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  Engine to chassis ground strap?

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Engine to chassis ground strap? by smokinjoefission
Started on: 01-16-2004 01:14 AM
Replies: 4
Last post by: jetman on 01-18-2004 10:47 AM
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Report this Post01-16-2004 01:14 AM Click Here to See the Profile for smokinjoefissionClick Here to visit smokinjoefission's HomePageSend a Private Message to smokinjoefissionDirect Link to This Post
Hi All,

I had an interesting thing happen today. Driving around in my 86 SE 2.8, I noticed that the stereo cut out when I hit the brakes, every time. I tried a few other electrical items (turn signals, headlights) and the same thing happened. Now, it's not a stock stereo, and I did the installation, so I know it was done right (not bragging, just a big fan of soldered connections, proper connectors, heat shrinking and taking my time).

I noticed that all of the electrical items in the car were behaving slower or dimmer than before, plus the strange stereo behaviour, so I started to worry that my alternator was gone and the battery was running down. By this time, the turn signals were so slow, if they came on at all. I had a quick stop and checked to make sure that I hadn't thrown my alternator/water pump belt; it was fine.

Worried about shutting the engine off before getting home, I kept the car at about 40mph, and turned the engine off, then tried the starter (if the battery was dead, there wouldn't be enough to crank it over and I had enough momentum to get it started again by popping the clutch). Lots of juice, the car started right away.

I got home ok, and just had a chance to test a few things: battery with engine off measure 13.5 V. When the engine's running, there's 14.8 V at the terminals, so the charging system and battery's fine. Now, this was in the dark (I was using a flash light) and I must have brushed something 'cause I saw the final remains of a ground wire glow yellow and burn out. There was a green wire, about 18 guage, that came from the terminal block beside the battery and to a ground point on the engine.

I turned off the engine, replaced the wire, cleaned up the ground point and everything seems mostly fine. I say mostly, because when the headlights are on, the stereo on, and I flip the heater blower to high, the stereo still powers off then back on again.

Anyway, to make a long post short (sorry, too late, I know) I can't seem to remember ever seeing a ground strap from the engine/transmission to the firewall or other frame member like every other car I've owned. I didn't see mention of it in my Haynes manual (not that that means anything), but began to wonder if all the return current for the accessories was returning through that skinny little ground wire. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the previous owners removed it at some point and never put it back, as the car was a basket case when I got it (that's a story for another post).

So can anyone tell me if I'm on the right track and if so, where would I look to see if my tempermental little car is missing a ground strap?



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Report this Post01-16-2004 07:42 AM Click Here to See the Profile for fierohohoSend a Private Message to fierohohoDirect Link to This Post
Yep, should be several ground points for the engine.

I'll give you what I know from my 84 SE

One is a braided strap from the right deck lid hinge bolt to the front right corner of the head.

Another is from the frame to the left of the transmission to a bolt that holds the transmission to the engine, there should be several wires and the tach filter grounded there so it's easy to find.

Another is the extra wire from the negative battery cable, it grounds to the back left corner of the battery tray.

There are several other grounds that are scattered around the car; ECM, headlights...ect


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Report this Post01-16-2004 09:54 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Dragon1Send a Private Message to Dragon1Direct Link to This Post
Check the connections on the steel plate mounted to the underside of the rear decklid, I understand this panel is there to ward off electricl disturbances from the ignition or something.
Make sure to check the connection on both ends of the wire.


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Report this Post01-18-2004 03:29 AM Click Here to See the Profile for ImmortalFireflyClick Here to visit ImmortalFirefly's HomePageSend a Private Message to ImmortalFireflyDirect Link to This Post
I also noticed that (not every time) but when I would hit the brakes, sometimes the stereo would just simply cut out. I have a 2.5L Manual and I do know of a...well I know of one ground. It is the one that seems to go from the area to the right of the battery....or is it the the top right side of the head. I'll have to check some more spots but I've been constantly thinking that I have a bad ground in my car. In other news, I got my '84 today. Dang I'm excited to work on it on Monday! It'll need some help but maybe I'll make a post about that later on. Sorry to invade the thread but can anybody tell me of grounds in the engine compartment that would affect the engine and/or the electrical inside the car? Maybe I have the grounds or the bolts there, but they could just be totally fried off. Also, Rich had an idea of putting a ground from the EGR to the top right side of the head, would this help in my 2.5L or not?


PM me if that would be easier


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Report this Post01-18-2004 10:47 AM Click Here to See the Profile for jetmanClick Here to visit jetman's HomePageSend a Private Message to jetmanDirect Link to This Post
Brakes and stereo cutting out sounds like a faulty fuse. My stereo was cutting out when I opened the door, found out it was just a fuse. I had to purchase a $5 electrontic wizzmo fuse checker at auto parts store to help me find the bad fuse. Something about these Fiero's, the electrical current will try to flow through other circuits when a fuse is blown.
By the way, I purchased a huge braided strap for under $8 at parts store, cleaned everything to bare metal, dielectric grease, I like good grounds.

Silver 86 SE 2M6 4-speed, with "check wallet light"

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