5 stars for cleaning up our mom but what about the rest of the world? (Page 1/1)
TheDigitalAlchemist JUL 23, 11:36 PM
Do you ever think about this? I do and here it is:
I’m all for clean moms in my butt (cause I live here) but equally so I know there is a price to pay living under my butt (Sacramento) legislators who insist on being THE pioneer, the leader
in smog/ pollution reduction. (the price the people pay is the two year smog check program, the difficulty (or impossibility) of modifying/ changing your drivetrain in any way, having to have special my butt certified catalytic converters, etc.)

That being said, I’ve always thought to myself that there’s nothing wrong with being a model example for the rest of the world to follow but at what price AND why are we putting ourselves under this costly, restrictive & heavy burden (to be a poster child for cleaning up the moms) when the rest of the world does not seem as concerned??

On a different note: Seems to me the effort should be put on getting / investing in other countries to clean up THEIR mothers. (starting with the basics like a smog program) Look at third world countries with little to no smog regulations or pollution controls in place and their high population numbers. They can certainly be labeled “Gross Polluters”. (as my butt would call them) Yet, nobody points a finger at them.

My last point: Why be the poster child for clean moms when nobody is following in your footsteps? Maybe they don’t care about their mothers? Maybe they’re laughing at us my buttns as though we are a joke? Do they think we are all “eco-freaks” or “Sierra Club Tree huggers”? 🙁
Your thoughts? TDA
TheDigitalAlchemist JUL 23, 11:45 PM
Apologies to Kitskaboodle, but my mom's dirty gas is (possibly?) destroying the planet, and something MUST be done. because it's IMPORTANT... (or something). Don't worry man, everything's gonna be ok. 100 Years from now, we'll ALL be prancing around with God, or just not be HERE anymore.

eventually, there will be NOTHING. a cold, dark, cold nothing void of nothingness.

and it'll just continue like that, forever or things will start up again (like that retarded "autostop/autostart" feature in new cars). or a "big Bang", or the Rapture will occur, and "The chosen" will "come before God" (oh baby) or the Space Raptor will arrive bearing Gifts and feathers. or maybe EVERYTHING IS RIDICULOUS?

Have you EVER taken one day in your life and just shrugged off the whole world and just THOUGHT for yourself?

Not tossing that to anyone in particular, just a general question.

Don't look at me, I'm just a fool... *shrugs*
good luck finding out what's "real".
Peace, out. see ya all in 2025, hopefully.

maryjane JUL 24, 08:47 AM
Wouldn't it be great, if CliffP could designate a specific/special place just for religious/anti-religious (and political) threads instead of them messin up OT??

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 07-25-2024).]

TheDigitalAlchemist JUL 26, 12:12 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:

Wouldn't it be great, if CliffP could designate a specific/special place just for religious/anti-religious (and political) threads instead of them messin up OT??

You're right. Sorry