Western Regional Fiero Fest is 1 1/2 weeks away!!! (Page 1/1)
CFOG JUL 04, 10:12 PM
The time is getting close for the Western Regional Fiero Fest in San Leandro, CA - there are a few spaces left for the show field if you want to participate in the festivities! Registration can be made on the club site at [url]www.cfog.org[/i]

We hope to see you there!!

Cheever2 JUL 15, 08:13 PM
You still haven't contacted me to say when & where I can pick up my car...


- Chuck Hodges -
Fiero Parts Relay administrator

[This message has been edited by Cheever2 (edited 07-15-2001).]

stsmithgt JUL 17, 03:04 PM
Sooooooo. Who won the SE anyway???
Cheever2 JUL 17, 03:16 PM
The answer was given in this General section topic... http://www.fiero.nl/forum/Forum1/HTML/008841.html