April 1st, 2021

Came here looking for Pennock's Fiero Forum?

Most people that visit this site, come here in search for Pennock's Fiero Forum. The link to it has always been a bit buried in the menu on the left of the screen. And it's also a link that's a bit hard to remember. What most people don't know, is that there's a shortcut for visiting the forum. Just go to


and you will be taken directly to the forum!

March 4th, 2015

Hulki Aldikacti dead at 81

On Wednesday March 4 2015, at age 81 Hulki Aldikacti passed away peacefully at his home surrounded by his loving family. Known to many as "the father of the Pontiac Fiero", he was an acclaimed automotive designer at General Motors for 43 years. It were his ideas and perseverance that ultimately led to the birth of the Fiero in 1984. He will be greatly missed.

July 4th, 2010

The Pennock's Fiero Forum Address

(Apologies to A. Lincoln)

One score and six years ago Mr. Hulki Aldikacti brought forth on this continent a new car, conceived with imagination, and dedicated to the proposition that not all cars are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great debate, testing whether this car, or any car, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met in a great internet garage of that debate. We have come to dedicate a portion of that garage, as a final display place for pictures and tales of vehicles of others from all places, as a reminder, to those without Fieros and what they are missing. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not drive...we can not shift...we can not stop without an adequate supply of advice, repair parts and tools from this hallowed ground. The brave men, greasy and dirty, who struggle in garages everywhere, have stained the walls and floors, far above our poor power to clean or pick up. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what was and will be done here. It is for us, the drivers, rather, to be dedicated to the never ending work which they who labor here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that of maintaining the internal combustion engine and the complex sub-systems that honor the increased exhaust, devotion to the larger carbon foot print and the proper respect due to the biased ply tire. It is to that cause for which we give these few pictures and words of advice, as a measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these cars have not been built in vain—that this garage, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that the two seat automobile to which we have dedicated our lives, shall not perish from the earth.

- Art (a.k.a. "Vernon8360")

April 11th, 2010

Official PFF Merchandise

There are so many people selling PFF merchandise, I never bothered to actually create and sell my own. But a few years ago I figured it was about time so since then you can buy your "official" PFF merchandise from the PFF Shop! You can still get your merchandise from the unofficial sources too if you want. In fact, they often offer stuff I don't - like decals and such. So check out their shops too if you are looking for something specific.

The PFF Shop offers all kinds of merchandise like mugs, hats, shirts and mousepads. I also offer lots of merchandise with the "2K8 logo" I designed.

- Cliff

February 15th, 2010

Tyler Shipman

On sunday night February 14th 2010, Tyler Shipman passed away at the age of 18. It took me a while to put the news up here because I have been searching for the right words to say. And now, a day later I am still at a loss for words. There isn't anything I can say that would make this news less sad, or make the grieving process of his family and friends any easier.

I would like to extend my condolences to the Shipman family and everyone else who have been fortunate enough to be touched by his life.

Rest in peace, Tyler. You will never be forgotten.

- Cliff Pennock

February 5th, 2010

A Tyler Shipman Update

In a small town in Northwestern Minnesota, there is a young man fighting a battle that would cause many of us to run and hide from the world. But this is no ordinary young man, and this is no ordinary foe. This young man is a Pontiac Fiero enthusiast, and the foe is a rare and aggressive form of cancer.

Tyler Shipman, an 18 year old from Frazee, MN changed the lives of thousands of people around the world with one simple request. "I am in the hospital with cancer, and I can no longer work on my car. Can anyone help me?". Three weeks after that fateful post, 24 members of Pennock's Fiero Forum from all over the US flew or drove to Frazee to help Tyler with his request. Supported by untold numbers of fellow car enthusiasts from the US, Canada, Europe and Australia, as well as the local family friends and citizens from Frazee and the surrounding area, these people rebuilt Tyler's car from the ground up in less than 24 hours.

Money flooded in from numerous people around the world. Parts from many Fiero specific vendors as well as many local businesses poured in. Several business owners went out of their way to make sure that this "Dream Team" was able to complete the project on time, and with no shortcuts. A website was set up to provide a central location for everyone to watch. A local automotive shop owner and his hand picked crew donated the time and effort to install a high performance engine into the car for Tyler.

This occurred in November of 2009, and was well documented by the media crews that showed up to cover the event. The videos went up on Youtube, and thousands of people have seen them.

But behind all of this, there is a young man who fights for his life every day against a relentless aggressor. Tyler is 18 years old, and a senior at the high school in Frazee, MN. He is well known and and well liked by his class mates, and his teachers have repeatedly stated that he is one of their brightest pupils. He is a generous, good natured and kind hearted person who's zest for life have impacted everyone who calls him friend. Tyler is surrounded by a loving family. His mother, Daneele has a quality of writing that expresses the deep emotions that she feels while helping her son with his fight. His father, Jay is a quiet and stolid man with a gleam in his eye, and an unfathomable devotion to his family. Carter, Tyler's younger brother is Tyler's biggest fan. Inseparable, the two are alike in many ways. Tyler also has a younger sister named Cassie, who he loves very much. What all of this adds up to is a young man with a passion, a supportive family with many friends, and a cause.

Show your support for Tyler by visiting his Caring Bridge website and signing his guestbook. Donations, if you are so inclined can be made to the benefit fund at the bank in Frazee, with the information available at the above Caring Bridge site.

Tyler, the entire Fiero community stands with you, and you are in our prayers.

- Chris Kliewer ("Synthesis")

December 7th, 2009

A PFF Christmas Story

Twas The Night Before Christmas and somewhere on PFF,
N3M3S1S was bashing Pontiackid86, purely in jest.
The Christmas lights were strung across the banner atop the page,
And the Fiero was adorned with a hot looking cartoon babe.
Many members were making a last round sitting in their chair,
Reading the words and thoughts that the other members had chosen to share.
My wife came in after filling the stockings with a bunch of crap,
So I mixed some vodka and orange juice and offered her a nightcap.
When in Totally O/T I noticed a thread titled MERRY CHRISTMAS in letters all bold,
I clicked on the link contained within and got Rick Rolled.
Ctrl-Alt-Del I hit in a flash,
Clicked on "End Task" and got out of it at last.
The moon shined in our open window,
It lit up my screen with a subtle glow.
When, what from the corner of my eye in my window did appear?
A red Fiero being pulled by eight flaming reindeer.
With a little old driver, who was obviously overweight,
I think Santa could use a few Slim Fast shakes.
Faster than a Iron Duke that reindeer powered Fiero came,
And Santa honked the horn, and called them by name;
"Now Piston, Now Turbo, Now Octane and Gross Polluter,
On Super, On Charger, on NOS and Late Bloomer.
To the top of the garage! don't hit the wall!
Now bash away! smash away! thrash away all!
As dry leaves out from under a Fiero fly,
On a winding road going up a mountain towards the sky.
So up onto the garage those reindeer flew,
Dragging along that Fiero and Santa too.
And then, I cringed as I heard on the roof,
The pounding and banging of each flaming hoof.
As I ran down the stairs to make sure nothing fell to the ground,
St. Nicholas came down my chimney, it was a awful sound.
He was dressed all in fur, except for his belly,
His clothes were all smudged with grease and were rather smelly.
A bundle of presents he had in a gigantic sack,
And the look in his eyes was like the Pillsbury Dough Boy on crack!
His eyes strayed to a computer which was draped in holiday decorum,
He sat in the chair, typed "Fiero.nl" then clicked on "Forum".
He started perusing the "General Fiero Chat" section,
He visited several threads, I'll recap them in succession.
He checked out some picture of Delorean00's f355
This made him smile and his eyes came alive.
Fierox had posted his recent run times at the track,
The pictures of his snapped axels took Santa aback.
He checked out Tyler's Toy and let out a empathetic sigh,
I noticed as Santa read the story he had a tear in his eye.
It seemed that thread to him was a special one,
He commented how his work had already been done.
A thread titled "Girls with Fieros" got his attention,
But just then the internet dropped it's connection.
He tossed a bunch of gifts under the tree,
Threw some more stuff in the stockings; then turned and looked at me,
And jamming his finger up into his nose,
With a tickle of his brain, up the chimney he rose;
He jumped in the Fiero and blew the horn,
As they left my roof I noticed some shingles were torn.
But I heard Santa yell as he flew out of here,
"Merry Christmas to all, and don't forget to buy Cliff a beer!".

- David Hamilton ("Khw")

November 20th, 2009

Tyler's Dream

It all started with one post from a Frazee, Minnesota member "2.5fierose", a.k.a Tyler Shipman, explaining how he was terminally ill with an un-treatable form of cancer. He came to our community looking for help to get his '86 GT rebuilt before the spring/summer prognosis he was given. Not only is Tyler battling synovial sarcoma, he is doing so at the very young age of 18.

A thread was then started by Andrew Weigle ("Hulki U. My-BFF" on the forum) based upon a simple idea to help Tyler on his way, in the form of a new front bumper to replace his severely damaged one, with the PFF community donating toward the cost. Almost immediately, the community started pulling together to donate other parts that Tyler's car needed. Member Chris Kliewer ("Synthesis"), being a Minnesota resident as well as Tyler, knew this project could have much more potential to help him achieve his dream of a clean, beautiful, great running Fiero. Chris immediately started rallying the community together looking for parts, donations, and getting a group together to do a rebuild weekend on Tyler's car.

The response from PFF was overwhelming; the original thread itself has grown to over 50 pages in 2 weeks, has over 2,000 replies, and has been viewed almost 40,000 times. Chris and other members have contacted numerous vendors and businesses, and the generosity of the Fiero community continued. Thanks to members and vendors alike, we have had well into the tens of thousands of dollars worth of parts and labor donated toward Tyler's Toy, with support still pouring in. Along with parts and labor, there has been airfare donated, deeply discounted lodging for those participating on the rebuild weekend (dubbed The Tyler Project), food donations for the project, and much more. There has also been over $1400 in cash donated to help procure those hard to find parts, and help offset any last minute expenses that might pop up. Any cash left over at the end of this project will be donated to the Shipman Family.

As the day draws near for The Tyler Project to begin, Tyler is getting more and more excited. He can't wait to see his dream unveiled in front of him, and take it for it's first drive as a new car. Just as excited, the PFF community is anxiously waiting for the weekend of November 21st, to tear into Tyler's car and help transform it into the dream that he has envisioned. To put it in Andrew's Weigle's words: "as a community, Tyler, we thank you for allowing us to be there for you, and for helping us pull together. You will never fully know what you have done for us."

You can follow the progress on "Tyler's Toy" through a live video feed here. (feed no longer available)

- Cliff

January 13th, 2009

Happy Birthday PFF!!!

It's PFF's birthday?

Wow, congrats! So how old are you, I mean, PFF now?
PFF saw the light exactly 10 years ago today.

10 years! They grow up so fast, don't they?

So are you going to throw a party? Invite all of PFF's members for a beer?
Wish I could! But since there's an ocean between me and 99.99% of the members, that's not going to happen.

So what's with the new look? Is that because of PFF's birthday?
Yes. I hadn't changed PFF's look for 3 years and it was time for a change.

But I don't like the new look! I liked the old look better! Bring back the old look!
Yes, that's the reaction I got when I changed PFF's theme the last time. And the time before that, and before that, and - you catch my drift. Trust me, you'll get used to it!

So why aren't you making a big deal out of PFF's birthday? With contests, give aways, prizes, parties, scantily dressed women?
I changed the theme didn't I? That's a big deal to me!

Ok, well, happy birthday then!
Thank you!

Update: Yes, the new look has come and gone. I've reverted back to the old theme. I got a lot of mixed reactions to the new color scheme. Some were positive, some were negative, some were downright nasty. In all honesty, it was what I expected as they were the exact same reactions I got when I changed themes in the past. But the main reason I changed it back is because people couldn't read it because it was way too dark. Now it didn't display too dark on my (calibrated) monitors here, and in fact, I always made sure there was at least a 20% luminosity difference between text and its background. That should be easily distinguishable - most monitors should be able to display more than 5 gray scales.

Oh well.

January 1st, 2009

Happy New Year!

2008 will probably not be remembered as the best of years, but it will most certainly be remembered as an "eventful" year. It's the year the United States of America elected its first black president, where we saw the beginning of what's already the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression, where the Fiero celebrated its 25th anniversary, where oil prices sky-rocketed to all time highs and where the world did not end when the Large Hadron Collider was fired up for the first time.

2008 is also the year PFF finally got its well-deserved new server. The transition went smooth and silently and since the new server was installed in August, it has been purring like a kitten. One of the nice things of the new server is that it can handle a much bigger load than the old server, making it no longer necessary to archive threads every three months. So if you were wondering why no 2008 threads were archived - that's why.

And if you were wondering what PFF is today, here are the yearly stats:

In 2008, 26,672 new threads have been started and 368,540 new messages have been posted (which averages to 1,007 new messages per day!). This brings the totals to 251,355 threads and 2,887,396 messages! PFF now has 16,704 members and attracted a total of 15,432,633 visitors. And an interesting, new statistic: in 2008, PFF received 19,994 spam registrations, of which only 1 got past PFF's automatic spam filter.

- Cliff

July 26th, 2008

Pontiac Fiero 25th Anniversary - Day 3 (By Mark Duford)

The big show is finally here. There is such a buzz in the air as I spoke to folks in and around the hotel grounds. Everyone was walking about 2 feet off the ground.

The first big event happened around 7 AM. 2 large trucks pulled up carrying the 9 GM Fiero Prototypes. They off loaded the cars and brought them into the lot and placed them in a nice picturesque area for the 25th participants to view. This was a huge highlight of the day. Around 11 AM, Mike Kelly, former Fiero plant employee drove in his Fiero. Mike's car is the last Fiero off the assembly line, and it was placed next to the First Fiero. It is a Red 1988 GT.

Fiero fanatics from all over the US & Canada (we even had a guest from Great Britian & Japan) went into the lot early and were detailing their cars, sharing stories and drinking coffee, getting ready for the show. Judging began at 10 AM, and ran until 4 PM.

A few (3 was my count) Indy Pace Car Go-carts were seen buzzing around the lot over the weekend, with a number of Fiero fans driving them around the lot with large grins on their faces.

The cars, the reason we were all there, were simply incredible, from stock to wild, the lot was filled with any type of Fiero one could imagine. It was very cool to get up close and personal with a couple of private owned prototypes (DGP & Yellow PPG) as well as check out the cars up close that we see in pictures here on PFF.

After the show, I heard a few went out to cruise Telegraph Road (US-24), while others chilled out in the pool, and others hung out in the lot. 7 PM beverages were served, and at 8 PM the banquet began. There were some introductions, and then dinner. Dinner was followed by the awards ceremony and guest speaker presentations. This years guest speakers were: Gary Witzenburgh, author of the book "Fiero," John Albert, Designer of the Fiero Pegasus logo, Alex Mayer, Former Vice President of Pontiac Motor Division, and John Callies, Former head of Pontiac Motorsports, the person responsible for building the Indy Pace Car, and driver of the Pace car at the 1984 Indy 500.

A full list of winner will be posted later. Look for more photos in the photo thread.

I spoke with a number of people, and all had good things to say about the entire weekend.

Thank you to all who attended and made the 25th Anniversary Show such a great event! It was awesome to see a lot of old friends as well as new faces.

- Mark Duford

July 25th, 2008

Pontiac Fiero 25th Anniversary - Day 2 (By Mark Duford)

Here is the itinerary of today's events:

Cars & Coffee with the Georgia Fiero Club7 AM – 10 AM
Registration in Hotel Lobby8 AM – 10 PM
25th Anniversary Merchandise sales
(Indoors at the Registration Desk)
8 AM – 10 PM
Car WashAll Day
Car Classification8 AM - DUSK
Photo Shoot
(Immediately after your car is classified)
Vendor Set up and Sales. Indoors and OutdoorsALL DAY
Fiero Clubs Table Displays (Indoors)ALL DAY
View Fiero historical articles in hospitality room6 PM - 8 PM
GM Heritage Center Tour (pre-registration only)
Meet in Hotel lobby at 12:30 PM
6400 Center Drive, Sterling Heights, MI 48312
2 - 5 PM
Dave & Buster Dinner
45511 Park Avenue Utica, MI 48315 (586-930-1515)
6 PM – ???
Telegraph Cruise
(Ideal event for those not going to Dave & Buster’s. Maps available at Registration desk)
All Day
High Speed Go-Carts at Race Rochester
153 East Tienken, Rochester Hills. (248) 656 - RACE
After Dave & Buster Dinner
View 1988 GT at local McDonald’s Restaurant
30807 Woodward Ave, Royal Oak, MI (248) 435-3160
All Day
Photo Opportunity with Fiero Reunion Banner
(no charge, gather your friends and club members, taken
with your camera)
All Day

- Mark Duford

July 24th, 2008

Pontiac Fiero 25th Anniversary - Day 1 part 2 (By Mark Duford)

Weather was outstanding today. We had 18 Fieros out on the Waterford Hill Track as well as numerous spectators in the stands. Brian Geyser did an awesome job running the event. A big thanks to the Golden Gate Fiero Club for all of their hard work on this one!

We also had a very large number of folks head off to the GM World Headquarters (Ren Cen) in Downtown Detroit for a tour of the building. I did not attend the event, but I was told that there were close to 90 Fiero Fanatics in attendance.

Here at the hotel, registration officially opened, and cars and their owners went through the classification process. At 5:00 PM the Fiero Tailgate party took place out in the parking lot, with Fiero lovers eating hamburgers & hot dogs and drinking their favorite beverage.

At last count we have 107 cars in the lot.

- Mark Duford

July 23rd/24th, 2008

Pontiac Fiero 25th Anniversary - Day 1 (By Mark Duford)

Today was very busy doing last minute preparations. I spent the day working on some things for the banquet, and on the phone. I finally decided it was time to get to Pontiac and left home around 4:00 PM.

I hit the host hotel around 5 PM to see about 15 - 20 Fieros already in the lot. I ran into ohioindy and Mrs. RAREW66 in the lot. Later in the evening I spoke with jbrown, Fierochic88, blakeinspace and a number of other PFF members (I am bad with names, so I am sorry that I could not remember everyone here.)

I took a few photos of the lot last night and put them into the "Official Pictures Thread".

July 24th

I took a few pictures this morning of the lot. There are a few cars and we are expecting more today.

The Track Day at Waterford Hills is the big event today! We also will be having the GM World HQ Tour and a tailgate party in the parking lot at 5 PM.

Here is the itinerary of today's events:

Cars & Coffee with the Georgia Fiero Club7 AM – 10 AM
Registration in Hotel Lobby1 PM - 5 PM & 6PM – 8 PM
25th Anniversary Merchandise sales
(Indoors at the Registration Desk)
1 PM - 5 PM & 6 PM – 8 PM
Car WashAll Day
Car Classification1 PM - DUSK
Photo Shoot
(Immediately after your car is classified)
Vendor Set up and Sales. Indoors and Outdoors1 PM – 8 PM
Fiero Clubs Table Displays (Indoors)1 PM - 8 PM
Track Day with Golden Gate Fiero Club
At the Waterford Hills Road Race Track located on the
grounds of the Oakland County Sportsmen’s Club,
4770 Waterford Road, Clarkston, MI 48346.
9 AM - 5 PM (Tentative)
GM World Headquarters Tour
Meet in Hotel lobby at 1 PM
1 - 4 PM
Fiero Tailgate Party in Host Hotel Parking Lot5 PM – 8 PM
View 1988 GT at local McDonald’s Restaurant
30807 Woodward Ave, Royal Oak, MI (248) 435-3160
All Day
Photo Opportunity with Fiero Reunion Banner
(no charge, gather your friends and club members, taken
with your camera)
All Day

- Mark Duford

July 23rd, 2008

Pontiac Fiero 25th Anniversary!

Tomorrow is the day! This is surely going to be a historic event and I really wish I could be there, but my schedule simply doesn't allow for it. Trust me, I'm incredibly disappointed about that. Anyways, fortunately Mark Duford will keep us absentees updated about what's going on there.

- Cliff

January 4th, 2008

Happy New Year!

As always, I need to apologize for the lack of updates to the main page (this page). It's not that I don't want to update, it's that I really don't have the time to do so. I'd rather spend my time writing additions to the forum since that's where all the action is. I've added lots of stuff in 2007 although I honestly can't remember what exactly. :) I know I've added links to individual posts (so you can link to a specific post inside a thread instead of to the thread itself), an I added a link inside the thread itself to directly add it to your favorites. Oh and I added of course the much requested feedback system for The Mall! Oh and automatically truncating links, YouTube videos, links to subsections from the "Hop To" drop down lists, and a whole bunch of other small additions and fixes. I also did a lot of optimization to the software causing it to run much, much faster in some respects. Most of the time PFF is blazingly fast - considering that for most of you, the PFF server is on the other side of the Atlantic!

But all that means I hardly have any time left writing stuff for the main page. So again, if you have anything newsworthy for the main page, shoot me an email! Heck, maybe you think you will be a great editor running the main page, collecting and editing stories - that's fine too. Again, shoot me an email.

And how about them yearly stats? Here they are: In 2007, 27,118 new threads have been started and 338,749 new messages have been posted (which averages to 928 new messages per day!). This brings the totals to 224,683 threads and 2,519,080 messages! PFF now has 15,205 members and attracted a total 13,114,586 visitors.

For those of you keeping track, you'll notice the number of new threads/messages has dropped quite a bit in 2007. About 2,000 less threads were started, and 15,000 less messages were posted in 2007 than in 2006. Does this mean perhaps that less people are visiting PFF? No, it just means that people apparently have better running cars. :) In 2007, more people registered for PFF than in 2006. Also, PFF received more hits in 2007 than in 2006. And traffic? Traffic has nearly doubled in 2007!

If you wonder what I have in store for 2008, I have many plans. There will be less additions to the forum itself, but many additions to the site. What that exactly means... Well, I guess you just have to wait. ;)

- Cliff

January 11th, 2006

Building a 500+HP Fiero

Many people familiar with the LS1 engine manufactured by General Motors immediately think of the Corvette or Camaro at the mention of this high horsepower motor; few think of a Fiero. Few people, that is, except for those who have seen Nick Wagoner’s LS1-powered notchback. This little car packs a punch, with the 5.7 litre LS1 with an LS6 intake manifold and ported throttle body. The car’s intake was built from 3.5” stainless steel mandrel bent tubing. As if the LS1 wasn’t enough on it’s own, Nick and his father, Greg, custom installed a 150 shot of nitrous with a kit from TNT Nitrous.

In order to feed this monster more efficiently, an MSD in-line fuel pump was installed to keep the unregulated pressure over 70 PSI with a flow rate of up to eighty gallons per hour. A Mallory external bypass pressure regulator was also added to achieve exactly 58 PSI of output pressure. The exhaust system is composed of custom long-tube headers that are 1.75” in diameter and thirty inches in length. They connect to 3” collectors that are 12” long with crossover. The exhaust is finished off with two 3” FlowMaster mufflers.

The transmission of this car is currently in progress. It had been driven with a four speed Muncie that was modified to contain a wide gear ratio that was set to reduce RPM’s in fourth gear. This modification increased fuel mileage to 25mpg on the highway, certainly an accomplishment for any V8. Additionally, the changed set-up of the transmission allowed the car to achieve a top speed of 184 mph (calculated, not measured). The transmission featured a Centerline clutch and flywheel. After two months of success with this transmission, it ultimately decided to give up the ghost. A Getrag five speed has been installed and is currently in the fine-tuning process.

Handling of this car has improved after years of experience by the Wagoner’s in SCCA auto crossing. Upgraded to light weight wheels and tires, performance springs, shocks, stabilizer bar, solid motor and cradle mounts the car was further improved with modifications to rid it of bump steer. All of these enhancements greatly improved the cornering abilities of this Fiero.

The maximum power of the car, as seen by the displayed dyno graph sheet, is 508.8 bhp at 5343 RPM. The maximum torque is 542.9FT pounds at 4363 RPM. Both measurements were achieved at the rear wheels. This high horsepower machine is outfitted with racing brakes and pads to improve it’s stopping capabilities. It weighs 2920 lbs with Nick inside. This machine though is not built for speed alone! That weight measurement also includes a 10 disc Sony CD changer, Jenson 300 watt amplifier and two custom subwoofers placed behind the seats.

This car was a complete father and son project. It took exactly a year to complete. It is certainly no surprise that the license plate reads “KWIK CAR.” It certainly is one!

- Jen (Fierochic88)

January 11th, 2006

PFF for PDA! Again!

Apparantly, the PDA version of PFF is being used more than I thought. So those of you that do probably noticed I made several changes to it. The most notable being that you can now post new topics and reply to existing ones! Cool, no? :)

PFF Poll

How many Fieros do you own?

I don't own a Fiero
More than 3