Post Apocalyptic skills (Page 1/1)
Valkrie9 JUL 20, 12:50 AM


Makes a horn and sinew crossbow.
' Ballester
Surname Meaning
Catalan: occupational name for a maker of crossbows or a soldier armed with a crossbow from Catalan ballester 'crossbowman' or 'crossbow maker' an agent derivative of ballesta 'crossbow' (from Latin ballista '(military) catapult'). '
' Oh ! Sure, Yeah, I get it, eventually, after the nukes we'll regress to medieval methods that worked so well for centuries. '

[This message has been edited by Valkrie9 (edited 07-20-2024).]

BingB JUL 21, 10:26 AM
Hmmmm, Won't I need a crossbow first in order to obtain "horn and sinew"?

Or will they carry that stuff at the local "Home Dystopia"?

[This message has been edited by BingB (edited 07-21-2024).]

Valkrie9 JUL 21, 04:44 PM
HuntPrimitive - Knapping Obsidian
Look, if you're going to be chasing deer in the woods because you're hungry, you'll need something sharp to slice it with, when your children and elders are hungry.
Back to the Neanderthal beginnings, and how we advanced technology.
Coalcracker Bushcraft
Virtual Tour of Lascaux Cave
Oh ! Those dreamers, the artists, far too weak to hunt animals to eat, and feed the people.
fierosound JUL 25, 05:08 PM

My World of Wheels Winners (Click on links below)

3.4L Supercharged 87 GT and Super Duty 4 Indy #163

Valkrie9 JUL 28, 04:34 AM

To get an inkling, you must first ' Have a Clue ' ~ Sherlock Holmes.
You say you're hungry, and need to catch a deer, to eat, to live.
Having a fire to cook it on is a good thing, so, get fire, to live.
Cold enough to freeze the nuts off a Bison.. must have fire !
Patrick JUL 28, 06:28 PM

Originally posted by Valkrie9:

Cold enough to freeze the nuts off a Bison.. must have fire !

Yes, I fully understand the importance of staying warm (and dry!) in sub-zero temperatures... but damn, I don't think I could allow myself to fall sleep on a bed of kindling in a shelter designed like a funeral pyre right next to an open fire that's throwing off constant sparks!

[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 07-28-2024).]

Valkrie9 JUL 29, 05:13 AM

[ /maps/place/Casse-Croute+Du+Lac+Rémi/@46.0073506,-74.763899 ]
This is the place, -34C° the wind blowing to -50°, my Chevy Cavalier wouldn't start in the morning dawn, a helpful Quebecois dude had me unplug the temp sensor from the air filter,
it fired right up on the last of the battery's cranking power, saving my day of skiing at Mt. Tremblant.
Couldn't unlock the car, I was struggling to heat the key with a lighter in the wind, finally made it happen, so cold the tires had frozen stiff, making them thump on the flat spots, real exciting.
That red and white hotel across the street, is the local bar and tavern, stayed there a few times, the corner room, entertaining the fauna, swell times were had.

A thing that the police would do out in Winnipeg way was drive the drunken native fellas out to the boonies, a few miles out of town, drag them out of the cruiser, force them to walk back in those temps, some wouldn't make it,
found frozen in a snowbank a few days later.
A ministry of justice inquiry was held about the death sentences imposed on alcoholic native people, but I don't recall anyone doing time for the crimes.
So, yeah, unprepared and without skills, definitely have a mortal consequence, the brain freezes, hindering any possibility of survival.
Need an astronaut suit to make it back to civilization, heat.
The Frozen North Lands, a stiff wind blowing, crusty snow crunching, seeing the lights of the city illuminating the bottom of the clouds on the horizon, knowing that you might not make it, feet and fingers freezing up black.
Fire, gotta have fire.