welcome. Yes, a S10 crank will fit, and increase your durability. It looks completly different then the crank in the motor now, but it will fit.
If you want really steep gears, look into the 84's for there 4 speed transmissions, Most of them are 4.10:1 final drive, a bit steep for highway use but excelent for off the line torque, and perhaps mountian climbing

to do the conversion you'd need a shifter and cables, a slave cylender and transmission brackets. (someone correct me if i'm wrong)
To tell the 4.10 from the other transmissions in the 84, open the hood (front) and there is a sticker on the drivers side wheel well, if M19 is among the list, its a 4.10. If its M17, its not. MD9 is an automatic, just incase you come across that.