Thanks Ogre
Unfortunaly my digital camera is toast

I used my Web Cam to get the pics and that is the best it could do.
Good catch, it is actually a 1 and 1/16th socket
1" is just a tad to loose and tends to move around but in a pinch it will work
I have had success in knocking the hub shaft out by just holding it in my hand. It is really not that tight to where a puller is needed.
I used standard heavy duty bearing grease, the same used for taper bearings.
I do agree that if the bearing is already making noise then it is shot, however the seals can be salvaged just in case you need one later.
You could damage the bearing cage and or seal. Worse, get dirt in the grease and mess up the bearing after a few miles.
Like any other seal replacement or bearing repack great care must be taken to ensure no damage will happen and no dirt gets in the grease.
However like every other bearing on the car it is essential to repack them every so often to ensure long life.
Granted 99.99% of fiero rear bearings have never been repacked since new, I figured why push it.
The bearing hub pictured above was freshly done a month ago but I decided to take it apart and show all. The bearing was not making any noise. When I originaly took it apart the grease was a bit on the dry side for my liking.
One other thing worth noting is the ball type bearings can handle MUCH higher loads than a taper bearing can and does not need to be serviced as often.
When you think about it the rear bearings on my 185,000 mile car have never been repacked. That tells ya 2 things about the bearing.
1 it will last a long time.
2 I had better repack them soon. 
[This message has been edited by 84Bill (edited 07-04-2003).]