7. Go to the car and make a line 2 1/2" from the base of the passenger wiper shaft.
8. There is a hole on the left side of the latch that the tool must be inserted. If you line up the tape on the tool with the edge of the hood you will be in the correct depth. If you stay square with you line beside the wiper you should be in the right location. Practice on a car that you can see what you are doing first. On the left lower edge of the latch mechanism is a keeper that holds the latch shut. With a twist of the tool the mechanism is released. You can try it with a screwdriver just to see how it works.
9. You will insert the tool under the foam seal that is attached to the hood and the tool will be straight up. Insert tool to the depth of the tape on the tool. You will have to feel around with the tool to be sure you are in the hole.
10. Twist the tool clockwise while holding pressure against the tip. You want to press the tip downward while keeping pressure toward the passenger side. You will soon hear a pop hopefully.
Good Luck!
[This message has been edited by skitime (edited 03-14-2001).]