So we'll see what happens.
williegoat JUL 15, 10:20 AM
I have been on a few trials. One was very interesting, another was amusing. At one point the judge had to admonish the entire courtroom for breaking out laughing.
Jason88Notchie JUL 15, 10:22 AM
I guess we got a case. Still waiting game. It's a criminal case. So I'm thinking we're just waiting to see if it either gets settled or we go through selection.
Jason88Notchie JUL 15, 10:27 AM
This is in Elyria OH. Lorain County. Pretty large population here. Not too far from Cleveland. So there are some interesting goings on in these parts.
williegoat JUL 15, 10:31 AM

Originally posted by Jason88Notchie:

This is in Elyria OH. Lorain County. Pretty large population here. Not too far from Cleveland. So there are some interesting goings on in these parts.

He's guilty.
Jason88Notchie JUL 15, 10:54 AM

Originally posted by williegoat:

He's guilty.

Yep! With that mindset I could be out of here by 1!

But I do take this seriously. I soooo don't want to be here. But people's lives are at stake on decisions that are made.
Jason88Notchie JUL 15, 12:05 PM
Got released for the day. We had 4 cases pending. None went through. Judge said due to some getting arrested or settled. Well that was an anticlimactic first day. I'm stuck in this loop for the next two weeks! Ugg. Good thing I get paid anyway from work. Not all companies do that. One guy was complaining to the jury commissioner that he will have hardship due to not getting paid from work. And 25 bucks a day don't go very far. Hope he gets released.
82-T/A [At Work] JUL 15, 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Jason88Notchie:
Yep! With that mindset I could be out of here by 1!

But I do take this seriously. I soooo don't want to be here. But people's lives are at stake on decisions that are made.

I'm there with you. I get it. I actually like jury duty just because I'm so interested in the way the law works. But every time I've had to be involved in a court case as a jury or witness, other than traffic summons (where I witnessed an accident), all the other cases (criminal), I always feel really bad about the fact that whatever I say (or do) is going to have an impact on the person's life... likely for the negative. There was one time I was on a jury where I flat out told everyone else the guy was guilty because of the nuance of where he was, and what he was doing. I ended up convincing two other people who were hold outs.. and as the foreman (or whatever it was called), I had to read the verdict. It was all fun and games until that point, and I was like... oh man.

Dude falls on hard times, his wife left him, etc... and he slipped up.
blackrams JUL 15, 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Jason88Notchie:

Ugg. Got a summons in the mail from Sherriff.

My ADD won't allow it. .

So we'll see what happens.

I'm surprise that having ADD doesn't get you dismissed. Can you provide a doctor's note stating you have ADD?


82-T/A [At Work] JUL 15, 02:53 PM

Originally posted by blackrams:I'm surprise that having ADD doesn't get you dismissed. Can you provide a doctor's note stating you have ADD?


Is that a thing? I've had ADHD for my entire life. My daughter has it, my dad has it, and my grandfather had it. All of them (no comment about myself) have been very successful... and my daughter is definitely a chip off the old block of my dad and grandfather... I can already tell.

I've always hated to view anything as a "disability," and I never grew up thinking as such. I just knew I had a lot of extra energy, and a lot more "TVs" playing in my head that I could pick from when I got bored... or perhaps view when I need to pull ideas from to solve a problem.

I'd hope that no one here with anything like this would ever use ADD or ADHD as a crutch or something that makes them lesser-than.