Worst sung anthem ever? (Page 1/2)
Patrick JUL 16, 11:04 PM

If this isn't the worst job of singing an anthem ever, it certainly rates right up there. Starts off sort of okay, but holy smokes, it soon becomes an abomination!

No excuse, but it turns out she was drunk.
IMSA GT JUL 16, 11:16 PM
Sad what the people of this country have become. The younger generation has zero respect for any sports, music, or themselves. Everything that was once serious and respected has been turned to complete crap.
cvxjet JUL 17, 12:43 AM
Worst singing of our National Anthem was very specifically when Roseanna Barr did it back in 1990.....
Patrick JUL 17, 03:23 AM

Originally posted by cvxjet:

Roseanna Barr

I was going to link to her gawd-awful rendition (which I remember very well, unfortunately)... but no, enough is enough.

I've often wondered though, what is the purpose of the national anthem before a sporting event? Is it just tradition? If so, so was playing the national anthem at the end of each broadcast day on TV. Remember that? (if you're old enough)

I'm an avid hockey fan, and as if it wasn't bad enough to have to stand at attention through one national anthem before the game, when teams from the US and Canada are playing each other, everyone is required to stand for two national anthems! Come on, drop the ruddy puck already!!!
css9450 JUL 17, 08:01 AM

Originally posted by cvxjet:

Worst singing of our National Anthem was very specifically when Roseanna Barr did it back in 1990.....

That was going to be my pick too. You guys beat me to it. Didn't she grab her crotch at some point?

On the one Patrick posted.... I think her inner Cindy Lauper was starting to sneak out!

BingB JUL 17, 08:34 AM

Originally posted by IMSA GT:

Sad what the people of this country have become. The younger generation has zero respect for any sports, music, or themselves. Everything that was once serious and respected has been turned to complete crap.


Today's youth commit fewer crimes, use fewer drugs, and get pregnant less often than your generation.

And get off my lawn!!!
BingB JUL 17, 08:36 AM

Originally posted by css9450: Didn't she grab her crotch at some point?

[This message has been edited by BingB (edited 07-17-2024).]

blackrams JUL 17, 09:36 AM

Originally posted by IMSA GT:

Sad what the people of this country have become. The younger generation has zero respect for any sports, music, or themselves. Everything that was once serious and respected has been turned to complete crap.

I'd suggest that lack of respect is a parenting issue. Both of my children (now adults) have served, been overseas and show respect to Veterans, the elderly and the Stars and Stripes. Although, I (for the most part) agree with the above statement. There's a lot of traits my generation failed to pass on and teach the next generation. Too many parents went Woke and their kids followed the lead. We also elected a bunch of people that are only interested in getting in or staying in power in elected office but show little interest in what's good for the country. Yeah, I blame much on the Boomer Generation. But, I also realize the Boomer Generation parents played a part in this, they lived through the Depression and wanted to give their kids a better life than the one they had, I think that's where the problem started. We (the Boomers) only made it worse and the children of many are simply following in their parents' footprints.

Being a good parent is one of the hardest jobs one can have. Some simply can't figure out that the job of parenting isn't the same as being a friend. There are always times when a friend lets or encourages stupid things where a good parent will not allow it without consequences. I give my wife most of the credit, I was out playing Army Aviator most of the time off in some remote location and she held down the fort. Yeah, we raised some very good/responsible kids that turned into some wonderful/responsible caring citizens.


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 07-17-2024).]

NewDustin JUL 17, 03:45 PM

Originally posted by IMSA GT:

Sad what the people of this country have become. The younger generation has zero respect for any sports, music, or themselves. Everything that was once serious and respected has been turned to complete crap.

The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.
NewDustin JUL 17, 03:50 PM
Not as bad as what's already here, but I humbly submit Fergie for an honorable mention:

You're welcome. I'm sorry.