Which ever pump you run you need a regulator.
You can buy a pump and a regulator or just a regulator.
I bought the Mallory bypass regulator.
The Holley pump above is a good type of pump, and it will need a regulator. But they are nice pumps and easy to service.
If I had a choice, I would go all firewall mount for ease of service, but that means dropping and modding the tank inputs. I went for using the existing tank hookups and then new 3/8" from there to the firewall mounted regulator assembly using the oe V6 fuel pump.
This pic is of my regulator setup backwards. (I took the pic before I realized it was backwards.)
One 3/8" in, one 3/8" return, one bleeder 3/8 " to the carb.
EDIT - note the 1/4 end on the bypass. That was also changed to 3/8" after I found a 3/8" fitting for my carb.
[This message has been edited by Arns85GT (edited 04-05-2004).]