5 stars for cleaning up our air but what about the rest of the world? (Page 1/3)
Kitskaboodle JUL 23, 03:53 PM
Do you ever think about this? I do and here it is:
I’m all for clean air in California (cause I live here) but equally so I know there is a price to pay living under California (Sacramento) legislators who insist on being THE pioneer, the leader
in smog/ pollution reduction. (the price the people pay is the two year smog check program, the difficulty (or impossibility) of modifying/ changing your drivetrain in any way, having to have special California certified catalytic converters, etc.)

That being said, I’ve always thought to myself that there’s nothing wrong with being a model example for the rest of the world to follow but at what price AND why are we putting ourselves under this costly, restrictive & heavy burden (to be a poster child for cleaning up the air) when the rest of the world does not seem as concerned??

On a different note: Seems to me the effort should be put on getting / investing in other countries to clean up THEIR air. (starting with the basics like a smog program) Look at third world countries with little to no smog regulations or pollution controls in place and their high population numbers. They can certainly be labeled “Gross Polluters”. (as California would call them) Yet, nobody points a finger at them.

My last point: Why be the poster child for clean air when nobody is following in your footsteps? Maybe they don’t care? Maybe they’re laughing at us Californians as though we are a joke? Do they think we are all “eco-freaks” or “Sierra Club Tree huggers”? 🙁
Your thoughts? Kit

[This message has been edited by Kitskaboodle (edited 07-23-2024).]

theogre JUL 23, 10:47 PM
Suggest you get real facts & stop being brainwashed fool pushing same crap the EPA & CARB has been push down everyone's throats for since the 1970's.

Example: Fuel Oxygenates like MTBE now Ethanol Didn't "Clean up" exhaust like EPA & CARB claimed. The fact is most gas engines in 1980 & later now have FI w/ O2 sensors & Close Loop operation allow the engines to Not run Rich like vast majority of carburetors did in vehicles & still do on boats & aircraft because of huge problem running Lean.

Worse, US uses Corn Ethanol that Generate huge emission headache because how much Diesel, Electric, & waste to make it & since Ethanol is super Hygroscopic so Must be Shipped in Sealed Tankers mostly by Train to each regional distributors. Go use Google Maps & distillers & distributor have RR tracks setups specifically to handle Ethanol tankers. Example: https://www.google.com/maps...a=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu this loop is the "ethanol dump" just for 1 gas distributor for DE, South NJ, SE PA, East MD, & some VA on Delmarva.

Obama EPA Force Ethanol to Help Monsanto & others. Not to "help the environment" but that is exactly the spin use to "justify" this scam. Worse using Food for Fuel still jack the price then everything else like animal feeds has to jack prices just to keep same profit even before Biden made the Treasury to Spin out Trillions of $.

You likely believe Leaded Gas is "Banned..." Only for Vehicles because is Death to the Catalyst. The "ban" only happen in Late 1980's because the majority pre-cat vehicles where scrapped after 10+ years & way less demand of selling Ethyl Gas. Avgas including Avgas LL still have TEL, Tetraethyllead, that's 100+ times Worse then Lead Metal. TEL will go thru you skin super fast that even if you wash off in seconds to minutes, TEL is still attacking you for just got into the skin.

DuPont Chambers Works, Deepwater NJ, (Now part of Chemours spinoff) that made TEL are still "cleaning" up the mess there. Huge numbers of staff at that site alone not only suffered lead poisoning but many track the crap home & poison others. DOD wanted to ship VX waste disposal to the site later to dump in the Delaware River but every state involved fought this plan.

Dr. Ian Malcolm: Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.
(Jurassic Park)

The Ogre's Fiero Cave

TheDigitalAlchemist JUL 23, 11:32 PM
I have thought about stuff. Been wrong about a LOT of stuff, but...

Honestly? NOTHING really "matters". (prove me wrong)...

You aren't here in 50-100 years.

So just enjoy your life.

Because one day, you won't be here. And MAYBE you'll just sleep forever, like Tool says in "Sober". or maybe you'll live forever and dance around with "God and paint his toenails and stuff. I mean, PLEASE. Are there ANY "Non-molested" Adults in the room...?

Ok, SURE - you'll meet up with ALL your dogs and cats and other pets over on the other side of the rainbow bridge (or whatever). and all your loved ones in heaven or whatever. You'll asll be sittin' in lawn chairs for eternity and relish that you "picked the right team"

Am I wrong here?

Tell me that you aren't just "food for worms".

Humans are just "SO SPECIAL".

If we are, we are "SPECIAL ED" because even though we have the "best" brain", BOY ARE WE RETARDED!

I love my limited life and I Love the "sparkle" in the eyes of my loved ones... but the rest of the world knows something we don't... (or won't accept...)

and the truth is that *censored by Dr. Floom*

TheDigitalAlchemist JUL 23, 11:33 PM
oh DANG it, Dr. Floom! Why do you censor me so?!?

I'm just trying to tell him that *CENSORED BY DR. FLOOM'S MOM*
cliffw JUL 24, 10:36 AM

Originally posted by Kitskaboodle:
Do you ever think about this? I do and here it is:

Are you kidding ? My thoughts ?

Aside this topic being in Politics and Religion, I think about the Green New Scam very often. Clean air, ?

Oh, the horrors. Clean air is dirty air. Let's throw in "think of the children". Let's not stop there. Publicly guilt those who have a different opinion.

Originally posted by Kitskaboodle:
I’m all for clean air in California (cause I live here) but equally so I know there is a price to pay living under California (Sacramento) legislators who insist on being THE pioneer, the leader
in smog/ pollution reduction. (the price the people pay is the two year smog check program, the difficulty (or impossibility) of modifying/ changing your drivetrain in any way, having to have special California certified catalytic converters, etc.)

No one is for dirty air, no one ! We can easily see why Californians are striving for clean air. The smog clouds hovering over Los Angels in days gone by were easily seen in the famous snap shot in times gone by. Build a city inside a bowl, wait for a day with still air, take a picture. Our concentrations of dirty air are minuscule compared to Los Angeles.

Originally posted by Kitskaboodle:
That being said, I’ve always thought to myself that there’s nothing wrong with being a model example for the rest of the world to follow but at what price AND why are we putting ourselves under this costly, restrictive & heavy burden (to be a poster child for cleaning up the air) when the rest of the world does not seem as concerned?

Have your belief that you are smarter than everyone else. Force upon the world that you are ? You are in the wrong boat.

All bow down to the genius of California ? Is there something in the water, or, is it the air pollution which make Californians geniuses, or could it be idiots ?

California is the home of their next hopeful "dear leader". A democratic candidate who never earned a vote. The Senator with a more progressive agenda record than even Bernie Sanders. She is running on "freedom".

Yeah, right . We MUST drive the motherland's car, give up our gas stoves, use an energy source which is less reliable the fossil fuels not to mention more expensive. There are more freedoms democrats want to impose on us.

The reason y'all are putting yourselves under the costly, restrictive & heavy burden of dirty air is simple. You can see the air that y'all create. Los Angeles is not the only city in the world located in a valley.

You mention the rest of the world does not seem as concerned. America was less concerned before the "Great Indoctrination". I mean cash grab.

It is documented that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) collected data in places not scientific, ones meant to give high readings. The IPCC was caught, by the Climate Change email expose of which three FACTS emerged.

Three themes are emerging from the released emails:
(1) prominent scientists central to the global warming debate are taking measures to conceal rather than disseminate underlying data and discussions;
(2) these scientists view global warming as a political “cause” rather than a balanced scientific inquiry;
3) many of the scientists frankly admit to each other that much of the science is weak and dependent on deliberate manipulation of facts and data.

Originally posted by Kitskaboodle:
Seems to me the effort should be put on getting / investing in other countries to clean up THEIR air. (starting with the basics like a smog program) Look at third world countries with little to no smog regulations or pollution controls in place and their high population numbers. They can certainly be labeled “Gross Polluters”. (as California would call them) Yet, nobody points a finger at them.

Third world countries ? Gross polluters ? Major countries take our "investments" and pretend that they care. Give me free money and I will buy an electric car. Drive it ? Give me more money. Does "the Home of the Free" wish to dictate to the world ?

IMSA GT JUL 24, 05:11 PM
Kit, I think about that fact every day. Most states don't give a crap about pollution nor do other countries. It's just another Liberal/greenie/hippy ploy to raise taxes and fees. Hell, India buys all of the old ALCO Locomotives that are outdated and this is how they perform:

[This message has been edited by IMSA GT (edited 07-24-2024).]

MarkS JUL 25, 11:10 AM
Ever been to South Korea? Was there back in 2018. Those poor people have to put up with the crap that rains down on them from China, it would make me want to start shooting. This smog is largely blamed on sandstorms from the Gobi Desert but people I talked to in South Korea claim the smog is also from un-filtered Chinese coal powered power plants along the Chinese eastern shore.
BingB JUL 29, 03:18 PM

Originally posted by IMSA GT:

Kit, I think about that fact every day. Most states don't give a crap about pollution nor do other countries. It's just another Liberal/greenie/hippy ploy to raise taxes and fees. Hell, India buys all of the old ALCO Locomotives that are outdated and this is how they perform:

India has huge concerns about their air quality. They close schools on bad air days. They shut down truck traffic in cities on bad air days. The government request people to work from home on bad ir days.

The only people who don't care about bad air are people who value corporate profits over human lives.

pokeyfiero AUG 24, 07:30 PM
Aside from the lack of facts posted or available to make a real opinion to base a comment on.

I sure liked it when Covid lock down happened and no one was on the hiways.

You could see for miles and miles. Damn near a night / day difference.
IMSA GT AUG 24, 08:34 PM

Originally posted by pokeyfiero:

Aside from the lack of facts posted or available to make a real opinion to base a comment on.

I sure liked it when Covid lock down happened and no one was on the hiways.

You could see for miles and miles. Damn near a night / day difference.

That was the best year of my life. Being able to drive 70mph during "commute" hours with no traffic. I still worked and drove each day.

[This message has been edited by IMSA GT (edited 08-24-2024).]