Fly the US Flag on Sept. 11 (Page 13/13)
84Bill SEP 15, 02:07 PM

Originally posted by intlcutlass:
And THATS why I said you do seem biter/lonely. You ARE perseptive, BUT your pessimistic insolence pisses people off (not that there's anything wrong with that), but your comments are insulting, and if your as smart as you think you are, then you have to see the higher road here.

Me bitter and lonely or the guy who followes me from thread to thread taking jabs at me whenever possible? For some it's not a choice, they do what they do because thats how they are.
Sometimes the road less traveled .. though seemingly lonely and wrought with peril is the better choice for me. I like it that way and I don't mind traveling it when the need arises.


Don't brag about how very smart you are, and how others are incapable, a true intelect would aid others, not condesend them.

Screw that! I'm no saint.
Bear and I have a long antagonistic history, he likes it so I ablige him from time to time.


OOooo I forgot to add..... Twisted is a good thing.

Mihh.. it is what it is.
84Bill SEP 15, 02:20 PM

Originally posted by fierobear:
I DON'T WANT to understand you. It would be too much like understanding Charles Manson.

I know you don't want to understand me, thats been very obvious to me for a long time now. What is not obvious to you is your incessant need to try and destroy that which you do not understand.

Perfect example:You compair me to Charels Manson but I'm nothing like that guy at all.


I'm sure he feels just as misunderstood as you. No thanks.

Critical difference is I don't killl people and I don't have mindless followers... unless you want to include yourself.

You are like a groupie following the band everywhere just to protest. Sometime you draw the bigger crowd and sometimes you don't. You have your air time and to me thats fine.. but you just hate it when I get mine... don't you bear. It just eats you up to no end.

[This message has been edited by 84Bill (edited 09-15-2006).]

intlcutlass SEP 15, 02:26 PM
So you two feed of eachother.....

84Bill SEP 15, 02:38 PM
Well.. ya.. sorta.

It's an interesting relationship.
He comes along and tries to run me off the road.. so sometimes I just let him..
doo de doo dee do...Hummm humm humm..

and suddenly reappear from left field and return the favor.

But I don't do that nearly as much as I used to.

Like I said before, sometimes it's better to trade a piece for a better move later on and fierobear is VERY consistant.

Originally posted by intlcutlass:

So you two feed of eachother.....


Formula88 SEP 15, 02:54 PM
It's okay to disagree. It's not ok to try to stifle one's opinion, IMO.

But that does have to be tempered with common sense. That doesn't mean if one's opinion is profanity and obscenity spewed everywhere that I wouldn't want to take out the trash. A discourse on different ideals, on the otherhand, is always welcome, IMO.

The trick is keeping it from degenerating into a shouting match.
84Bill SEP 15, 03:14 PM
There is a very fine line between shouting in anger and speeking with passion.

Originally posted by Formula88:
The trick is keeping it from degenerating into a shouting match.

intlcutlass SEP 15, 03:15 PM

Originally posted by 84Bill:

There is a very fine line between shouting in anger and speeking with passion.

Would that be "caps lock" LOL
MrsBear SEP 16, 01:18 AM

[This message has been edited by MrsBear (edited 09-16-2006).]

fierobear SEP 16, 01:19 AM
(damnit, my wife was still logged into my computer)

Originally posted by 84Bill:

Well.. ya.. sorta.

It's an interesting relationship.
He comes along and tries to run me off the road.. so sometimes I just let him..
doo de doo dee do...Hummm humm humm..

and suddenly reappear from left field and return the favor.

But I don't do that nearly as much as I used to.

Like I said before, sometimes it's better to trade a piece for a better move later on and fierobear is VERY consistant.

After the statements you make about this country and its founders, YOU try to take the high road and insult me for pointing it out? Uh...yeah, right.
Cliff Pennock SEP 16, 03:21 AM
9 posts into page 9, and a search for "flag" or "sept" yields no results - other than the displayed topic title.

Which kinda is a dead give away this thread no longer is on topic. So I've moved it to a more appropriate location.