Saint Joseph, MO Fall Cruise Event (Page 1/1)
indyguy MAR 23, 01:40 PM
We are planning to have another cruise this upcoming fall on Saturday September 28th, at 4:00pm. Everyone is welcome. I figured i would set it up pretty far in advanced so people could make plans around it or make sure they could fit it into their schedule. To see pictures of past events and let us know you are attending join our Facebook page if you have Facebook. Facebook Page

If you dont have Facebook but would like to intend, just post here so we can get an idea of how many people are going to attend.

[This message has been edited by indyguy (edited 03-24-2013).]

indyguy SEP 28, 04:13 PM
Time changed to 6, but it's still happening today
tshark APR 03, 07:38 PM
Are you going to do this again this year? I can't use facebook, but this would be cool to attend.