Are there are technical drawings available for the Fiero? I am interested in as many views as possible, and definitely could use a side view. I could measure and create them but that's a little too time consuming. I really would like to have more that show the main frame sections, and if possible, have measurements.
I am working the design for my cage and suspension. I will need to show my design drawings to the inspector to make sure that my idea will pass. I want my car to have the 7.50 certification. Nope, I ain't planning on going that fast but it's a nice "feature" to have! 
I remember seeing a pic or drawing of the space frame - minus bodywork - in an old kit car guide or something but can't remember what I did with it. These are from an old Fiero Plus catalog, and my Haynes manual.
[This message has been edited by perkidelic (edited 10-11-2002).]