DO NOT put a roof rack on Fiero and expect it to hold and significant load. The fiberglass or whatever it is will likely break and let the whole mess fly the first time a stiff wind gust hits it. The roof is only held in place by some glue and a few stud. Most of which is not at the edge where you need the strenth for a rack to grab.
I have the factory deck lid rack on mine. I've used it on occasion. If you have something heavy, run a strap under the lid somehow. (Make sure the strap won't get into engine parts.) The rack ancors aren't very strong, partly because they too are in fiberglass. The rack eyes could be made stronger if larger washers are placed under the lid to spread the load but there are limits on that.
An idea I have been playing with but haven't had time to test...
Put a rack bar on the roof for the front of a bike to sit on. Put the other part on the deck lid. The idea is to strap the bike so wind loads etc are mainly on the deck lid. The lid appears to be stronger than the roof.
RIP Crew of Columbia. 01-Feb-03